Magic for Everyone

—Northeast District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

Alex just destroyed the spawn crystal of the orcs, they are big but slow monsters so Alex picked them last in his magic monster hunting while Kinglyn is gone with Mr. Colyde.

"I guess that is all for the magic monsters for the day, we are lucky that they only appear every morning, it will be difficult for the people if they come out at night," Alex murmured to himself after handling the last magic monsters.

"I can do many all-nighters but I don't think anyone except me can do that since my Super Soldier serums that were injected into me allows me to do that," Alex thought.

When he is about to gather the orb's remnant, there is an orc that was still alive, it jumped on Alex.

"Oh, I missed one?" Alex asked as he turns around at the remaining orc.