I want to fight Alex

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"Why do you want me to fight that thing?! Rald could just trash me around!" Alex shouted, asking Mr. Colyde.

"Aren't you underestimating yourself, Alex, you've been enhanced by 5 of the strongest Super Soldier Serums my company had to offer, which effectively enhanced your strange martial arts that even we or our technology cannot identify, without Finn around, do you think both of us together can face Rald?" Mr. Colyde explained, asking him.

"But I have all the Reigns I've absorbed, you can now recover yourself from getting shattered, right? And Gerald can now control his Reign energy, can you return to your human form, Gerald?" Alex replied and then asked him.

Gerald then absorbed Rald and returned to his human form.