Project: Save Nansiga Province

—Nansiga Province, Lanima Region

Going back to the present, as I'm finishing up telling the whole story of how the Cosmic Surge Even happened, how it began…

"…after the CSE occurred, Reigners started popping up, the Dotun Chaos happened, Alex Fury got hailed as the leader of the Reigners, and the city started settling down, except for Nansiga Province," I said, finishing the whole story of Gerald, my son, who's now inside of a monster in the middle of the province, protecting the land.

I gave an abbreviated story of Gerald to not waste his time but I can't help but remember everything that happened in my son's life, at least, what Steven had told me.

"I also heard Mr. Gerald's friend, Steven Xoof is still alive, is it okay to call him? I would also like to ask him a few questions," Mr. Scope asked me.