Confronting Tina

"Are you sure Is Sharon's place or Sharon's brother house?" Mama-Tina asked again, wanting to be sure and Tina shuddered and replied "Sharon's place."

"Hm.. If is just Sharon's place then why're your eyes these red?. What happened Tina?. Did anyone touched you?" Mama-Tina asked worriedly, as she move closer to examined Tina, but Tina moved backwards away from her mother, and she stared downwards.

"Tell me the truth Tina, what happened?" Mama-Tina insisted, but Tina shook her head and not wanting to revealed the truth, as she said, "Nothing happened mom."

Tina thought - [How can I tell my mother the truth, that Sharon's brother slept with me, No I cannot do that. Breaking mom's heart, no] Tina kept mute.

Mama-Tina sighed and she replied, "Fine then, go inside and take your bath, as I will be leaving soon with Jude to the market, as I am just waiting for Jude to be through with his breakfast."

Jude stepped out, since he was through eaten his meal, and he smiled to Tina and stared to their mother as he stepped down their frontage, while Mama-tina spoked to Tina, "We will be leaving the house now.. Since you're back. Take care of the house and don't allow any friend to visit nor enter into this compound again, is that understood?."

Mama-Tina warned, pulling her own ear as a sighed if warning and Tina kept mute.

"Are you listening to me at all?!" Mama-Tina yelled again, and Tina replied, "Yes mom."

"Good. Let yesterday be the last time that you would went out with Prisca nor anyone again. I don't want to ever see Prisca here again in our house, nor anywhere around you, and don't ever go to her compound either. Come Jude let's be going." Mama-Tina left to the market with Jude, while leaving Tina all alone at home, and Tina cried after her mother left with Jude, as she went back locking the small gate entrance leading into their compound from inside, and she cried her eyes out as she walked back into the house, and remembering all the things that Patrick did to her. As not up to 24hrs, but Patrick had slept with her in the blink of an eye. In a twinkling, and she had been deflowered as she felt irritated all over and remembering how Patrick had kissed her, and moaned sweetly to her ears.

Tina remembered Patrick used to disturbed her before, to become as his girlfriend but she refused, as she was a college girl and preparing for her school scholarship exam, as she was brilliant and she didn't wanted to have a boyfriend.

After crying finished, Tina took off her clothes and went to took her bath in their bathroom, to properly washed off herself and remove all the sticking scent of Patrick away from her, as his masculine scent still lingered around her, and she also felt sour, pained and irritated, on remembering how Patrick took her pride, and moaning, as she had never been with a man before, and she didn't wanted to accepted him nor anyone else to become as her boyfriend, until she was legally married, but the deed has already been done, and Patrick had deflowered her, by taking the one most precious gift that she wanted to gift to her husband on their wedding night.

Tina silently prayed in her heart, that nothing bad should happened to her again, as she cried and asked God for forgiveness of her sin with Patrick, as she bath quickly, and sge finally stepped out from their local bathroom and went into their room to dress up before eating her breakfast, as she was very tired. And so she retired back to their room to sleep.


When Prisca got home, after rushing out of Patrick's house. She was still bittered as to why some men could not be trusted, as she knew that Sharon didn't believed her when she told Sharon that Tina would never agreed to slept with Patrick, nor to opened her legs freely for Patrick to made sweet love you her.

She had told Sharon, "Tina and Patrick weren't even talking, let alone for Tina to now go into Patrick's room to give her pride to him, no, I cannot believe that,"

But Sharon didn't agreed, and only called Tina a pretender. So she left Patrick's house, to go and confronted Tina by herself, as she kept on wondering, what truly happened between as she went back home.

"Did Patrick drugged Tina and r*ped her, or did Tina consensually agreed to gave herself to Patrick? No." Prisca doubted, as she knew that Tina was so stubborn, and adamant on having a boyfriend, and she sighed and concluded it would be forced, but she felt truly sorry for Tina, and still needed to saw Tina first, to found out what exactly happened?.

