Anita's birthday.

Anita's birthday was fastly approaching. Being a billionaire business mogul's daughter, Anita had invited all her friends, media team and paparazzi to attended her birthday celebration, As she wanted the whole of City A to knew she was Patrick's woman.

Anita's birthday was to be held at Royal glamour hotel in City A, And only those based on special invitation could attended her birthday celebration.

Anita had discussed with her girlfriend in fears of how Patrick has being nonchalant about proposing nor making his love for her official.

Patrick didn't had any problem with them hanging out together but he didn't liked sleeping with her without protection either.

Anita felt probably Patrick was seeing a secret mysterious woman somewhere, whom might not be in City A as to why he wasn't taking his relationship with her seriously.

Anita's friend, Joyce had advised Anita to gave Patrick some time, probably he wasn't ready to settle down yet and besides they were both still young, and their relationship hasn't even clocked up to a year, but Anita couldn't kept calmed, nor bought such advised.

Anita went to Patrick's Mansion to invited him over for her birthday celebration as Patrick had previously sold his other house where he was formerly living with Sharon before, he moved into a more bigger house in the heart of city A. A duplex mansion, customized with security intelligence , and facial recognition scanner..

Moreover Patrick sold his former house, as thought of Tina couldn't allowed him rested.

Patrick kept dreaming about Tina to the extent he had wet dreams too, as he couldn't stopped remembering the sweet s*x he had with her.

It was unbearable to him and when his tortured on Anita became evident as he couldn't even make love to Anita in the same room he had slept with Tina, nor concentrated on his work and creating new project designs, Patrick finally parked out as he was gradually becoming weak and sick and he sold off his first house.


Anita was a bad girl. Though her father has money and she was into acting and modelling in city A as she had numerous of past boyfriends she had dated, long before she meet with Patrick.

Patrick was a big catch to her for his age, As a lot of young ladies to in City A wanted to mingled with Patrick too.

Whenever Patrick went out to the club, he spent nothing less than a million cash per night. Paying for drinks and entertaining strippers, as he was normally invited to big club occasion by other top notch prominent young men like him in City A.

Some of them were married, while some got baby-mamas, but Patrick wasn't yet married nor has Anita heard of any babymama entanglement with him.

Anita loved Patrick and she wasn't ready to gave him up yet. And so Anita drove to Patrick's house and she parked her executive Toyota Camry car in his garage, The latest model of Camry, as she had called Patrick on phone to confirmed if he was around.

Anita was dressed in a seductive pink crop-top, and light blue mini skirt, And she walked out towards Patrick's mansion, after highlighting from her car and locking it up properly.

Anita was all smiles as she stepped into Patrick's living room and she saw Patrick and approached him, as she greeted him sweetly and gave him a kiss on his right cheek.

"Good evening baby, how you doing?."

Patrick smiled to Anita, as he meet her gazed and replied, "Am fine as you can see, you are looking sweet today, happy new age to you. Your new age looks good on you," Patrick kissed Anita lightly on her lips as Anita hugged him instead, crossing her two arms around Patrick's waist and she deepened the kiss, wanting more.


Tina arrived home with her mother and little son Godsent by noon. And her two brothers were thrilled to seeing her arrived with their little nephew, Godsent.

Meeting their little nephew for the first time, Jude was the first to carry him, while Papa-Tina whom had returned back from his promiscuous lifestyle, after running away from his family for a long time was also around.

Papa-Tina stepped out and welcomed Tina as his wife already told him, Tina was pregnant as to the reason why he didn't saw Tina around after he had arrived.

Papa-Tina didn't asked Tina much questioning and he carried Godsent up in his arms and played a little with Godsent, As Godsent was already 6-months old, before handling Godsent back to Richmond, whom was requesting to carried his cute white nephew a little.

Their neighbors were shocked to heard a baby crying and seen the cute resembling Tina, They wondered why Tina left before.

First it was Mama-Tina's husband returning after many years of running away with his side-chick, and next was Tina returning home with a cute white baby resembling her, as Tina was also white.

Some wondered if Tina was already married, as it has been longed they saw Tina lastly. And some wondered if it was because of the pregnancy, that Tina previously left their village. Probably Tina got pregnant out of wedlock.

They knew Mama-Tina was a secretive person, As she didn't gave any of them the face to drew closer to her and to inquired about the full gist leading to Mama-Tina's grandson.

The neighbors left, as they didn't knew the truth and they gossiped whatever they liked.

Tina went back assisting her mother in her shade, where Mama-Tina sold fruits. As Tina had changed after given birth to Godsent.

Few months later with Godsent being 6-months of age, Tina looked matured and chubby, As her butt*cks and bre*sts grew larger than before, Making her to had sexy curvy hips and round buttocks.

Tina was hot and looking more tempting and charming than before, and she followed her mother to the market always after her return from Agboda Village.

Some young men whom drove passed Tina and her mother along the road in their car or bikes, usually stopped to woo Tina, calling Tina, "Beauty, sexy goddess," but Tina didn't responded to any of them. And rather preferred trekking with her mother to the market, As some offered to gave them a free ride home, or wherever they were going too.

Mama-Tina only smiled at them and thanked them, and still continued with her trekking home with her daughter. As Mama-Tina knew Tina was beautiful as Tina resembled her father due to his fair white complexion, while Tina resembled her, with her sexy humongous shape.


Anita birthday finally arrived and it was a huge birthday party as she got lots of gifts from her fellow actors, actresses and topnotch friends in the entertainment industry.

Anita was with Patrick too and taking lots of glamour pictures with Patrick by her side, smiling sweetly to the camera, at Royal glamour hotel and suites.

Anita was indeed beautiful putting on a sleeveless long dress that highlighted her hips and shape, bringing out her sexy curvy shape, Even as she was a slim figure, tall beauty. Anita still looked cute, as she was also light skinned in complexion with her long slender legs.

Patrick bought Anita a diamond necklace that he had ordered from abroad and kept it in a little box.

Anita was having high hopes Patrick wanted to propose to her and was going to popped out the question and asked her 'Will you marry me?', but Anita got disappointed as Patrick gave her a beautiful silver diamond necklace rather with an expensive Rolex wristwatch too.

After Anita's birthday bash with her friends ended. Anita went over with Patrick to his home, but Patrick wasn't in a good mood, as he wasn't against her coming with him to his home.

When they got down from his car, Anita and Patrick went inside together, but as soon as they stepped into the living room, Anita turned to him, and threw her hands around him, pulling him closer to a kiss, and she sealed her lips on his, kissing Patrick hungrily as soon as they got into the living room and the door shut closed.

Patrick wanted to asked her what she would liked him to offered to her visit, as he was leaving alone, but Anita didn't even gave him the chance to asked, As she deepened the kissed and spoked, "Baby.. All I want for my birthday is you."

It was already late, So Anita placed her hand on Patrick's chest, and brought her face closed to his again, using one of her hands to rub his beards, touching him romantically to got him aroused.

Patrick breathed out heavily, and grabbed her waist closer to himself.

Next Anita was all over him kissing him hungrily as she came prepared for him.

Anita stripped herself bare to Patrick's viewed, in a blink of an eye, revealing her hot wet body to his viewed and not wanting to gave Patrick any space to lose interest in banging her.

Anita quickly approached Patrick standing and wanted to stripped him too, but Patrick quickly caught her hands away, That was already reaching for his boxers to took out his shaft.

As Anita had already took off his belt and pulled his trouser downwards but Patrick groaned and he spoked to her.

"Wait, Let me get a protection pack."