Chapter 220

"Is it just because her soul smells delicious? I've not eaten any souls for a while, but I have never felt so hungry. What is the reason?" Killian asked, taking Lucifer's hand off his shoulder.

"Why do you think I have the answer?" Lucifer replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"You are the God of the underworld and it has happened to you. There has to be something you know," Killian said why Lucifer of people should be able to help. 

"You give us way too much credit. We're not all-seeing and knowledgeable like everyone thinks. There's shit about this world that we don't know about. That I don't know about because I have other things to take care of, but since it is so important to you, I will find out. I'll guess it happened because we got lost in the moment with a human right in front of us. I don't know about you but I would never hurt my wife," Lucifer said, going back to searching for her.