Chapter 31

"Must you be this petty?" Leonard asked as he realized why Amelia wasn't bothered by the news of Annabelle's baby. "Did you really go to the temple to wish for a healthy baby?"

"News certainly travels fast. Is Annabelle making a big fuss about it? Honestly, I only had good intentions when I went to the temple to pray. I even told her I wish the baby would be born on a nice sunny day. Do you really not believe me?" Amelia pretended to be offended by the look Leonard gave her.

"I know you, Amelia. You can fool everyone else but not me. Your father is doing everything he can to make sure the baby will be a prince," said Leonard.

"Why do people believe in such beliefs? That you can magically change the gender of a baby that has already been decided. Don't tell me he is looking to go to a witch doctor?" Amelia knew her father was insane but she didn't think he was that insane to perhaps go to a witch doctor.

She continued to say, "Their practices can have negative effects on the baby. Plus, the priests would condemn him for going to such people. I don't want a little brat running around but my father shouldn't go to such lengths for a prince."

"You know how desperate your father is for a prince. There is nothing to change his mind to achieve that unless he brings in another mistress." Leonard knew the king was secretly entertaining women behind Annabelle's back.

At first, Annabelle would not have minded the king being with other women but now there was a chance for her position to soar; she did not want any competition. She harbored so much jealousy that the king hid the women he was with.

"I found it strange that a certain someone was hovering around the castle. Her family is known for strangely producing a lot of boys. Annabelle must not know of her visits but why should I care? How Annabelle got him is the way she will lose him."

Amelia didn't feel bad for Annabelle one bit. How many times did she need to tell these women they could not turn a manwhore into a faithful partner? Even if her father was to produce an heir with Annabelle it would not make him faithful to her.

Or maybe she could be the woman to change him after giving him the child he always wanted.

"Leonard! Nice to see you again," Margaret said when she came back to Amelia's side. "I have so many young women asking for your hand in marriage. When are you going to accept one and start a family?"

Leonard bowed his head now that he was in the presence of the king's mother. "Lady Margaret. Pardon me but I do not wish to ever get married."

"Why? Did the woman you love not love you back? Or maybe, you prefer men-"

Margaret nudged Amelia in her stomach to shut her up. "Excuse her mouth. It's just hard to fathom why a man like you would not wish to get married. Don't tell me my son has ordered you not to? Say the word and I will have him change it. He might be the king but I am still his mother."

"No, lady Margaret. It has nothing to do with the king but my own personal problems. I have simply given up the idea of settling with someone," Leonard replied.

"Oh, I see. You are a man who prefers to be in the streets," was what Amelia got from his words.

"That was not what I meant, princess. You were correct that the woman I loved did not love me back. I am unable to move on from her and wish to be alone," Leonard told the truth to stop Amelia from continuing to guess.

"Is love really that strong to make you want to give up being happy with someone else after being rejected? Is she happy with the person she chose?" Amelia did not understand how love worked to make someone act like this.

"Love will make a person do stupid things and yes, she is happy. Excuse me for saying this but I can hardly wait to see how you will act when you are in love, princess." Given her personality, Leonard knew it would be entertaining to watch. He was curious about the type of man Amelia would fall for.

He wasn't her father or uncle but he felt the need to watch over her and make sure she chose someone who would love her unconditionally.

"What a sight to behold. Whatever young man it would be to make her act lovesick, I will give him a portion of my land," said Margaret.

"Are the two of you crazy? Why would I act like Leonard over a man and why on earth would you give him your land instead of me? What makes the two of you so sure such a man ever exists? Ever think of that?" Amelia walked ahead to exit the conversation.

She didn't need the kind of love that would make her do stupid things. There were enough stupid, sappy, can't think for themselves, can't live without each other type of couples in the castle and she wasn't looking to join the club.

"I bet my jewels she will end up deeply in love with a man and not know how to act," Margaret placed a bet with Leonard.

"Lady Margaret, you are not supposed to make bets when it comes to the princess's love life. I will bet my favorite sword and horse it will happen within a year," he whispered.

"Hahaha. The more interesting bet would be on the man she would fall in love with. I have a person in mind but I am not sure how it will play out. Anyway, tell that son of mine his mother was here but do not come looking for me with news about that whore's child."