Slept With Her

"Sleep in your what?!" Tina asked him, as she stared to Patrick in shocked, and she shivered and replied to him, "No thank you sir. I'm okay here, and I hope you that you don't mind me sleeping here on the couch. I can manage the couch."

Patrick smiled to Tina, as he had admired her from afar, and he loved too, as he had tried to reached to her in the past all too no avail.

And luckily for him, Tina was with him in his house, and facing him, and staring at her face alone was enough for him, as Tina was indeed very beautiful, cute and she dozed off again, fallen asleep on the couch, while resting a bit uncomfortable, and shivering due to the cold weather.

Patrick allowed Tina to slept first, as he got engrossed watching his television, and after a while, he noticed that Tina had fallen asleep deeply, and he stood up, and carried Tina up to his bedroom, as he could've opted for Tina to slept in Sharon's room, but knowing the mess of a lazy sister, that Sharon was. Patrick rather took Tina to his own bedroom and he placed Tina gently on his bed.

Staring at Tina's beautiful sleeping face alone, Patrick's right-hand subconsciously trialed on Tina's face, and down to her cheek, as he touched her pink lips, and he felt the intense urge to kissed her, as Tina was very beautiful , and the most beautiful young lady that he has seen.

Patrick drew closer to Tina's face, to stole a kissed from her pink lips, but just then, Tina stirred awake, as she felt his hard calloused palm on her face, and making her cheek became warmer, and she stretched, and as she subtly pushed her eyes to opened, and she saw Patrick drew closer to her, and to kissed her pink lips, and series of shock and anxiety ran through her as she immediately sprang up on the bed, and she caught him almost kissing her, and making her to sat up speedily on the bed.

"What're you trying to do?" Tina asked him, as she stared to Patrick in shock, and she immediately moved backward and away from him, as she remembered that she was previously on the couch in his parlour, and Patrick was shocked and embarrassed, as he didn't knew what came over him, from admiring her pink lips, to wanting to kissed her, and he apologised to her, "I'm sorry, I couldn't resisted the urge to kissed you."

"Kiss me" Tina's jaw dropped, as she became dumbfounded by Patrick's response to her, as her sleepy eyes automatically became fully awake, and she stared around the bedroom, and wondering how she got into his bedroom, and she asked him, "Where am I? "

Patrick replied to her, "You can sleep here, as you weren't so comfortable sleeping on the couch, as that's why I brought you in here, to my room."

"How?" Tina stared to Patrick in disbelieved, as she immediately covered herself up with his duvet, as she touched her pink lips to knew if Patrick had kissed her before, and Patrick tried to explained himself as he meet her questioning gazed on him, and she stared to him irritably, and wanting to got down from his bed, but Patrick immediately stopped her, "Wait."

"Let go of me," Tina exclaimed, as she bursted out into a sobbed, and immediately moved away from Patrick, as she realize that it was only her and him in the house, and she became worried, as she didn't wanted Patrick to touched her, and making her to become scared the more.

"Please don't touch me" Tina begged him, as she gripped tightly to the bedspread to covered up herself properly, while Patrick frowned and wondering when he became a monster, as he knew that he had self controlled over other ladies, but when it came to Tina he lost it, and he really admire and wanted her .

Patrick became speechless, as he felt the strong force of attraction to claimed her, but he didn't wanted to forced himself on her, and he couldn't also resisted her too, as he could felt his bulge forming hard in his shorts, and he didn't knew if it was because he was in love with Tina before, or it was just plain lust after her, as Tina was very yellow and also very cute.

Tina became scared as she shifted backwards against on the bed, on seeing the intense look of desire in Patrick's eyes, and she begged him, "Please let me just sleep in the parlour."

Tina wasn't comfortable to shared a bed with Patrick, and Patrick gulped, and he tried to controlled himself, as he climbed on the bed to approached her, and his right hand reached to touched Tina's left hand, amd he said to her, "I won't, okay."

