Wedding guest

Tina acknowledged Chris invitation to his sister's wedding and she bought a new beautiful short knee length gown as she hadn't yet mastered how to sew properly.

Tina was still learning and couldn't yet styled a gown, so she bought an already made cloth, since it was cheaper, and she went to the wedding, a traditional marriage ceremony, and she was 20-years plus in age.

Though because Tina had given birth to Godsent, she looked more maturely and bigger like one in 25-years plus and above in age and she became the center of attention as she stepped into the venue.

Tina was with Chris but a lot of guys still looked for opportunities to woo her, and Chris sister, whom was the bride and celebrant became jealous when she saw her husband also staring to her brother's direction, and she noticed it was probably the yellow lady that was with her brother, that stole her husband's attention too.

Chris sister wondered where her brother got such white beauty from, because she hadn't seen such a pretty white lady like Tina before, not to mention off all day, that her brother knew he would brought such a pretty lady, but on her wedding day.

Chris sister became angry but had to conceal her annoyance so it didn't showed on her face. As Tina wore a simple cheap dress, but yet because of her excessive beauty, the cheap dress didn't looked cheap on her, but made her look more beautiful and charming, And Tina ignored those calling her as she sat with Chris.

Chris noticed his sister angry glared on him, when he walked closer to presented his wedding gift to her with Tina by his side, whom he took as an escort with him to presented the gift he had bought for his sister. And Tina too had also bought a little gift for his sister, A 6-yards wrapper and she wrapped it as a gift, as it was her mother that bought the gift and wrapped it herself before giving it to her to delivered to Chris sister, since she knew it was Chris sister's wedding, Tina was going too.

When Tina and Chris got closer to the couple, Chris was the first to handed over his gift to the couple and he smiled telling his sister, "Sis smile is your happy day, Here's my present." And Chris handed over his gift to her, and waited for Tina to handed over hers too after congratulating his sister.

Chris sister could had rejected Tina's gift to her, and questioned Tina whom invited her over to her wedding, but because Chris was still standing there and waiting for Tina, She had to pretended and smiled to Tina, and forcibly collected the gift from Tina's hand, as she got jealous seeing how her husband had admired and also thanked Tina for her gift, but she didn't spoked thanks, as she was clearly angry and had to let it go since it was her wedding day and she was the one getting married.

Chris sister thought to later confronted Chris, why he brought the charming lady on her wedding day. Did Chris wanted to scattered her marriage from day one, so she let it slide until when next she visited their village and saw Chris, As after her traditional marriage ended, she will be leaving their village with her husband and going to his new house in city.

Chris thanked Tina for honouring his invitation and attending to his only sister's wedding, As obviously Chris knew a lot of guys had eyes to for Tina, but he loved Tina's decency, as she clearly wasn't interested in giving any of the guys her contact information, not because he was the one whom had bought her the phone, but because she didn't needed their calls nor friendship.

Even his older brother had asked him, whom Tina was, after shaking hands with Tina, His older brother didn't wanted to let go off Tina's hand, as he kept smiling and saying sweet words of praises to Tina, and for the fact he also hadn't seen Tina before.

Some of Chris invited friends had to probe him whom Tina was too, and where Chris knew Tina from, but in all, Chris was happy and delighted that Tina wasn't the flirty or wayward type of a lady that could've been entertaining all the men chasing after her, because she was beautiful.

Chris was lucky to have Tina by his side and wished he had known Tina long before Patrick took advantaged of her.

Whenever Chris thought of Patrick, he couldn't helped but cursed his friend in his heart, As even as Patrick was his childhood friend. He hated Patrick and wished he could dealt with Patrick or arrested him for taking advantage of Tina and as well jailed Patrick for r*pe charges.

Chris didn't wanted Patrick to come near Tina again, and he was happy Tina didn't brought her son with her either as whenever he saw the little boy, he reminded him so much of Patrick.

Mama-Tina was always with Godsent as Godsent too was already fond of his grandma and begining to call Mama-Tina "Mommy," thinking Mama-Tina was his mother and Chris was pleased with that.


Patrick had been busy of lately, with new work demands from his clients, as off course he was the boss of all bosses in his field of furniture making.

Patrick had lot of staffs and apprentices working under him in his company, and he had distributors, marketing managers and as well other cooperate workers promoting his brand. As he was a hard working billionaire, Although Anita's mom was right when she had said Patrick wasn't a graduate, but Patrick was far richer and popular than most graduates in City A, and even has lot of graduates working under him because his designs were internationally recognized, having different branch offices across City A and beyond.

Patrick had planned on visiting his parents and junior sister in the village by the weekend but due to his work load, he hadn't have the chance to visit them.

Patrick's mother previously called him that his youngest sister (Amanda), Whom was their last born was insisting on coming over to his place in City A for holiday, and to live with him for a while. But Patrick refused, remembering how Sharon went rogue under his watched, then he told his mother, "Mom, I will think about it later and Amanda should still stay with you and father in the village. When next I visit, I will get her a lot of things.".

Patrick rounded up with his designs in his company and he called his assistant manager to informed him about his upcoming plans and schedules for the week, especially with the fact that it has been long he last visited the village.

Patrick wanted to know, if Tina was back, or better still bought his friend (Chris) advised for him to go and searched for Tina again, and probably searched in her Mother's sister village too and Patrick wondered how Tina was faring and how beautiful she would've turned out to looked like as he hadn't seen her for a year plus now.

Patrick smiled to himself, thinking about how beautiful Tina would've grown, but whenever he thought about the possibilities that Tina might've already been married, as Chris had suspected to him, he frowned.

Patrick's assistant manager came into his office to see him and Patrick brief him on his upcoming schedule as they discussed other business schemes too.

Patrick Assistant manager was like his right-hand man, very good and trustworthy. As he had been working with Patrick since when Patrick established himself in City A.

Rounding up with his assistant, Patrick left his office to the garage and he received a phone call from Anita actually. Which made him frowned, when he saw the caller name was Anita, but Patrick picked up the call instead, "Hello," spoked Patrick.

"Hi babe, how you doing?" Anita asked nervously and Patrick sighed and replied, "Am fine. Am sorry I haven't called on you, to check up on you since the day you left. Hope you're fine now?"

"Yes, am good. I just want to hear your voice" Anita answered and she said, "I will be coming over to your house this weekend."

"Okay.. I will be expecting you, bye"

Patrick said and he ended the call not wanting to discussed any further with Anita on the phone and Patrick thought, "How else do I tell Anita that I don't want her anymore?.That my heart and mind is somewhere else, only my body that is available here for her?."

Patrick shook his head thinking of a possible way to end things amicably with Anita, because obviously Anita wouldn't let him be nor gave him any space either.