Chapter 54

"Ah! Thank you," Amelia smiled when Cyrus caught her after she jumped from her father's window. 

It was three floors up but Cyrus was adamant he would catch her so she trusted him like always.

Cyrus kept Amelia in his arms and ran away from below the king's window before they could be caught. He was careful to run in the blind spots he used when sneaking around the castle. "We're-"

"We're under attack!" A guard yelled followed by a bell being rung.

"The castle is being attacked now? He's here?" Amelia looked at Cyrus with panic written all over her face. Killian Bune was the only person she could think of to attack the castle. The entire timing throughout the night was odd. "We have to get to my grandmother and Gina. We need to find Gina first."