The Betrayal

As Patrick went inside to got them some drinks, Patrick went to his bedroom first, to wore a singlet top, and to cover up his bare chest, as he assumed probably that was why Tina didn't wanted to stared to him, nor spoked to him either.

Patrick wore his singlet top first, and he finally stepped out of his bedroom, and went to his kitchen fridge, to got them some drinks, and as he came back to his parlour, to served them the drinks, but Patrick noticed that Tina was no longer there, as only Prisca sat on his parlour blue couch and stretching her long slender legs seductively on the couch, as she stared to him seductively as he approached.

Patrick frowned as he approached Prisca, that was staring to him seductively, and she smiled and dropped her legs down from the couch, and she stood up and walked up to him, to collected the two can drinks from his hand, and Patrick immediately asked Prisca, "Where's your friend Tina? Has she gone home?."

"No.. I don't think so. Tina went outside to wait for me, as she wasn't comfortable sitting in here with me," Prisca replied, as she collected the two cold can drinks from Patrick's hands, and she said to Patrick, "I have told you Patrick, to forget about my friend Tina.. Tina doesn't like associating with guys, and yet you're still eyeing her over me.. I have told you how much I love you, and yet you're still picking on Tina over me. What does Tina have, that I do not also have?.. Check me out now, I'm cute."

Prisca swirled around, for Patrick to properly examined her bodily shaped, and beauty, as she was a brown skin lady, and Patrick sighed and said to her, "Look Prisca, I do not love you and that's the truth. As is Tina that I love and i have always been looking for a way to meet with her.. Remember that I also requested of you to try and bring Tina here, as I really do appreciate our friendship, and I know that you've also been dating some several of my friends, and behind my back, but I kept mute about it, as just want to meet Tina. Please try and understand me."

Prisca frowned, and she said, "Tina won't accept you Patrick, and that's not why I asked her, to follow me here. I truly love you Patrick, please..."

Prisca tried to persuaded Patrick again, and to tried to touched him by his hand, to forgot about Tina, but Patrick refused and he said, "Fine. I will think about it later, but not now.. Let me first know what Tina is doing outside, before she will get lost or missing, or stroll off to the street, as she won't know her way going back home to your village ."

Prisca sighed, and she finally moved away for Patrick to passed, as she walked back to sat on the couch and she was still holding the two can drinks that she had collected from him.

Prisca popped opened one of the two can drinks, and she drank from it, while waiting for Sharon to arrived, as they had something important to discussed about, and just as Patrick approached his parlour exit door to pulled it opened and to stepped out, just then, Sharon arrived from her variants outing, with her two best friends, and she smiled to Patrick sweetly as she stepped into the living room with two of her friends, and as Sharon wanted to greeted Patrick, Patrick immediately dashed out from the house and went out searching for Tina, and leaving Sharon and her two best friends speechless, as he went outside, and he finally saw Tina, where she stood beside his house exit gate, and she was speaking to his security gate guard that was standing there.

Patrick calmly walked up to meet Tina, where she stood beside the gate, and he approached Tina and asked her, "Why're you standing out here all alone?."

Tina stared back to Patrick, but she ignored responding to him, as she crossed her arms around her chest, and she didn't even said a word as she stared away from him to the exit gate that was slightly opened, after Sharon and her two besties had arrived..

Tina's attitudes clearly irritated Patrick, but he calmed, and walked closer to meet her, as he touched her folded arms around her chest, and startling Tina whom stared to him in shocked, and she also glared at him for touching her arms

Tina released her folder arms, and she stared to gate that was slightly opened, and she wanted to ran out, but Patrick immediately caught her and he pulled her back to his masculine body, as he saw Tina stared to the gate, and he quickly knew that her intention was to ran out .

"Let go off me" Tina screamed out, as she was clearly irritated with the way Patrick was touching her, as he pulled her closer to his masculine body, and sending shivers down her spine, as Tina had never been with a guy before..

