Look away

—Oner Rango, Viktoria City; Lanima Region

"People of Viktoria City, say hello to the Assassin of the East!" Digo shouted to the mic.

"His identity is not a myth anymore, it's all my fault, his activities will be hindered because of me!" Suzan was angry with herself.

"The man that was said to have killed thousands of individuals in Viktoria City! I will eradicate this city of its assassins, the era of assassins in Viktoria City ends here, by imprisoning the Assassin of the East, punished with a death sentence!" Digo declared.

"The room is surrounded by official officers of Viktoria City, laser guns, photon shields, and protective gear that I believe came from Dotun City, how are we getting out of this, East? The world has exposed you, I wouldn't be surprised if you surrendered," Suzan thought, analyzing their surroundings.