When Prisca got home to her mother's house, she greeted her mother first, "Good morning mom," whom was preparing to leave the house too, and Mama-Prisca paused and stared back to Prisca, and as usual, she didn't asked Prisca anything, but only replied, "Welcome Prisca."

Prisca sighed, and rushed into the house to dropped her handbag, and she immediately rushed out again to went out, and surprising her mother, whom immediately stopped her, and asked her "And where are you going too again Madam? As You just came back home now, and not even saying where you went to before? And yet you want to rush out again. What's wrong with you Prisca?! Is it because I don't flog you or reprimand you, and that's why you're behaving silly and having the gut to be doing anyhow that you like?."

"No mother," Prisca frowned as she heard her mother's questioned her, "Then first explain to me where you went to with Mama-Tina's daughter?... As her mom was here, and Come-on start explaining?!" Mama-Prisca yelled, and Prisca shifted backwards and away from her mother, as she replied, "We just went to saw Sharon that's all. We would've returned back home yesterday, but Sharon wasn't around so we waited for her, and when we were about coming, The rain started and didn't stopped falling until night fall, So we couldn't returned back home again, as we wouldn't saw a bike at that late hour."

"A Bike!" Mama-prisca exclaimed, and Prisca shuddered in fret, while her mother asked her, "Where is this Sharon friend of yours living, that you would've to took a bike to her house, and went to saw her there?. Isn't she living in this our village?," Mama-Prisca asked, but Prisca frowned and kept mute.

"Answer me?!."

"Mom.." Prisca frowned deepened, and she started telling lies, as she replied, "Mom, Sharon is living here in this village but she packed out of recently to her family's new house, In the neighboring village."

[Whereas Sharon was from the next neighboring village, but grew up in the city with her parent. But because Mr and Mrs Scott weren't able to lived in the city again, they returned back home to their village house, which was.still far] But Prisca wouldn't dared to mentioned that to her mother> That it wasn't even Sharon's family house, but brother's house that they went too, as the neighboring village wasn't that far away from them, but Patrick later moved out and was living outskirt their village, and in an open city. And it was quite far away from their village, but because she couldn't resisted going there, to his place to saw Sharon, as Patrick was rich and doing well for himself.

Patrick actually allowed Sharon to lived with him, ever since Sharon complained of not wanting to stayed in the village again with their parents.

As Sharon was the second to the last daughter of their parents, and Sharon had two older brothers (Victory and Patrick), And an elder sister too named (Cindy), as Sharon senior a younger sister named (Amanda), whom was still living in the village with their parent, and helping their parent, while Sharon ran out and preferred living with Patrick in the city, as Patrick was living alone and more accommodating than their eldest brother named (Victory), whom was an army and living in barracks, as he was very reprimanding, and didn't even allowed Sharon nor any of his sisters to visited his home..

Sharon has told her, that her eldest brother had said that he wouldn't be abled to monitored her movement around, nor looked after her, whenever he wasn't at home. And so Sharon went living with Patrick instead, since Patrick was more entertaining and with his male friends visiting them, Patrick didn't really complained much about Sharon's behavior, even though Patrick knew thar Sharon was dating and sleeping with some of his friends behind his back, and different guys too, but he never yelled at Sharon nor reprimanded her for once, as he allowed it slide, because he didn't liked to hit a woman.

Even after Patrick had returned back home one day to his house, and he caught Sharon pant-down with his friend, banging and moaning in his parlour, Patrick rather had took Sharon back to their parent's house in their village, but Sharon stubbornly refused and still found her way back to his house, Given him silly excuses as to how she appeared in his house.

Sharon had stolen a secret key, from Patrick set of keys, As a spare key into his apartment. So that whenever that she liked, she would returned back to his home in the city, and be with him.


Mama-Prisca just stared to Prisca for a while and she said, "Fine, go back inside first, and change your clothes to freshen up. As you just arrive now and you cannot rush out again. Go inside first!."

"Okay mom..." Prisca agreed and she went back inside the house, but when she noticed that her mother has left the house, she immediately sneaked out of the house, and locked the house door properly, as she headed straight to Tina's house, and wanting to found out the truth by herself.