Patrick saw that Tina was indeed cute and also beautiful, but she was as well stubborn, as she struggled to got her released from his tightly gripped .

Tina screamed out, "Prisca!!" but Prisca was still inside the house and she couldn't heard Tina screaming.

Patrick's gate guard didn't interfered as he saw them and he went back into his gate house, shortly after locking up the gate, and Patrick was still holding Tina as he inhaled her sweet blossom scent, and he felt to kiss Tina to her natural pink lips, as he didn't released Tina yet.

Tina calm as she felt her heart beating erratically in her chest, from the way Patrick held her by her arms, with her body touching his chest, as Patrick was still in his yellow singlet top, and blue short, while Tina was wearing a brown short gown.

Patrick said to Tina, "I know that you're not happy, about visiting here with your friend, but that's not why you should be behaving rudely, and not respecting your seniors, just because I admire you."

Tina gulped as Patrick spoked to her left ear, and his hot breath fanned the crook of her neck, and making her to had more goosebumps and Tina said, "Let me go."

Patrick lost all sanity, inhaling Tina's sweet blossom scent, and he felt to kissed her truly, but he controlled his arousal, as he could felt his bulge forming in his short, and he replied to her, "Fine, i will let you go, but that's If you calm down at least, and give me a little audience. Why acting so immature? Ain't you a big girl? Or is this how you truly behave?. Honestly I really do like you and I want us to be friends.."

"Friends?" Tina asked him, as she stared up to Patrick's face, and meeting his dark handsome gazed on her, and she saw that Patrick was truly handsome as she gulped and she stared away shyly and she replied, "Well, I'm sorry but I cannot be your friend.. Beside, ain't you and Prisca friends?. Just leave me alone and let go off me."

Tina got angrier, and cussing as to why she followed Prisca to his house in the first place, and knowing the type of friend, that prisca was, and Patrick finally released her arms, and he apologised to her, "I'm sorry,."

"Sorry for what?" Tina asked Patrick, as she stared to him again, but Patrick rather smiled to her as moved away from her, and he said, "Fine, but why not wait inside for Prisca to be through, since Sharon has already arrived, and the sun is too hot now, for you to be standing out here alone..."

Patrick turned to walked back into his house, and Tina thoughts about Patrick response to her, and she finally went back into the house with him, and following Patrick from behind, as she stared to his masculine physic..

Just then, the sun went down and the clouds began to changed and gathered, like heavy rainfall were about to dropped, as the heavy wind blew cold breeze around, and Tina got worried with the sudden changed of weather, and she immediately said to Prisca, as she stepped into the parlour, "Prisca, Let us start going home."

Prisca ignored responding to Tina, as she was clearly Jealous on seeing Patrick went after Tina, and she refused given Tina any response, as Patrick already went back into the kitchen, while Sharon and two besties sat discussing..

Tina got angry, as she knew that her mother would soon be at home, and two brothers might be searching for her too, and so she yelled at Prisca, "What's wrong with you Prisca?!. Come, let us be going home now!."

Prisca sighed and she finally stood up from the blue couch, and she replied to Tina, "I'm not yet going home."

"Why?" Tina asked in Prisca surprised, but Prisca didn't replied to her as she adjusted her black gown, and Tina said, "Okay, if you're not yet going home, At least you can help me with transport fare, or you tell me the directions for me to start going back to my house."

Prisca hissed, and she rather walked away from Tina, and not responding, as she walked up to the corridor to used the restroom, but Tina immediately pulled Prisca back by her arm, as Tina asked Prisca, "What's wrong with you Prisca? You brought me here, and now, you ain't saying anything as to how, we should be going back home?."

Prisca yelled at her, "Just stop it Tina! Stop it already!. Yes!.. I brought you here with me as a friend, and not for you to come here and be acting up, or trying to break my friendship with Sharon and her brother.. And please.. if you want to go, then go! And don't talk to me again."

Tina jaw dropped, as Prisca rather pushed her aside, and she walked away to used the restroom, while Tina stood speechless and just beside the corridor.