Agboda Village

The following two weeks. Tina's health symptoms became worst, from throwing up early in the morning to becoming more lazy to do anything, and worst was sleeping at any given moment.

And Mama-Tina noticed Tina's changes, and she approached Tina vomiting one faithful morning again and she asked Tina, "What's wrong with you Tina?. Are you still sick?."

Mama-Tina asked worriedly, as she approached Tina, and touched Tina's neck to observed Tina's body temperature. And she gasped, feeling Tina's body was very hot.

Mama-Tina rushed to the nearby pharmacy to got some drugs for Tina but still after some days Tina became more sick, and her mother had no other option than to took Tina to the hospital, where the doctor ran a test on Tina and later confirmed to Mama-Tina that Tina was pregnant.

"What?! Doctor! What did you just said?" Mama-Tina asked in disbelief, as she said, "How can my daughter be pregnant, How?."

Mama-Tina started crying as she hadn't expected of Tina to became pregnant at the most vital stage of Tina's life. And Mama-Tina screamed out, "Tina has finished me oh!. How did you got pregnant Tina? Who got you pregnant?!."

Mama-Tina started beating Tina, and knowing that very soon, her daughter would became the talk of the town. Not until the nurses and doctor in the local clinic rushed up to her and separated her away from Tina.

"Madam! do you want to kill your daughter here? Don't you see that she's sick?. Here, take her medicines and go and pay in the cashier." The nurse handed over the medicines that the doctor had prescribed to Tina, and Tina finally left the hospital with her mother, and also crying.

When they got home, Mama-Tina couldn't helped but cried again, as she placed her both hands to her head, and she asked Tina, "Tina why? Why will you bring shame upon me?

Why my daughter? Who got you pregnant, tell me before I throw you out from here this minutes?."

Tina shuddered as she stood outside in their house frontage, and she replied,

"I don't know him, mom.."

Tina started crying, and her mother asked her, "What do you mean by - you don't know him?. So how did you got pregnant?." Mama-Tina questioned out again, and Tina sobbed, as her mother said, "Don't let me wound you oh! and kick out that child that you are carrying!. Who's the father??." Mama-Tina yelled, and Tina shuddered and replied, "He's Sharon's brother."

Mama-tina calmed, as she tried to remember where she has heard the name 'Sharon's brother' before. And she asked Tina, "Sharon's brother, who?.. Where does he live?."

Tina replied,

"I don't know mom. Is Prisca that took me there before."

"Prisca? Oh! that day that you came back home late, No wonder.. Where's that stupid Prisca?!"

Mama-Tina fumed and she left to Mama-Prisca's house to ask of Prisca.

"Where's Prisca?" Mama-Tina asked as she stormed into Mama-Prisca's house, and

Mama-Prisca was stunned, and she stood up from the chair that sat on and washing her dirty plates, and she asked Mama-Tina, "What has my daughter done to you again this woman?."

Mama-Tina stared to Mama-Prisca angrily, and Mama-Prisca said, "Haven't I warned Prisca to stay away from your daughter?. What do you want from us again?."

"Where is your daughter first?" Mama-Tina asked her, and Mama-Prisca finally sighed and she replied,

"Well.. I haven't seen Prisca since two weeks now, and she has run away from home and I don't know of her whereabouts."

"What!" Mama-Tina gasp in shock the revelation, as she became speechless.

"That girl will not kill me before my time, Prisca has left home since, and she hadn't returned. Don't you see I am the one washing the plates" Mama-Prisca said, and Mama-Tina shook her head sadly, while Mama-Prisca asked her,

"What has Prisca done again?."

"Never mind.." Mama-Tina replied, and she turned and left Mama-Prisca's house angrily, while Mama-Prisca shook her head sadly, as she watched Mama-Tina angrily left her compound.


When Mama-Tina got back home, she sat out at the bench in front of their house and thinking on what to do, as regards to Tina's pregnancy. And she thought of taking Tina to her only elder sister's place, whom lived in the next neighboring village, so as to reduced the gossip and embarrassment of their village people gotten to know that her daughter was pregnant. As definitely Tina's stomach would definitely grew out bigger as time passed by.

