Wedding Invitation

Mrs Bright stared to Anita in pity and Anita replied her, "Nothing mom, am just a little sad"

"Don't give me that as an excuse. What happened, or do you want me to ask your father to reprimand and ground you in this house?. Now tell me the truth, why are you crying?."

Mrs Bright was a no-nonsense woman and she didn't had the time for pampering her children much like her husband did. She was mean and didn't wasted time in disciplining anyone whom messed up with her, be it her children, That sometimes made Anita and her siblings to wondered if she was truly their mother or stepmom. But nonetheless Mrs Bright could be sweet sometimes.

"What's the problem?. Did you fought with anyone, tell me the truth?. You know I don't like to be kept waiting?,* Mrs Bright questioned and Anita answered, "Is nothing serious mom."

"Nothing serious and you are looking this red?. Did you stared to your face in the mirror at all?. Anyways if you don't want to tell me, you can as well stand up and dress up quickly, As you will be the one following me to the shopping mall today, for Senator Deola daughter's wedding," Mrs Bright chapped and Anita gulped.

"Mom, can't you see am sad?. Am in no mood to go out again. Why can't you just ask hailey or Justina to follow you?," Anita asked but Mrs Bright deadpan,

"No!. You just told me now that you're alright. So dress up quickly, let go.. And don't keep me waiting." Mrs Bright stood up to leave and Anita bursted out crying again surprising her mother.


"What's wrong with you this lady?. I cannot blame you. I should be blaming your dad whom likes pampering you all a lot," Mrs Bright frowned and she walked and sat down beside Anita on the bed.

"Tell me honey, What's the matter?. Is it Patrick, or do you fought with any of your colleague?," Mrs Bright asked again softly and Anita stared to her mother in surprised, as her mother hadn't spoked to her so calmly before since she knew her mother.

Anita frowned and Mrs Bright concluded Patrick was the caused.

"So is Patrick I guessed. What has he done to you this time?!. I never liked that young man because he's not a graduate nor any degree holder. But your father seems to like him just because he's rich a business pro like him.." Mrs Bright ranted and Anita's frowned deepened.

"Tell me what has Patrick done to you this time?. Did he cheated on you, if that's the case, you don't need to cry, because of that. Most young men of his age are like that, just a few in thousand that you will see not cheating on their partner," Mrs Bright stated but Anita still kept mute and Mrs Bright questioned,

"Anita don't let me ask you again, else you will be force to go shopping with me now, whether you like it or not, Answer me?!" Mrs Bright yelled and Anita finally spoked, "Mom, Patrick told me he has someone else he's in love with."

"Hmph. And is that why you should be crying?. Just forget about him and you will meet with someone better off than him."

"No mom!, I can't forget about him. Am in love with Patrick," Anita cried and Mrs Bright stared to Anita in shocked.

"What do you know about love silly girl, just because you kiss him and all those nonsense I see you doing with Patrick on the media, you're now saying you love him jezz!," Mrs Bright frowned deepened.

"Not that mom, I truly love Patrick. I want him and no one else I want, except Patrick. I want to be Patrick's wife," Anita stated and Mrs Bright gasped in horror and screamed out "What!."

"If not that am truly your mother, I could've just slapped the living day light out of you now for uttering such gibberish"

"But mom, am serious, I truly love him" Anita said.

"Fine, it's okay. Have heard you, but that's not why you should be this sad. You can still see Patrick again to know what he want. If he insist on the other person he claims he loves, then you have to let him be. Now go on and freshen up, you will be the one still going with me for the shopping today and that's final," Mrs Bright stated as she stood up to leave, and Anita had no other choice that to also stood up and changed her dress into another wear..

Anita washed up her face and applied a little new make over and she followed her mother out of their mansion, for her mother's shopping.


Chris succeeded in building a friendship with Tina in her village, and during his stayed in the village, Chris even invited Tina over to his sister's wedding.

Chris begged Tina not to said no to his invitation and Tina was more like a seductress, as she attended and many men admired her both married and single, as she was a pure epitome of natural beauty. Purely fair in complexion, with her big curvy hips and round bûttócks with large breasts, that any clothes she puts on highlighted her beauty, even though she has given birth to a son, men were still chasing after her as they didn't really cared..

Tina didn't wanted to built any friendship with Chris, but because Chris became friends with her mother first, always visiting her mother at her shade since he has nothing much doing in his village, just waiting for his sister's marriage date to arrived and passed, Chris even went as far playing with her son whenever he visited.

Chris didn't asked Tina her story as obviously he knew the child belongs to Tina from first sight of Godsent.

When Chris first saw Tina's baby the last time he had visited Mama-Tina at her shade, Chris was star struck by the little boy's cuteness and also resemblance to his friend in the city, Patrick Scott.

Although Godsent was as fair as white in complexion, but he resembled Patrick so much and Chris couldn't helped but wondered if possible, Tina was the same young lady Patrick had spoken to him about, that he had slept with before in the village, and was also searching for.

Looking at baby Godsent, just seemed to Chris like he was staring at his bossom friend (Patrick Scott) in a smaller version and complexion difference, Just that Godsent was more cute and not dark skin in complexion like Patrick.

Chris stared at the little baby and asked Mama-Tina, "Ma, whose baby is he?." And Mama-Tina sighed at first, hesitating and not wanting to talked, as off course she wanted her daughter to be happy and obviously got married someday. But Mama-Tina knew she couldn't lied about Godsent identity to anyone, as off course that could leaked out one day.

So Mama-Tina sighed pretending like she didn't heard what Chris asked her, and Chris carried baby Godsent in his arms to played with him.

Godsent refused at first, being carried up by the strange looking man in front of his small size, but later Godsent familiarized with Chris face, as Godsent didn't cried much again, whenever Chris was around or carried him up.

Chris didn't wanted to accepted the truth that the baby truly belonged to Patrick, Even though he was seeing Patrick's image on the little boy's face, Chris was beginning to liked Tina to become as his girlfriend. As her simplicity, kindness, beauty, and character seemed to amuzed him, and Chris guessed he had already fallen in love with Tina, as he liked her so much.

Chris only prayed in his mind let his thoughts and reasoning about the baby not to be true, as he thanked his stars he didn't invited Patrick over to his younger sister's wedding. As off course he actually went to Patrick's office the last time he saw Patrick, with the intention of inviting Patrick over to his sister's wedding, As his sister knew Patrick too, and she had told him personally to invited Patrick over to her wedding, but he forgot and didn't even invited Patrick.

Chris was happy he didn't, and he automatically became jealous to think Patrick actually told him that he was still in love with Tina and still wanted Tina over Anita.

Chris remembered Patrick didn't even knew about his son, meaning Mama-Tina never told Patrick about Tina been pregnant. As Mama-Tina obviously never knew Patrick was the man whom had impregnated her pretty daughter.

Chris sighed thinking about all these, As just his few weeks of staying in the village, he had fallen so deeply in love with Tina and he wasn't going to gave Tina up to Patrick either..