Abandoned and Crying

Sharon saw all the drama going on between Tina and Prisca, but she hissed, and didn't bothered asking them what's up? as she never liked Tina, and she wondered what her brother saw in Tina, that made Patrick disturbing her about Tina.

Sharon would agreed that Tina was indeed cute, sexy, and very yellow in complexion, but Tina was still local to her, and Patrick finally stepped out from his kitchen and into his parlour, as his house was a mini 2-bedroom apartment, that he had bought, and he shared the two rooms with Sharon.

Patrick stared to Tina that was sobbing, and he saw that Sharon busy laughing and drinking happily with her two best friends that visited, and he got irritated, and he immediately asked Sharon, "Where's your friend Sharon?."

Sharon asked him, with her both hands akimbo, "Which of my friends?," and Patrick stared at his parlour wall clock time, and he saw it was already getting late, and making him to wondered, what was taking Prisca time in taking Tina back to their village, since their village was a little farther away from the nearby city which he lived with his younger sister, Sharon.

Patrick and Sharon weren't the only children of their parent, as Patrick had three other siblings aside from Sharon. And just then, Prisca finally stepped out from the restroom and she said to Tina, "Let us leave."

But as they stepped out of the house to leave, the heavy wind blew them, and next, the heavy rain started to fall heavily, and making Prisca to turned back to Tina, and she said, "You see Tina, we cannot go out in the rain, as we will have to wait for the rain to reduce first or stop, before leaving for home. I'm going back inside."

Prisca didn't even waited for Tina to respond, as she turned and went back into the house, to continued with her discussion with Sharon, and the two friends that arrived earlier, while Tina stood outside by the door, and she started to cried, as she didn't wanted to entered back into the house, even as the heavy rain continued to fell and soaked her clothes wet. Tina still stood outside by the door and sobbing..

Patrick finally stepped out again to his living room, as he was done cooking, and he discovered that Tina wasn't inside with Prisca and the rest of three ladies discussing, and he assumed Tina was still outside, and it was already getting dark and still raining heavily, as the heavy rainfall made the night to fell quickly.

Patrick ignored the ladies discussing, and he went out, and opened the door, and he saw Tina sobbing underneath the little porch in front of his house, and he to said to Tina, "Come inside Tina, it's still rainy."

"No.." Tina refused to moved an inch, as she didn't wanted to entered back into Patrick's house, and Patrick frowned, as he went back inside and he later stepped out to gave Tina an umbrella.. but Tina refused to accepted it, as she said to him, "There's no need of it."

"Take it, and use it to cover up yourself, as you're are already wet and to avoid getting too cold, since you don't want to come inside," Patrick said, and he left the umbrella beside Tina, as he knew that Tina was very stubborn, and he went back into his house, and not happy about Tina's attitude towards him, as the heavy rainfall continued, with lightening and thunder strikes, but still Tina stood outside and regretting to herself, "Why today off all days, that I followed Prisca here, that this heavy rain knows that it will fall?... Mom will already be at home from market, and she wouldn't meet me at home, and Richmond and Jude might be outside playing, or wondering where I might've gone too, hmph..."

Tina sobbed as the heavy rain continued to fell and increasing until late night.


Mama-tina (Tina's Mother) was in her market space earlier, where she normally sold her fruits and food stuffs at the village square, and she noticed the sudden changed of weather at first, and she knew that it would fell heavily.

Mama-tina immediately packed up all her fruits, and she went back home to her husband's house, where she was still living with her children, even as her husband had ran away with another woman, since ten years ago, but when she got into the house, she meet with only Jude, her last born son at home, and sleeping inside the house, as the house door wasn't locked, and she wondered where Tina and her first son, Richmond, had both gone too and leaving only Jude at home.

Mama-tina approached Jude, and she gently tapped on Jude by his shoulder to woke up him, as she said, "Jude, Jude!.. wake up. Where's your sister and brother?."

Jude was a 10-years-old boy, and he stirred awake, and happy to saw that his mother had returned, and he quickly hugged her happily, but he replied with his both hands akimbo, "I don't know mom. I had finished eaten my food, when I saw Aunty Prisca arrived here and she was talking with Aunty Tina. And later, Aunty Tina said that I should go back inside and sleep, if I've finished eating my food."

"Hmm.." Mama-tina frowned, and she asked Jude, "Then where is Richmond?."

Mama-tina wasn't happy that only Jude was at home, but just then, Richmond rushed into the house, and he shut the house door closed, before the heavy wind blew, and next the heavy rain started to fall heavily.

