Baby Godsent

Patrick drove to Mr Bright's mansion with his Mercedes Benz Car, and he was welcomed by Mr Bright, his wife and their children. While Mr Bright ushered Patrick into their living room.

Mr Bright introduced his wife and daughters to Patrick, and after they proceeded to the dining area to had their dinners.

While they were eating in the dinning table, one of Mr Bright's daughters, Anita Bright was just smiling and shining her beautiful brown eyes at Patrick. And after dinner ended, Patrick thanked them all, as he stood up to leave, but Anita took permission from her father to escorted Patrick outside to his car, that was parked in their garage, while the rest of their family sat back in the living room and watching the television..

Anita used the opportunity to Introduced herself to Patrick, as they walked up to the garage where Patrick's car was parked, inside her father's compound, and she said, "Hi, I'm Anita Bright, I guess you're Patrick Scott right?." Anita smiled brightly to Patrick, and Patrick smiled back to her and replied, "Sure."

Patrick would admitted that Mr Bright family has a contagious smile, that you would want to smiled back to them. And Anita requested for Patrick's phone contact so she could contacted him on phone during his free time and to got to know him better.

"Here's my card" Anita gave her card containing her phone number to Patrick, and she dialed on Patrick's phone number that was given to her, and his phone rang out from his trouser side pocket.

"Save my number, as I will like us to be good friends" Anita smiled to Patrick, while Patrick had no other option than to agreed to the beauty lady standing in front of him.

"Okay, Thank you for your time. I will save it" Patrick replied, and he finally got into his car and drove back home to his house.

When Patrick got home, he relaxed arranging his new project work against the new upcoming week, And just then, Anita called his phone line and he picked up his call.

"Hello dear, is me Anita Bright calling, I just want to know if you've gotten home safely?" Anita asked, over on the phone and Patrick replied, "Yes dear, I had. I'm at home now, and preparing some of my work schedules."

"Okay that's nice, I'm just calling to check up on you, and to hear your handsome voice, hope you don't mind me calling you always?" Anita asked, and Patrick replied, "Of course not. You can call me whenever you want too" Patrick told her with all honesty and thereafter the called ended.

Patrick still missed Tina so much, especially when he entered into his bedroom, as the thought of Tina and her soft sweet yellow body never left his mind, and he longed to have Tina back again, and wished to saw her again too.

Patrick didn't had any girlfriend since he lastly slept with Tina, and the last girl that he dated before Tina, She broke his heart to pieces, and living him shattered and finding it difficult to love again, not until he meet with Tina, and he felt magnetized to Tina on the first day of sighting Tina at the market place.

Patrick had agreed that no matter how one rejected to fall in love again, love would still caught up with the person's heart. And thinking about Tina was so irresistible, and he hoped that he would saw her again and asked her for her forgiveness and to make things right between them.


Prisca Jonathan had left the village barely two weeks after her high school final exam. As she planned with Sharon and the rest of Sharon friend, that after their final exams ended, they would moved out to the city as she couldn't stayed back home in the village again with her mother, as the village life wasn't what she wanted.

Sharon agreed, as she also left Patrick's house after he insisted on the security guard not to allowed her left the house again, whenever he wasn't around, because her waywardness was becoming to unbearable for him.

And Sharon pretended that she was going back home to the village, and then she ran away to the city and went residing in a hotel with Prisca and her best friends too, until she was able to got an apartment where she lived with her friends and Prisca inclusively.

They were into drug and prostitution, sleeping with any dick and hairy that came their way and offered them money for s*x. Both married, single, and they didn't even cared of any sexual transmitted diseases and the rest, As Sharon was wide and she later got connection into her prostitution lifestyle business, and she became very popular and was living flamboyant lifestyle in City A. And those whom knew Patrick thought, it was because Patrick was rich that also made Sharon too rich, and to show off wealth, not knowing it wasn't Patrick that was Influencing Sharon's lifestyle.

Sharon got modelling and beauty brand contract because or her beauty brown skin, and lavished lifestyle too, but still she didn't relented from her prostitution business, as she naturally loved men's d!ck and she couldn't resisted not having sxx almost every day. As she had done series of abortion and she was into bringing in other gullible young ladies that wanted to become rich like her.

As time went by, Sharon was already a young madam in the field of her prostitution business, and she prepared her papers (travel document) to travelled out of their country, as she wanted to tasted other different interracial men d!CK too, white, black men as she was tired of the men in her country, and she needed a new man to explore and have fun and interracial bang with, as she was wide in bed also..


1 year later..

Tina had given birth to a bouncing baby boy and she named him Godsent. As he was so cute and adorable and anyone whom saw him, admired him so much, as he was white, cute with golden brown hair.

Some even dashed him money too, and told Tina to purchase somethings sweet for him, like biscuits, sweet and the rest that a baby would needed.

Tina couldn't really remembered how Patrick looked liked again, as she knew that she didn't used to stared up to his face before, with the way Patrick used to stared at her too with love in his eyes.

Tina wished that she had examined Patrick's facial features then at some point, as her baby didn't really resembled her, except for her yellow complexion skin, and she assumed maybe Godsent resembles his father and she sighed, as she hated to remembered what Patrick did to her, and how he got her pregnant.

Tina remembered that she had begged Patrick then to stopped, but instead, Patrick continued and also slept with her against her wish, and she felt to cursed Patrick, but whenever she stared to her baby. She loves her son very much and she thought to forgave herself and move on from her past mistake, so as not to hate her baby boy, As the mistake has already been done and it produced a cute baby boy.

Tina prepared to went back home to her village as it had been six months since Godsent birth, and she packed her things and baby things into her box of clothes, while waiting for her mother to arrived, so they could went back home together.

And it wasn't liked Tina didn't knew the way back to her village {Ochanda village} but she wanted her mother to arrived at her aunt house first. So that her mother can at least thanked her big aunt for allowing her to stayed at her home and her kind hospitality to her.

Her cousin sister, was also around, and Chika didn't wanted Tina to leave. As Chika was a bit older than Tina, as Chika was 24-years of age while Tina was just 20-years old.

Chika had gist Tina about the good live in the city. Good jobs and also the city hustles and struggles, as Tina was very pretty and even in Agboda village where Tina stayed living with her aunt, Tina still got some marriage proposals from some men that came to her Aunt's shop, to asked for her hand in marriage, especially after she had given birth to Godsent, but her Aunt (Aunty Clara) told them that Tina wasn't available and she couldn't gave out Tina's hand in marriage to any of the men, without letting her sister to knew about it first.

Aunt Clara had also stated that she wanted Tina to heal from all the past trauma that lead to the pregnancy before going into a marriage, so as not to hate men in general for having a child out of wedlock.

And while Tina sat out playing with her baby boy whom was already 6 month old. Her mother arrived as Mama-Tina hadn't visited Tina, since her lastly visit, when Tina newly gave birth to Godsent.

Tina had thought maybe her mother now hated her as to why her mother hadn't showed up since when she gave birth, until the moment she was finally leaving for home. And Mama-Tina apologized to Tina saying, "I've been busy, trying to meet up with the catering of your brothers. And do you know what?."

"What?" Tina asked her mother, as she sat outside at the frontage of Aunt Clara home, with her mother on the front bench, and Mama-Tina replied, "Your father has arrived."

"What!" Tina gasped.

"Yes" Mama-Tina said.

"Wait, let me go inside and thank my sister first" Mama-Tina spoked, and she stood up from the bench, and went inside to thanked her elder sister for taking good care of Tina.