His Kindness

Tina started crying again, and she wondered what she has gotten herself into? where she would slept? how she would got back home to face her mother? and where she would even got the transport money to went back home to her village, by that risky hour of the night, since it was already dark, due to the heavy rainfall that made the night to fell quickly?.

While still in her thoughts, Patrick finally stepped out of his house, and he was shocked to saw Tina still standing outside and crying, as Tina was shivering due to cold weather, and her cloth had already soaked wet and clung to her body, while bringing out her shape to his view..

Patrick knew that Tina was stubborn, but still he had to asked her what she was still waiting for? as he was shocked to saw that Prisca actually left her behind, and he actually stepped out to asked the security man to locked back his main entrance gate, since it was already past 9pm in the evening, and Sharon already called him on phone and told him that they ain't arriving home..

Patrick hesitated to spoked to Tina at first, as he knew that Tina was stubborn, and so, he walked passed Tina to informed his security gateman to locked back his house gate, since Sharon had already called him on phone, and told him that she was sleeping over at the hotel that they went too, but just as Patrick walked passed Tina, Tina shivered in fret, and she immediately shifted backwards, as she wasn't expecting for anyone to walked passed her, but seeing that Patrick was the one, and he was also leaving the house, Tina immediately called him back, "Hello, excuse me sir!."

Patrick paused, and he stared back to Tina as he heard her sweet voice, and Tina immediately stared downward, and not able to meet Patrick's intense gazed on her, as she remembered that she had been rude to him before, and she didn't even knew how she will ask Patrick for his help again, as she needed money to transported herself going back home, but she was hopeful that she would saw a bike to took her home by that time of the night, and so she stammered to asked him, "Please.. sir .. can you.."

"Wait, I am coming first. Let me tell the security gate man to lock back the house gate, since Sharon and Prisca ain't retuning back and for security purposes.." Patrick said to her, as he meet Tina's gazed on him.

"Okay," Tina gulped, as Patrick left her, and she watched him walked up to the gate house, to Instructed his security guard, while she stood and continued staring to him, until he returned back to her, and he said to her, "Honestly, I thought that you've already gone home with Prisca and Sharon. As I'm quite surprised to still seeing you here, and meaning that Prisca actually left you behind. Why not come inside and wait, as you will be feeling too cold by now, and I don't think Prisca will still be returning back here this night, since she already left with Sharon."

Patrick offered to Tina his kindness, as he knew that Tina might still rejected his kindness, and preferred to slept outside, but Tina didn't had any other option as she stood silently and remembering that she had been rude to Patrick before..

Patrick drew closer to her again, as it began to rain again, and he asked her, "Ain't you going to say something, miss?."

"I.. I.." Tina shuttered as she meet Patrick's dark handsome gazed on her.

Tina said, "I wanted to asked you before, if you can help me with transport fare, to go back home to my village, but I don't even know my way, going back home either. Or can you help me with transport fare, and also the directions too.. because I have never been to this area before, and my mom will be worried about me and looking for me too, if I don't return back home this night.."

"Hmph" Patrick sighed, listening to Tina's sweet voice, and he replied, "I can help you with directions, but it already late now, and before you will get to the junction that lead down to your village, and start trekking home, it will be very risky and already midnight. So why not stay in for tonight? As tomorrow, first thing in the morning, I will personally drop you off, before leaving to my work office in the morning,"

Tina remained silent and Patrick hoped that Tina would understood, and calmed down, as he was not happy, on seeing her sobbing, and he shook his head, and walked to opened the parlour door, to ushered Tina into his house, as her clothes were already completely soaked wet, and clinging to her body, while bringing out her sexy shape to his view, and making him a little uncomfortable too, as he actually liked Tina too..

Tina was shivering due to her wet cloth, and as she finally stepped into Patrick's living room, and she watched him locked up the parlour door, as he turned to face her, Patrick said to her, "Wait here, let me go inside and search in Sharon's room, for any of her cloth to give to you, wait."

Patrick went inside and he brought out some of Sharon's clothes for Tina to changed into, after seeing that the cloth that Tina wore, was already wet, and dripping down water to the tiled floor in his parlour, and Tina said to him, "Thank you sir."

