Mother's Worry

As they got into the room, and it was Prisca's first time of stepping into Patrick's room. Sharon wasted no time in pointing towards the dried blood stained on the bed, as she walked towards the room window to pulled the curtains widely opened, for Prisca to saw it clearly and she said,


"Oh my!" Prisca gasped out, as reality dawn on her on what she was seeing, and she said, "No, it can't be true. It can't be possible."

"It can't be what?" Sharon asked her in disgust, and she said, "So your friend didn't even had any self controlled, as immediately we went out the previous night, she came in here to my brother's room, and slept with him, and yet she pretends like she's a Holy Mary?. Hm.."

"No Sharon," Prisca shook her head as she wouldn't believed that, and she said, "I've known Tina for long. And Tina wouldn't just agreed to slept with your brother, not after rejecting Patrick proposal from me to her several times. I thought your brother was a saint, as I cannot believe this, as Tina has vowed never to slept with anyone until she got married."

Sharon became irritated at Prisca's words, and Sharon asked her, "So what you're implying? That my brother r*ped that yellow wench, right?."

"No.." Prisca said, as she didn't knew how to answered, and she cussed and blamed herself internally for leaving Tina behind. As It was also her fault, as she thought that Patrick wouldn't dared to touched Tina, nor took any advantage of Tina. As she never knew that Patrick was only a pretender, and waiting for them to left the house, so he could devoured Tina. And she felt really bad for Tina and wanted to saw Tina immediately.


When Patrick arrived to Tina's village junction, he didn't knew the way to her house, and so he stopped the car along a street, as he park and switched off his car's engine. But as he want to ask Tina for directions to her house, and to saw if he could dropped her at home,

Tina immediately rushed out from his car, and not staring back to him, nor thanking him either for dropping her home, as she ran off, and walking faster into the streets, and off to her house, while Patrick sighed as he was shocked at her action, and he slided to the second side front-seat and shut the door closed, while he started his car engine, and drove off to his work office, since he was already getting late to work.


Mama-tina was still at home and preparing for the market shade, while she stood out in front of her house, as she was worried that she hadn't seen Tina yet, as Tina was her only daughter, and she sighed, as she remembered how Mama-prisca had embarrassed her when she went to Mama-prisca's house, to found out if Tina was there, since Jude already told her that Prisca visited her home the previous day, before Tina left with Prisca, but Mama-prisca rather insulted her, for coming to her house, and to asked her for Tina's whereabouts, and also blaming her for not training Tina well too.

Mama-tina sighed as she blamed herself for rushing to Mama-prisca's house earlier before the day broke, as if she had known that Mama-prisca was a nonchalant woman, she wouldn't have wasted her time on going to Mama-prisca's house, and to confront her as to why Tina wasn't yet back home.

As Mama-prisca told her, "How was i supposed too know where your daughter went too with mine? Did I followed them?.'

"Hmm.." Mama-Tina gulped, while Mama-prisca spoked, "You could've at least trained your daughter well, not to have any friends, or not to go out with Prisca either!.. Please just leave my house, and don't show yourself here again, because i haven't seen Prisca either, and I didn't went to your house nor anyone's house, to asked them for Prisca's whereabouts."

Mama-tina knew that Mama-prisca was the type of mother that could backup her daughter's wrong doings, and hide her fearful emotions, So she left Mama-prisca's house and prayed that nothing bad had happened to Tina and Prisca, as returned back home to her house, and yet Tina wasn't yet back.


Mama-prisca also knew that it wasn't the first time that Prisca had kept late night, and didn't returned home to slept, but she didn't took it seriously, and only assumed that they had slept in a friend's place due to the heavy rainfall that fell the previous night.

And she knew that if she had told Mama-tina all that, Mama-Tina might got more emotional in her house, and probably refused to leave, and kept on condemning her own daughter, Prisca, while making it seemed like Prisca was the bad influence to Tina.


Mama-tina sighed on remembering how Mama-prisca had treated her, and she started arranging her empty basket, and handbag that she would took along with her to her market shade, where she sold her fruits, and also waiting for Jude to be through eating his meal, as Jude was inside and eating his breakfast, while she sat out in front of the house, and on a bench, as she didn't wanted to leave only Jude alone in the house, as she didn't knew when Tina would returned home either, as Richmond had gone out to his friend's house, named Alex. So as to assist Alex's father at his furniture workshop.

Mama-tina sighed as she sat down on the bench placed in front of her house, while waiting for her son, Jude to be through with his meal, and just then, she saw Tina looking haggard and dejected walking into their compound, as their house had a small entrance gate, and their compound wasn't big enough, as her husband owned the house before he ran away with another woman, but he didn't really finished the house, as he only managed to fenced the half plot of land around, and left a little opening as entrance, so one could saw the person passing through the street.

Mama-Tina knew her husband was enjoying the rich yellow curvy woman's money that he had followed, and claimed that she was too local and troublesome to him, whereas she was a calmed, peaceful and a God fearing woman, but yet her husband claimed he couldn't stand her and abandoned them all when Jude was only a baby.

Mama-tina had tried confronting her husband in the past about their misunderstanding, and she prayed and hope that one day, Papa-Tina would changed and returned back home to them, but he hasn't, and she hasn't also given up hope on him, nor left his house, and to returned back to her father's village, as she had kept on believing that one day he would returned home, because she still did loved him. And had started her fruit business to trained her children through the government school education in their village.

Mama-tina sighed and stared to tattered looking Tina approaching her, as Tina walked into their compound, and walked up slowly to meet her, and knowing that she would questioned Tina of where she went too the previous night, and Mama-tina sighed and stepped down from the house frontage, where she previously sat on the bench before Tina approached..

"Good morning mom" Tina greeted her mother, and staring downward while Mama-Tina saw that Tina's eyes were swollen red from lack of sleep, and making her to frowned and she replied, "Good morning Tina, Where are you coming from, and why are your eyes so red?."

Mama-tina continued to peered at Tina suspiciously, but Tina couldn't replied the truth, as she started to stammered, "I was with.. Prisca and she took me to Sharon's place.. and we couldn't returned back last.. night because of the rain."

"Hm.." Mama-Tina hummed, and she asked, "Is that why you're this red?. And who's Sharon?. Did you slept at her house, or where exactly did you slept last night?."

Mama-Tina stared to Tina eagerly, and Tina replied, "I slept there.. at Sharon's brother's.. No, I mean Sharon's place" Tina answered correctly.

"Hmm, Sharon's brother.. Sharon's place, Which one should I believed now?. Don't let it be that you went to a man's house and slept with him?" Mama-Tina questioned out, with narrowed eyes, as she eyed Tina from head to toe, as Tina really looked so unkept, and worst with red marks all over her face and neck, but Tina immediately replied, "No mother, Is Sharon's place. I mean Sharon's family house."

Tina staring downward and not abled to meet her mother's gazed on her, and she heard her mother sighed "Hmph.. Is alright."

Mama-Tina continued to stared at Tina, as she felt all was not well with Tina, as if all was truly well with Tina, then why would Tina be looking so sad, if she only slept at Sharon's place and nothing really happened?.