Chapter 14

Killian observed from the shadows as his men attacked the guards because he had seen Cyrus and knew he was one of them. He heard the man pleading for a guard to turn the carriage around but they wouldn't listen to him and look where they all ended up. Most dead and the remaining few alive were surrounded by his men.

"Answer me before I assume you are a traitor. You're too clean to be one of their slaves. What have they turned you into?" He pressed the tip of his sword right against the skin of Cyrus's throat.

Annoyed with the lack of response from Cyrus, Killian moved his sword to place it on top of Cyrus's hand before pushing it right through his flesh. There was a little smirk on his lips watching Cyrus hiss from the pain. "Talk to me quickly, I am not a patient man."

"I am nothing in the Blackwell kingdom-"

"Lies," Killian wiggled his sword around before pulling it out to look at the blood now covering. He glanced at the carriage where the person being used for bait was still hiding. "This man," he drove his sword right down into the heart of the unconscious man Cyrus knocked out earlier. "Yelled out princess. As a king, it would be rude of me to not say hello."

Killian left his sword standing upright buried in the dead man's chest as he walked towards the carriage. Cyrus tried to grab his foot to stop him but a dark wolf appeared to hold him down. "You look strong but it's a shame you aren't smart. Keep still when you are in my presence boy."

Killian placed his hands behind his back when he stood right in front of the door the person on the inside would have to use to get out. "Come out before I pull you out princess. All of your guards have been defeated."

"I can hear you breathing even if you cover your mouth and nose," he rolled his eyes annoyed with the lack of compliance today. "So it is the pull you out option you chose-" Killian stopped talking when a shoe went flying towards his face the moment he opened the door.

His men were startled to see he was smacked in his face.

"Why should I listen to your orders? I'd rather die," Amelia said from the other side of the carriage. The other shoe was in her hand waiting to be thrown if he tried anything. She was shaking with fear on the inside but acted tough on the outside.

Killian blinked his eyes twice then cocked his head to the side getting a good look at her. "What an odd princess you are," he smirked. "I wouldn't recommend throwing the other shoe but I would like to compliment you on your aim."

Amelia squinted her eyes confused by his words. She wasn't sure who he was but knew he had to be from the north because of his accent and attire. He was talking to her like he and his men didn't just kill all the guards meant to protect her. "You just killed my people."

"They were going to kill my people if I didn't act first. Are you suggesting that I allowed that to happen? That doesn't seem fair," he retorted

"This is Blackwell land, you are not meant to be here," she reminded him.

"Your father didn't care about that when he stepped on my land and killed my people. An eye for an eye. Are you going to stay in that corner spread out like a spider? I am serious about not throwing the shoe. You have annoyed and enticed me already. Don't let the third feeling be an annoyance again. Come out," he said, holding out his hand for her to take.

"Don't be scared," he said in a polite tone ignoring there was dry blood on his hands which belonged to the Blackwell warriors. "I wouldn't hurt a princess who has nothing to do with the war. What kind of king would that make me?"

"King?" Amelia's eyes widened realizing he fit the description of the king of the north. "Killian Bune?"

"The one and only Killian Bune. Are you going to tell me your name princess? I'm afraid I don't hear much about Richard's daughter. Feels like he doesn't have a daughter."

"Gee thanks," she couldn't believe that even in a moment like this her existence was a joke.

"Amelia!" Cyrus called to her to make sure she was alright.

Killian became amused seeing Amelia look concerned for the man he had trapped by the wolves. "Are you the one that has taken ownership of him?"

"I am the one that freed him and he chose to stay by my side. Don't try to entertain small talk with me, King Killian. What do you want from me?" She held the heel of her shoe out to keep him from approaching her.

"Sweetheart, if I wanted to kill you, we wouldn't be having this little chat. I'm trying to be nice here," he retreated his dirty hand and placed it behind his back hoping it would make himself look less intimidating but it was his gaze not his hands that made her wary.

"Nice? I'd hate to see you being nasty. I'll ask you again, what do you want from me?" Amelia didn't believe that he didn't want to kill her.

"Absolutely nothing. You dear princess was not meant to be here. Your father wasn't meant to be here either since this was a trap. I would love to know why he took things to another level by sending his daughter but did not increase the men he sent to fight me. Did you have an argument with daddy?"

"Are you insane?" She questioned, finding that to be the only solution as to why he was talking about random things. "This is not a therapy session. As king, you should keep your word that you do not wish to harm us. Let us go. You have won this battle."

Killian shook his head before correcting her. "You are not a good listener, princess. I said I didn't want to kill you. I never mentioned your people."