Pregnancy Sign

Sharon left the house earlier, and when she returned, she saw that Patrick was with some of his business visitors that arrived his home, as some were his close friends and they were all discussing and laughing.

"Good evening all" Sharon greeted them and walked passed them, while going to her room, and Patrick wasn't abled to questioned her on where she went to the previous night, nor where she was coming from again?. As he let it slide because he wasn't even in the mood to confronted her.

After seeing off his friends and business partners, Patrick decided to slept in his room, but just as he stepped into the parlour and walk to the corridor leading to their rooms, Sharon stepped out from her room and she stopped him.

"Brother, what happened between you and Tina the previous night, while I was away..?" Sharon asked and Patrick paused, but he kept mute, as he turned to face Sharon, while Shaton said, "Well I just want to know what happened between you and that yellow wench?."

"Yellow wench?" Patrick asked her, as he frowned, and he meet her questioning gazed on him, then he replied coldly, "Nothing happened."

"Really? You said nothing happened?. Oh my!, Please, that's a lie, as I saw fresh blood stained on your bedsheet this morning, when I entered into your room, to know what happened by myself.. So you broke her virginity, how did .."

"Shut up!! And don't ever say such nonsense again!" Patrick curt Sharon off, from finishing her words, and he walked away angrily, while Sharon gulped all that she wanted to said, and she asked out, "He just asked me to keep shut, Really?." Sharon smirked and she returned back to her room.

Patrick couldn't believed that his sister actually saw the dried stained on the mattress, and she already knew what happened between him and Tina, and he murmured, "What's Sharon even finding here in my room?. Oh! I remembered I forgot to locked my room door because I had rushed out to caught up with Tina, Hmph.."

Patrick shook his head sadly, while he walked to his bed and sat down on it, as he had already changed the bed spread away, and he later slept off on his bed.


Mama-Tina returned back home from the market shade with Jude, and they sat in their parlour discussing as they had their dinners together.

And after their dinner ended, Mama-Tina called Tina back, to come and sit with her, and she gist to Tina all that had happened earlier at the market square, but she noticed that Tina wasn't really responding, like how Tina used too reacted and laughed out before, as Tina was now silent and finding it difficult to laughed, even as her two brothers were laughing out loudly, and narrating all that had happened in the market square to Tina, but still, Tina wasn't laughing, as she was quiet and trying to forced a fake smile, but she wasn't happy.

Mama-Tina sighed, and not liking how Tina was quiet, she asked Tina, "Tina, Why're you not laughing with us? Or you're still thinking about the place that you went to enjoy yourself yesterday night and leaving all of us worried about you?."

Mama-Tina laughed but Tina shook her head quietly, and still unable to spoke a word, and her mother continued, "Well, since you have refused to gist us where you went to spent your night, we've decided to gist you our own," Mama-Tina laughed again and Tina only managed to laughed back, but still not responding, while Richmond said, "Mom, have told you to come and officially register me, so I can learn Alex father's craft."

"Hmph. I know my son, I will go to see him. But you know that Alex father apprenticeship program money is too much, and I can not afford that for now, and beside, you're still young and also going to school. So there's still a lot of time for you to learn it, but you don't have to worry now, I will register you later okay, Try and understand with me."

"Okay mom" Richmond subtly frowned, and Mama-Tina replied, "Good. First face your studies for now, As once you've finished from high school, we will all be able to gather more money and send you through the apprenticeship program, and by that time, you won't be distracted at all. unlike now that you're still going to school" Mama-Tina explained further, as she saw that Richmond frowned.

"Okay mom" Richmond finally agreed, and Mama-Tina replied, "Fine, go inside the room with your brother and sleep, as Is already late." Mama-Tina dismissed Richmond to left with sleepy Jude. While Mama-Tina went to checkup on them, as they went inside the room, and she saw that they were already sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Mama-Tina sighed and she went out back to their parlour to meet Tina, and she asked Tina, "Tina, Are you sure that you're okay?. Or is there anything troubling you, because you don't seem to look happy to me, what's wrong?."

Mama-Tina drew closer to Tina, and she touched her daughter's face and neck, to examined Tina's bodily temperature, but Tina quickly replied to her mother, "Nothing Mom, I'm fine,."

"Hmm.." Mama-Tina sighed, as she still didn't believed that Tina was fine, but she agreed and said, "Is alright. Go and check if the parlour door is properly is locked, Then you come inside and sleep."

