Chapter 221

"Did you enjoy yourself yesterday?" Edith asked while sitting on the bed watching Gina move around quickly to prepare Amelia. 

"I did. Thank you for lending us your home. It is something I would like to do often. It was peaceful," Amelia answered. The time away from the castle had brought her closer to Killian. It was also surprising to learn that she fell asleep on her own without any trouble. "We discovered a few things about each other."

"I bet you did," Edith commented.

"Edith, I can almost hear the dirty thoughts in your head. It was not a day full of sex. Have you always been this lewd?" Amelia asked as she had not noticed it before. 

"From the moment I was born," Edith replied with what her mother told her. "I also had my wonderful killing skills. Almost took out one of my sister's eyes."

Gina looked up from behind Amelia's dress. "You have siblings? Why are we learning about this now?"