"I am not the person who can answer that question princess. Your father has never talked to me about the reason behind his behavior toward you. I wouldn't recommend you ask him unless you are mentally prepared to handle whatever answer it might be."
In Leonard's opinion, whatever made the king dislike his own flesh and blood must be something harsh. He watched the king hide away and cried about the loss of his wife. Leonard wondered from then on what could be so bad that Richard did not use the period of mourning to reach out to fix the relationship with Amelia?
Amelia looked off to the side and was a tad disappointed Leonard didn't have the answer for her. "Mentally prepared? How much more prepared can I get?"
"It's your father, princess. You can never be too prepared."
"True. Anyway, I should at least let one person know of my departure. I will be staying with my grandmother for at least one day to have some fun. She's talking about death again. Yes, I know that it's dangerous with Killian out there but she's stubborn and doesn't wish to be in the castle," Amelia said before Leonard could mention the danger of leaving.
"Be safe. The guards are being doubled in every post and groups of warriors have been sent out to kill Killian but you can never be too safe. Keep your eyes on everyone around you. There's no telling who Killian can have aiding him while on our soil."
Leonard would rather she stay in the safety of the castle but Amelia was always too stubborn. The only positive of her leaving the castle to stay with Margaret was that should Killian attack the castle she would not be here. Leonard was concerned about their chances of beating Killian and wished for a truce.
"I will be safe. Margaret has her own little private army to protect her and there are many passageways in her home for us to flee should anything happen. I wish to spend more time with her before I regret not being around her enough. The guilt of not being around a loved one before their death is too much to bear," she whispered.
"I will send more guards to that area to make sure you are safe. Don't think about the conflict in the castle and have fun. Promise me that you will," he held out his pinky just like he did when she was a child.
Amelia scoffed finding it to be childish but she still did just as she would years ago. "I promise not to think about the castle and have fun. I'm starting to believe you and grandmother are in on this together. You know, getting me away from the castle."
"One thing I have learned is that you should take breaks from this place to remain sane. I do not want you to go off into the deep end. Stay true to yourself and continue to fight for what you believe in but think about your mental health."
It was a blessing that even with the treatment Amelia received from the king and the men in court she had a burning fire to go against them each time. Leonard wanted that fire to keep on burning to prove to all who doubted her that she was going to be a good ruler. Whether it be here in the Blackwell castle or elsewhere.
Leonard knew Amelia wanted to carry on the tradition of a Blackwell sitting on the throne but he personally knew the king planned to make Fraser his heir if Annabelle's child would be a girl.
"You know, you can also become a queen in other places," said Leonard.
"That just sounds like you are saying give up trying. Honestly, Leonard, if people spent more time trying to help me and increase the number of supporters I have, it would be a lot easier. I like you, Leonard but this look of pity you have towards me is annoying."
Amelia didn't like how everyone would claim they thought she would be a good ruler but then present an option she was never going to consider. If Leonard cared so much why didn't he leave her father's side to help her? It was obvious that Leonard was against the things the king did.
She never told him about this because she understood no one would leave their good position to help an underdog but she couldn't help feeling angry.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to look at you that way princess."
"Amelia. I know the formalities but I have given you permission to call me by my first name. I truly view you as my uncle, Leonard. My mother always spoke fondly of you and you have always checked up on me. When it's just the two of us, please call me by the name my mother gave to me," she requested.
It wasn't that Leonard didn't like calling the princess by her name or her calling him uncle but rather the king did not like it. Richard never liked the idea that someone was close to his family. The king repeatedly contradicted himself and Leonard wondered if the man ever noticed it.
"The king," he started to explain but Amelia stopped him.
"Is not here right now. He won't know unless you report it back to him. Will you?" She titled his head to the side, curious about his answer. Though she liked Leonard, anyone could betray her in the snap of a finger.
"I won't but there are many eyes watching your every move, Amelia. I won't aid in getting you in trouble. It's not the time to be doing this when we are in the middle of a war but when you return there might be a celebration for Annabelle's unborn child," he gave a heads up this time.
"Really? I can hardly wait to attend it. Don't look at me like that Leonard. Didn't you know I have always wanted a sister?"