Expelled Revenge

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"Wherever those bastards are, I'm going to kill them!"

As Gerald and Steven were complacent about their early days in Scope University, they weren't aware of a certain bully's threat after infiltrating the university's grounds, despite getting expelled by the principal after stalking and extorting money on one of the university's aces.

The next day arrived, Gerald and Steven are in the old ground's old stadium again, the OGOS, after they did an hour of jogging, to train again, they did decide to train every other day, which is a total of 3 to 4 times training in a week.

"Gerald! Ready to do the exercises again?" Steven asked him enthusiastically.

"I'm lucky I have a big list of audiobooks to listen to, I'll definitely be so bored," Gerald said.