
—Northeast District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"…what's wrong, Stacia?" Alex asked.

I then sat down…

"Are you lying, Alex, did you kill Ayer just to do all of this? Surely not, right?" I asked him.

He paused for a second, realizing what I meant.

"I'm not but I now notice that I really can't prove that, I mean Mr. Scope, back then, prevented Ayer to kill the Lanima Leaders, all I did is try to detain him but back then, I can easily kill people with my Super Soldier strength and my Reigns, and when I was forced to kill him because he was persistent, that's when I realize that I needed to seal away my strength to kill anyone, Mr. Scope helped me with that, one it's because I can't control my strength, and two because I'm scared of killing anyone again," Alex explained, answering my question.