Saved Nansiga Province

—Nansiga Province, Lanima Region

After they rode the helicopter…

"Your right arm is devastated from that!" Finn shouted, shocked.

"I can still use Reign so." Alex used Reality Manipulation Reign to create a pseudo arm, "I'll have to be of inconvenience to you again, Mr. Scope," he said.

"You're not one, we're able to finally stop this monster, so that's something to celebrate and even reward you of even," Mr. Colyde responded, reassuring him.

"I notice your tone and way of talking started easing down, the first time I and Stacia met you, your phrases are way too complex than we are used to," Alex told him.

"That's because that's how I am to strangers, for me, you're not strangers anymore, think of it as a sign of my respect," Mr. Colyde responded.