Mama-Tina called Tina again to come out and she asked Tina, "Do you still know the road that lead down to the man's house who got you pregnant?."

Tina shook her head and she replied, "No mom."

Mama-Tina sighed and Tina said, "is Prisca that took me there.."

Tina couldn't remembered the way to Patrick's house, nor the bus-stop. As when she was returning home, on that fateful day, it was Patrick that had dropped her off too.

"Is okay. You will not abort the pregnancy, but I will not like you to stay here with us, So as to reduce the villagers mockery. I will visit my elder sister first and discuss with her about taking you to her place, and hopefully she will understand and let you come stay with her, till when the baby is born, Then you can return back home with your baby" Mama-Tina said.

"Okay mom," Tina nodded sadly and, few days later, Mama-Tina set to travelled to the next neighboring village, where her elder sister lived, as she prepared all the things that her children would be needing in her absence, as she wouldn't returned home the same day as her travel. And she said to Tina, "Tina, You will be going to my shade, to sell the remaining fruit left so it wouldn't got spoilt until I return. As It just a two days trip okay."

"Okay mom" Tina replied, as she watched her mother left.

Mama-Tina arrived at her elder sister's house, and she told her elder sister as to why she visited, after eating and relaxing a little, and her elder sister sighed and agreed on her to brought Tina. As her elder sister had four children but they were not living with her, as they were all grown ups.

Mama-tina elder sister finally agreed for Mama-Tina to brought Tina to come living with her, and to helped Mama-Tina out of distressed, as they were the only two sisters of their family.

Mama-Tina thanked her elder sister and she later returned back home to her husband's house and brief to Tina and her two sons about the new development that her sister had agreed.

"I'm going to take Tina to my elder sister's place tomorrow, because she can't bare the shame and mockery of what these villagers will start saying, especially when Tina's stomach finally grows out. For the sake of Tina's mental health and that of the baby in her womb, we will be traveling to my sister's place tomorrow" Mama-Tina informed Richmond and Jude.

"Okay mom" They all replied and later went to bed.

The following morning, Mama-Tina and Tina left to Agboda village, as quite farther away from their own village. And when they arrived, Mama-Tina informed her elder sister, "Sister, I will be coming to check on Tina until she has put to bed."

"Okay" Mama-Tina's elder sister replied, as she was a quiet woman, and she took Tina inside and showed Tina to a room, as she explained to Tina few things about herself, and she said, "I have a business shop, and I will like you to be going there with me, as I won't like only you to be staying at home all alone, to avoid depression."

"Okay Aunt" Tina replied, and she started living with her aunt..


Back in City A, Patrick was doing so well for himself after winning a new contract deal. And he expanded his business by trying to create more branches across City A and other states at large.

Patrick sat in his office with his bossom friend (Matthew Days), Whom was around and going through some magazines pages, and drinking a bottle of wine too on the desk to suit his relaxation.

Matthew told Patrick about the new club in town that he would liked to visited over by the weekend, to have some fun with some new hot ladies there, since they were both single and would be free by weekend. But Patrick only smiled and replied, "I don't feel like clubbing or partying."

"Why?" Matthew asked, "We're both single, what's stopping you or troubling you bro?."

Patrick sighed as he wasn't yet ready to revealed anything to anyone about his heart trouble.


A billionaire business mogul, Mr Bright whom was into oil and gas in city A, has been seen how far and well Patrick has made a big name for himself in the heart of City A. Where the elite lived, and he wanted his daughter to become married to Patrick, as he admired Patrick so much, as a prominent young billionaire. And he had visited Patrick's office at PAT GROUP headquarters, and made some business proposal to Patrick, to help established Patrick business status the more, and he even invited Patrick over to his executive mansion for dinner, so he could officially introduced his family and daughters to Patrick.

As the saying goes, the rich people loved mingling with the rich, while the poor keeps avoiding themselves.

Patrick honored Mr Bright invitation for a dinner in his home, As he couldn't turned down Mr Bright invitation, knowing that Mr Bright was a powerful billionaire in City A.

As most rich and elite in City A were all known from the news, medias, and front pages of gossip magazines covering topics and publishing news about the top personalities in City A, as most people adore them and saw them as their role models.