Martial Art that gathers Mana

—South District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Stacia and Rea finished taking a bath and went out of the bathtub to wear their clothes in the changing area of the bathroom.

"Weird, are you really taller than me?" Rea asked Stacia.

"That's what you get for relying on heels too much, it kind of messes with your perception of others, I try not to use them too much," Stacia answered.

"I understand that much, you are older than me, right?" Rea responded, asking her.

"I'm 30 already, how about you?" Stacia asked after answering her question.

"I'm 25, damn, you're 30? You look so pretty, I already look like 35 since I'm not only sleep-deprived but also don't do much makeup or vitamins," Rea answered.