Reigner's Test

—North District, Dotun City; Lanima Region

"But that's an even more violation of the Reigner law placed in Lanima Region, Alex, what if they found out that he's not a Reigner?" Stacia asked him.

"If they found out, right now, only a handful of people know that he's not but if he does Reigner activities like normal, he wouldn't be mistaken as one. Take us to his office, we'll need to brief him about Valtazar's presence in Reigner Corp," Alex answered, requesting her to teleport them to the S-1 Branch of Scope Enterprise.

"And here I thought I'm not allowed to use my actual Reign, only how I use it before," Stacia said, standing next to Alex.

She then teleported them to Mr. Scope's office to tell him about Finn.


When they arrived there…