Tina finally collected the clothes from Patrick's hand, and not comfortable to changed her wet clothes in his presence, Tina asked him, "Can I use the restroom?."

"Sure," Patrick replied to her, and Tina immediately went into the restroom, as she was scared, and anxiety ran through her, as she knew that Patrick and her was the only two people in the house..

Tina had no other option than to changed into Sharon's gown, and after drying up her wet body, she rinsed her wet cloth, and squeezed it tightly to dried, as she hung it in the restroom window, and she hope it would dried before morning, so she could wore it back and went home to her family house, in her village, the following morning.

Tina also took off her bra and pant too, as it was already wet, and she rinse it out and hung it beside her wet clothes, on the restroom window, and as she was through dressing up in one of Sharon's gown that Patrick gave to her, without wearing any pant underneath her waist, nor any bra to supported her big boobs, Tina finally stepped out from the restroom, and feeling dread ran through her spine, as she walked out back to the living room and to the parlour to meet Patrick..

Patrick had already serve his dinner set before him, on a stool in front of his blue couch, as he was eating the delicious jollof rice and fried fishes, Patrick saw Tina stepped out, and he asked her, "Will you like to join me for dinner?."

Tina hesitated at first, but feeling her stomach grumbles out loudly in hunger, Tina nodded, as she hadn't eaten since noon that she arrived, due to the silly gist that Prisca was telling her at her home, and also dragging her to accompany her to visit Sharon..

Patrick already knew that he was dealing with a stubborn lady, as he noticed that since afternoon that Tina arrived, she hadn't drank nor taken anything, and so, he stood up from his blue couch, and abandoning his food, as he went to his kitchen, to serve Tina's own meal, and he brought it out to her and set it on another stool and blue couch in his parlour.

Patrick was the one that cooked the meal, before the rain started to fell, as he knew that Sharon was lazy and she wouldn't agreed to cooked it, and so he cooked his food by himself, to prevented any silly argument between him and Sharon, and he served the tray of food on a stool, and he walked back to his parlour fridge, and also took out a bottle water from his fridge for her, and he returned and set it on the stool, before he went back to his previous seat, and he stared back to Tina that was still standing, and staring to him too, and he said to her, "That's your meal, and I hope that you will like it?."

Patrick walked back to sat on his former seat, and he continued eating his dinner, while Tina nervously sat down and she replied to him, "Thank you sir."

Tina didn't touched the food given to her yet, as even though she was hungry, and the food really scented delicious, she was still unhappy and she wondered how her mother and siblings would be worried about her, as she didn't returned back home again..

Patrick continued eating his meal, and as he finished up his meal, he stood up and cleared his plate to the kitchen, and he returned to the parlour, and saw that Tina hadn't even touched her food given to her yet, and he walked up to meet her, and he sat down opposite to her, as he stared directly to her face, and he asked her, "Ain't you going to eat, or you want to starve, or should I feed you?."

Tina shook her head, as she stared up to Patrick's face, and meeting his dark handsome gazed on her, she replied to him, "No sir, thank you.. I will eat it, but I am just worried about my mom and siblings."

Tina finally picked up her spoon and she started eating the jollof rice, little by little, while Patrick asked her, "Don't you have a phone, to at least contact your mom, and to tell her that you're in a friend's place. That the heavy rain fell, and you won't be able to return home again, until tomorrow."

"No.." Tina replied, as she shook her head, and she stared to her plate of food, and she said, "I don't have a phone."

"How about your mom's phone number? Do you know it off head, let me help you to contact her on phone?" Patrick asked her, but Tina still shook her head, and she replied to him, "No, I don't know my mom's phone number too."

Patrick sighed, and he stared away from Tina and to his displayed television, while Tina managed to ate half of the food given to her, and as she got tired, while Patrick got engrossed watching his television, since the light came on, he stared to Tina, as he admired her, and he saw that she was dozing off, and fallen asleep on his couch.

Patrick saw that Tina was already feeling sleepy, due to the cold weather and from her previous sobbing too much, and he interrupted her from dozing off again on the couch, as Tina nearly fell off, and he asked her, "You're already feeling sleepy miss. Do you want to sleep here, as you won't be comfortable? why not come sleep in my bedroom?."