I'm Alex Fury

—The Octagon, Zonque Country; Lanima Region

Alex teleported to the lobby of the Octagon, where the headquarters of the Lanima Leaders, after Mr. Scope informed him that…

"Mr. Hugo! Ayer Oighear proceeded to The Octagon. He's plotting to assassinate the Lanima Leaders," Mr. Scope told him through their earbuds.

The lobby of The Octagon is in disarray because there is so many Ice structure that Ayer created to stop all the guards and people that tried to halt them, there are even dead people in areas.

"Sht, am I too late?" Alex thought, asking himself as he looks around.

"Mr. Scope, where are the Leaders?!" Alex called, asking him.

"They're underground, go to one of the Levitators in the central lobby and it will transfer you there," Mr. Scope answered, giving him details.

He also sent his right Scope eye a visual of The Octagon map.