Home Visit

—Northwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Kinglyn was the one who woke up later because his stamina wasn't as great as the others, Alex, Stacia, Rea, Bob, and Wey were already awake.

Alex and Rea are currently teaching them how to meditate and gather Mana, since they are Reigners, they are already capable of storing Mana.

"It's easier than I thought, I thought it was complicated since Mr. Scope is taking much time to analyze the remnants that we were gathering for him," Stacia said as she begins meditating and gathering Mana.

"That's because he isn't just analyzing how to meditate and gather Mana, remember, each of those remnants also contains the spells that the magic monsters could cast, depending on what magic monsters they are," Rea responded.