The Founders of Reigner Corp

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"So he's a Reigner too, so what Stacia said earlier, any Reigner that defies him is dead, I guess he isn't defying himself," Alex thought

"Mr. Scope! I'm Alexander Hugo, Dr. Inuim sent me here, she's with me," Alex shouted, introducing himself while still locked up in an Earth constraint—keeping them in place.

"I'm Stacia Thiwang," Stacia said, introducing herself.

"His grip on us is so tight that I want to know how strong of a Reigner Mr. Scope is. He's definitely a stronger Earth Control Reigner than anyone I've met, including me," Alex thought.

"I'm lucky I can activate my Reign whenever in danger, I don't feel the grip of Mr. Scope's Earth bound, also, Mr. Scope is a Reigner!?!? A powerful one too" Stacia thought, shocked that Mr. Scope is a Reigner.