Cosmic Surge Event Origin

—Nansiga Province, Lanima Region

Knowing of Mr. Scope's death, knowing that they had to make the portal work, and knowing that if they fail this, they'll never be able to get a second chance again and they'll never receive help from Scope University like before, Gerald was stressed out inside.

They went on with assembling the prebuilt two-way portals in the Nansiga Tech Convention, they have about 6 hours before the Tech Convention opens, it's currently 2 am in the early morning.

"How are the two portals coming?" Gerald asked the scientists.

"The builders are almost done, there are no issues in the assembly after checking multiple times,"

"The Space Unifier?" Gerald asked.

"It will be done earlier since we just have to assemble the two parts of it and input the program we coded," Raven answered, giving her tablet to him.