Principe VS Princesia


Finn successfully hit Samael, first in midair and then landing on him after he crashed down, using two Power Fists, enough to knock Samael out of the hypnosis of Principe, at least, just for a moment.

"Hey! You good?" Finn asked.

"Thank you… human mortal… but it's… not yet… done, we… still need… to do… something," Samael replied, instructing him.

"I'm all ears, what do I need to do?" Finn responded, asking him.

"You have… Mana, right?" Samael asked him.

"I don't know what that means, but the other Angels like Zach and Penny said I do, Princess even confirmed it," Finn answered.

"If Zach and Penny are with him and Princesia, that means they are here to stop Principe, I can trust him, even Penny," Samael thought.