Richmond was at his friend's place, named Alex. And he was a 14-years-old guy, and he liked helping Alex's father, at his furniture workshop, and he greeted his mother, "Good evening mom."

"Where's Tina?" Mama-tina quickly asked Richmond, and Richmond gulped, as he didn't knew where Tina went to either, as he had left the house earlier with Alex, when Tina was still at home, and he didn't knew whom visited Tina after he had left the house, nor where Tina went too either.

Mama-tina frowned and she became worried, as she wanted to went out to Prisca's house to search for Tina, since Jude made mentioned to her about Prisca visiting them, but just then the strong wind blew and the heavy rain increases.

Mama-tina cursed and she paced about in their old looking parlour, as she went back inside and hoping that nothing bad has happened to her only daughter, Tina, and she finally went back to the kitchen, to sorted out for their evening meal, since it was already getting late, and she remembered that a neighbor of hers, had warned her before, to monitored Tina's movement with her friend named Prisca. As Prisca was always visiting them whenever she wasn't around, and Prisca was known to be corrupt, and hanging out with different guys. But she had thought Tina was already disciplined enough, and she never took their neighbor's warning seriously. As she thought there was no need of telling Tina not to made any street friends, and now she was regretting not warning Tina against Prisca, nor confirming if what their neighbor had gossiped to her about Prisca to be true.


The heavy rainfall continued to fell until dark nights, and Tina was still standing outside in front of Patrick's house, and she was soaked wet and shivering in the frontage due to the cold, as the rain finally gradually reduced.

"If only I had known my way back home earlier, I could've trekked home to our village the previous time that I stepped out at noon, when the sun was still out and shining brightly before the rainfall started," Tina said to herself, as she shivered, and she stood out in front of Patrick's house, and just then, she saw a car drove into Patrick's compound and parked, and making her to become scared, as she used her right palm to wiped off her face, from rain drops away from her eyes, and she saw the driver switched off the front-lights, while fears gripped her, as she didn't knew whom was the man in the car.

Tina continued to stared to the man worriedly, as she saw the man answering a phone call in his car, and just then, Tina heard Sharon's voice and her two best friends voices echoing and laughing out, as they stepped out from the house behind her, and they cussed seeing that the rain was still showering..

Tina saw that they had already dressed in a new hot looking short gowns, that was different from the initial gown that she saw them wore before, at noon, as they looked liked they were now going out for a party.

To Tina's shocked, she also saw Prisca tagging along with them, and Prisca too had changed her black gown into red seductive short dress, and Tina quickly rushed up to meet Prisca, and to confirmed if they were already going home, and probably the driver in car, was a good Samaritan, that wanted to took them home, but before Tina could even approached Prisca, and to opened her mouth and asked Prisca the question, Prisca immediately yelled at her, "Where do you think that you're going too Tina?! With that soaked filled body of yours? Please move backwards, as you're not following us, not to talk of, soaking someone's car with such wet dripping body," Prisca added, and Tina frowned, as she couldn't understood Prisca's recently behavior to her.

Tina became utterly embarrassed, and she gulped down all what she wanted to asked Prisca, as Sharon laughed out and stared to Tina, and she saw the umbrella in Tina's hand, while Sharon walked back to meet Tina, and she collected the umbrella from Tina's hand, as she said, "Don't be annoyed Tina, kindly borrow us this your umbrella.. Aw.. this umbrella even looks like mine, that I have been searching for inside..."

Sharon glared at Tina, but Tina didn't responded to Sharon, as Tina was still in shocked with Prisca's statement to her, while Sharon immediately took her umbrella and walked away, as she opened it, to covered her head, and she walked back to the car. While Tina finally snapped out from her dazed, as she saw the four ladies wanting to entered into the car.

Tina immediately rushed up to meet Prisca again, and she asked Prisca, "Wait Prisca. What do you mean by I cannot follow you? I thought we are already going home?."

"No Tina, Sharon please wait for me, and don't yet tell the driver to go" Prisca said, as she turned to face Tina, and she stood beside the car and said, "Well you see Tina, that I have changed my cloth, and what does that tells you, that I'm going out, and not yet going home.. And beside, it's already late now and I will soon be back. So why not go inside and wait for us to return back first? When I return, then we can start going home."

"But.." Before Tina could spoked a word, Prisca immediately rushed back into the car and she shut the car door closed, and not waiting for Tina to respond, as she saw the car driver started the car, and Tina stood outside the house crying, as she watched the car driver drove out of the compound, and leaving her all alone, and standing outside in front of the house..