"If you are a spy and this whole time you have been double-crossing me when I have been kind to you, remember that I will find a way to kill you. Thankfully, that will never happen because you and I are friends, right?" She glanced to her side at Cyrus.
"Of course. One day I will tell you my life story and I promise you, I don't plan to hurt you. You are very kind, princess."
"I told you to call me by my name when we are alone. Everyone else calls me princess. I like to hear my name every once in a while," said Amelia.
"Noted. Can I ask you a question, Amelia?" He took his eyes off of their surroundings to look at her.
"Go ahead. I have nothing better to do," she replied, bored with looking outside already.
"Why do you keep going against your father when you know he is going to find some way to torment you? No matter what you do right, he doesn't acknowledge it and scolds you for the way you speak to him. Why haven't you given up yet?" Cyrus asked what was on his mind for a while after observing her.
"I started off as the obedient child yearning for her father's attention and you know what that got me, nothing. Just days repeating themselves where I sat like a doll listening to him say things I didn't agree with but I kept my mouth shut. What was the point of living like that? I don't care how much he might try to torment me, I prefer to speak up about what I don't like. I really hate being told to sit pretty and keep quiet."
"I will say it is entertaining for me to watch you go toe to toe with your father each time the two of you run into each other. My people would love you for that," said Cyrus. It was interesting to see firsthand that the Blackwells weren't as perfect as they portrayed themselves to be.
"Glad that it entertains someone. The coachman is taking the trail to head to the border. Mr. Crook is a liar. My father would have never been so close to the border when the northern king currently wants his head but it is true the village this way supplies a lot of crops to us. What have you heard about the fight at the border?" Amelia used Cyrus's skills to listen to the news of the war from the warriors returning to share the news with her father.
"It has been a good fight from each side but the last update was king Killian killing a lot of your men. I don't know what else has happened since then. I don't think the war has reached the side we are going to as yet but I will keep an eye out," Cyrus went back to looking outside the carriage.
He had spectacular eyesight that outmatched the guards in the Blackwell castle.
"At the first sight of danger order the coachman to retreat back to the castle. Innocent men should not get into an unnecessary fight because of my father toying with me," Amelia kept looking outside to be of some use to look out for danger.
The carriage became silent as the journey continued. The carriage was almost three hours away from the castle and a couple of minutes away from the village she was meant to go to. The area they were in was a lot chillier than Amelia was used to since it was close to the border where snow fell on the mountains the northerners live upon.
In a distance on a hill, a man covered in fur sat on a horse and watched the carriage pass by without realizing he was there. The trees kept him hidden as he watched his new target.
"That's a carriage for a Blackwell royal, my king," a man in armor informed him.
"My eyes work very well enough to see that. How many of their men are hidden and waiting for us?" King Killian, king of the north, asked the man beside him. His dark waist-length hair was tied up into a ponytail to keep it out of his way.
"There are about one hundred of them waiting to ambush us if we attack the carriage. The carriage is bait for us. Their men outnumber us two to one, how do you want to proceed, Killian?"
Killian grinned looking down at the carriage sent to trap him. He was always ready to play games with others. "Have a group take out the men waiting to ambush us and another to kill those at the carriage. Release the wolves on the carriage. Let's have some fun with them."
Killian got off of his horse as he preferred to travel on foot when sneaking up on his enemies to kill them. They received news of the king planning to visit a village but knew it was a trap. Still, he decided to use the trap set up by the king to send a message back to the Blackwell castle.
To put it simply, he wanted king Richard to know that he was near, and without a large army by his side, Killian was in the Blackwell territory aiming for the king's neck.
Killian spent his time peacefully dealing with the matters of his people day by day until king Richard decided to attack his people. Now, Killian was seeking blood.
He wanted King Richard's head mounted on a spear and displayed for the world to see. Killian ran down the hill towards the carriage that had not spotted them as yet with one thing on his mind. Kill the guards, and take the person the Blackwells used as bait for his prisoner.
His two large wolves ran ahead of him, seeking out the people who dared to go against their master.