Vengeance and Reclamation

—Southwest District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

A few hours ago, Kemuri and Magun are having a conversation while they were about to destroy the Plasma barrier of the Southwest District.

They're currently locating the final device that's still powering the Plasma barrier in the underground tunnel under the Plasma barrier's central control.

There are four devices that are powering the Plasma barriers, at least the latest one that I had first set up in the North District, to which I have now laid out on other districts that have not yet been touched by the Reigners, by Kemuri's Reigners to be precise.

Granted, those districts were affected by Kemuri's Reign, but that's because I didn't know better and never heeded his warning fully, now that he crossed that line, I'm not holding anything back, I will take him, Magun, and their Reigners down.

"Magun, why are you angry towards Mr. Colyde?" Kemuri asked him.