The Kings first Meeting

—Oner Rango, Viktoria City; Lanima Region

After Part and Suzan left Viktoria City, the Agent of the Great ℒ then began terrorizing Viktoria City, cursing all the people he met under his command, removing their freedom, and making them his slaves.

The Agent was taught how to use curses, he's cursed to use the limbs of the Dark Octopus, a monster that has endless tentacles and feelers.

And so, he cursed everyone in Viktoria City to be under his command, following him and the Great ℒ, making them all do forced labor, becoming lifeless soldiers, and worshippers of the Great ℒ.

"ALL THAT IS LEFT TO DO IS TURN THESE PEOPLE INTO THE PUPPETS THEY'RE NURTURED TO BE," The Agent said after gathering everyone in Oner Rango for one last worship service.

He then summoned a giant magic circle above Viktoria City.