"No please let me go.." Tina replied, as she begged, and she tried to move backward again, but her body was halted by the bed drawer and wall behind her, and making her unable to move away from Patrick, as he approached her on the bed, and touched her slowly to her chin and turned her jaw to face her, and he caressed her jawline, as Tina also meet his gazed on her. But before Tina.could spoked a word, Patrick leaned closer to her and he kissed so hungrily, as he sealed his lips passionately on hers, and giving Tina the most utmost shock of her life, as Tina had never kissed a guy before.

Tina body froze as Patrick's lips claimed hers, and he drew more closer to her, and kissed her more passionately, and leaving Tina breathless, as their lips separated again..

Tina stared to Patrick and unable to said a word, as she felt her heart beating loudly in her chest, as she stared to her dark handsome face, and Patrick approached her again and he kissed her again, and reached to took off Tina's gown as he couldn't controlled himself again.

Tina wasn't able to stopped Patrick as her own body betrayed her, and she found herself succumbing to his kisses, as whatever Patrick was doing to her was making her to felt warm, and she didn't wanted him to stopped, not until she realized that she was bare with him.

Patrick moved away from Tina , and he stood up to stripped off her clothes, while Tina stared to him in shocked and she shook her head as she tried to stopped him, as she saw Patrick stripped and something rigid sprang up, but Patrick immediately approached her again on the bed, he said to Tina, "I Promise, I won't hurt you.."

"No please, stop" Tina trued to begged Patrick, and gently stroke her lips again, and he kissed Tina more passionately, before he laid her gently on the bed, and he made sweet love to her, as he thrust into her warmth.

Tina groaned in pain but Patrick didn't stopped as he kept thrusting into her and he continued until he got to his climax and he discharged all his hot seed into her warm.. before Patrick finally calmed, as he was still panting and breathing heavily on-top of her.

"Get away from me!!" Tina screamed at him, as she could felt the pain in between her thighs, and as Patrick moved away from her, Tina started crying, as she couldn't believed that Patrick slept with her, despite her.pleading, and he already deflowered her.

Tina cried the more and Patrick apologized to her, "I'm sorry."

Patrick tried to touched Tina again, but Tina slapped his hands off from touching her, as she cried all through the night and unto the morning, as neither herself nor Patrick slept.

"I begged you to stopped, but you refused" Tina cried harder, and Patrick became speechless, as he couldn't brought himself to stopped the previous night, neither could he rejected her, and he apologized to her again, "I'm sorry, please forgive me."

"No.." Tina finally stood up from Patrick's bed, and she ran out bare from his bedroom, and not minding the fact that she was without clothes, and Patrick got worried too, as he stood up and slided out from his bed, to chased after her, but seeing that he was also without clothes, Patrick ran back to his bathroom and he quickly washed himself first, before he stepped out to dress up and to chase after Tina..

Tina wanted to ran out of Patrick's house like that, but seeing that she was without clothes, she immediately ran back to the restroom where she had previously hung her wet clothes to dried the previous night, and she took it down and wore it like that, even as her clothes was still wet, as she didn't wanted to waste anymore moment in Patrick's house. And so she rushed out back from the restroom, and left Patrick's house, while running out to the exit gate, and exit the house, and not waiting for day to fully broke, as she sobbed and ran to exit the gate..

Patrick cursed as to why he did it, as he dressed up quickly in his bedroom, and he ran out from his room and not staring back to his bed, to saw if it was stained or not, as he couldn't controlled himself the previous night, no matter how hard he tried to stop himself, as he knew that he wasn't drunk, and yet he couldn't resisted Tina, and he thought to took full responsibility of his action, as he finally ran out of the house to chased after Tina. but Tina has already got to the main exit gate, and before Patrick's security gateman could even stopped her to asked her, "What's it?."

Tina immediately unlocked the gate, and she ran out from the premises, and running out to the road, as she sobbed, and she didn't even cared which direction she was following..

Patrick rushed out to his car, as he knew that Tina wouldn't even knew her way back to her village, and so he screamed at his gateman, "Open the gate!."

Patrick entered into his car quickly, and knowing Tina had left, he drove out to the road, and driving not too long, he saw Tina walking up to the wrong street that didn't even lead to her village, and he drove passed her and parked in front of her, and he stepped down, and rushed back to meet Tina, and seeing that she wasn't even staring up to the road, as her gazed was focused on the floor as she sobbed.