Chapter 32

"You're going to fall in love at some point, Amelia. It is not something you can control. Plus, I am certain that you have feelings for the Duke's son-"

"Ssh…" Amelia placed her hand over Gina's mouth to shut her up. "I do not know what you are talking about. Keep quiet before anyone starts to believe you," she removed her hand.

"Oh come on. I am your personal maid, Amelia. I am meant to know everything about you. Don't you think I have noticed the way you get flustered when a certain someone comes around? All the maids gossip about it. We're placing bets to see if you would end up with your childhood friend or someone else."

Amelia was in disbelief so many people were interested in her nonexistent love life. "I can't believe they are placing bets and even worse that you are involved, Gina. Cyrus, did you know about any of this?"

'Why am I in this?' Cyrus sighed.

"I heard a little bit of this from two maids passing by but I didn't think anything of it. I know nothing about who you like," Cyrus honestly replied.

"See, Cyrus is always by my side so he would know if I-"

"I do think you have a crush on him however I don't know if I would say you like or love him. I think of it as you being infatuated with him because he has always been kind to you. You don't seem to truly have any feelings for him more than a friend. You are confused," Cyrus further explained his opinion.

"Are you a therapist, Cyrus? What is with this run-down of my feelings that you suddenly have? Should I change your job title?"

"No. I prefer being your guard rather than talking about these kinds of things. Gina is more suited to be your therapist," Cyrus said, making Gina's eyes lit up. "Actually no, when you two get together she gives you bad advice."

"Hey!" Gina went up to Cyrus's face. "Name one time I gave her bad advice."

"When you told her the best way to grab the attention of-"

Gina quickly placed her hand over Cyrus's mouth. "Why are you talking about the past?"

Amelia chuckled, finding the two of them funny when they playfully argued. "I am going to place my own bet. I bet the two of you will end up getting together."

"No," Cyrus quickly replied. He was not attracted to Gina to even want to spend one night with her. He viewed her as a little sister he couldn't get rid of.

"I beg your pardon, Amelia. I am offended that you think I would ever be attracted to this heartless man. Have your eyes stopped working and your brain has taken a day off? You are usually smarter than this. I can't believe what you said," Gina shuddered to shake off the idea of her being with Cyrus.

Cyrus was good-looking in her opinion but he would drive her crazy too quickly before they could ever say their vows. She pitied the woman he would end up with.

"Cyrus isn't heartless. He's just quiet and only speaks his mind when he finally talks. I think he would be the perfect man for you. Unless the both of you have someone you love already but haven't told me?"

"I honestly don't it. If I was in a relationship with anyone you would know since I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut. Unfortunately, my love life continues to be dry and I can only enjoy my romance books. It hurts," Gina almost cried thinking about it.

"Cyrus?" Amelia became suspicious when he didn't deny it as quickly as he would with other things. "Are you really in a relationship with someone? Since when? How on earth do you have time to build a relationship with someone?"

"It is not someone from the castle. It is someone I knew from the north. She was captured and brought here after your father invaded the north. I knew her for a long time and always had feelings for her. Technically, we are not in a relationship," he confessed.

Amelia now realized a piece of information regarding how Cryus got into the Blackwell kingdom. "Did you purposely get captured to follow where they took her so you could rescue her? You might've been able to get away had our men tried to take you."

"I did purposely get captured hoping they would take me to the same place she was but that didn't happen. The women and children were taken somewhere else. I am still looking for her when I am not by your side."

"You once told me about helping you find someone but you never told me it was your lover. I should speed up the process as soon as I can," Amelia wanted him to be reunited with the woman immediately.

"You are doing a far better job than I was before you bought me. If you speed it up, someone will, unfortunately, notice that you are looking for something. I do not want to push any attention unto her as the people who have her might hide her away." Cyrus was already grateful for what Amelia did for him.

He was merely her guard but she treated him as a friend. Amelia did things that she didn't need to as finding someone she never met was none of her concern.

"Still, we have to find her immediately. The stories of what is happening to captured slaves are not good. If only there was a way for me to get rid of the slave trade," Amelia started coming up with ideas.

She was not fond of nor did she have a good relationship with the two men who could help her. The king had all the court ministers wrapped around his disgusting, black nail finger. "I will find another way to help locate her without anyone noticing. It is time the slave trade comes to and end."