"Okay mom" Tina stood up from their parlour couch, and she left to locked the parlour door properly while Mama-Tina sighed and decided to allowed the matter be, since Tina has also refused to talked to her about it, and they both went back inside the room to sleep on the big bed that they shared.


Few months later.

While Mama-Tina was in her market space and attending to some of her customers, a fine young man pulled over his car to a halt along the other side of the road, and he came down from his car and walked up to her shade.

Patrick had always been passing by and hoping that he would saw Tina again, especially whenever he was traveling down to his village to visit his parent, but he never got to saw her again, since the last time that he had touched her, and slept with her. And he couldn't just bare to passed again, so he stopped and pretended like he wanted to bought some fruits from her mother's shade. So he could used the style to inquired about Tina's whereabouts from her mother, and got to know how Tina is faring as well?.

Patrick had packed his car, and waited a little when he arrived, before he finally stepped down and walked over to Mama-Tina's shade to greet her.

"Good afternoon ma" Patrick greeted, as he stood in front of Mama-Tina's shade, and Mama-Tina paused the fruit that she's arranging, and she replied to him, "Welcome Sir, what do you want to buy?."

Patrick was quite at first as he stared to her fruit, and he asked her, "how much are these fruits?."

"100 cash" Mama-Tina replied, and Patrick bought some few, while Mama-Tina package it, but Patrick immediately asked her, "Excuse me Ma, What of that fair in complexion yellow lady that used to helped you here?. I guess she's your daughter right?. I haven't been seeing her around, I hope she's fine?."

Mama-Tina stared to Patrick's face, and she smiled and replied, "Yes she's my daughter, and she's fine. She's preparing for her senior school scholarship exams to gain free scholarship into the University and to study whatever course that she want too, since she's among the best graduating student, So I asked her not to come to the market again but to stay at home and study her books in preparation to the exam. That's why she hasn't been coming to the market with me."

"Oh!" Patrick exclaimed, as he was surprised to heard that Tina was good with her studies, and he smiled back to Mama-Tina and said, "That's fine ma, I'm just asking to know how she's doing."

"Okay" Mama-Tina replied, while Patrick paid for his fruit and he left.

Few days later.

Tina had just rounded up her last exam paper when she felt her stomach cringed like she was going to vomit, and she quickly submitted her last answered sheet, and dashed out from the exam hall, while rushing out to the school restroom to vomited all the food that she had eaten since morning.

These was the third time Tina was throwing up in the week, and after washing her face with a tap water, Tina left and greeted her teachers, "Goodbye" as she awaited the school scholarship results.

While on her way home, Tina saw Prisca and some other street girls discussing, and laughing out loudly like mad women, as they seemed to be making jest of her, but she ignored them and walk passed them quickly, as she was going home, but she heard one of the girls screamed out to her, "Pretender!."

Tina didn't stopped by, nor responded to them, as she and Prisca were no longer friends, nor were they talking to each other, since the night of the event, and the following morning confrontation.

Tina avoided Prisca like plague, as another of her class-mate had told her that Prisca has told almost all of their classmates, and anyone whom cared to listened, that she had been deflowered, and no longer the Holy Mary they used to know, and that "Tina had slept with a man," and she (Prisca) saw it, because she knew the man whom Tina had slept with.

Some believed Prisca while some others didn't, as they felt probably Prisca just wanted to condemned Tina out of jealousy, since they weren't talking anymore.

When Tina got home, she felt tired and slept off, not even taking off her uniform, and when she woked up, it was already evening and her mom has already arrived, and as she entered into their parlour, she was surprised to still saw Tina in her school uniform, while Tina greeted her, "Good evening mom."

"Good evening Tina, Why're you still in your school uniform?. Did you just closed from school now, or you went to somewhere else?." Mama-Tina questioned with narrowed eyes, as she eyed Tina suspiciously.

"No mom, I was just tired, so i slept off, without even knowing when I slept" Tina said, as she yawned tirelessly and stretched, and Mama-Tina asked her, "Hmm, How about your exams, I hope that you wrote it very well?."

"Yes mom, I did. But i think I am not feeling too fine. As I had vomited in school today, and since this week" Tina spoked, and her mother stared to her and asked her, "Are you sure?. Or maybe it just malaria. I pray you pass the school scholarship exam and win it."

Mama-Tina smiled to Tina, and she left Tina and went to their kitchen at the backyard, to prepared what their dinner, before the night fell..