The Proposal

Tina continued, "Am Godsent mom truly, not my mother. Although his now calling my mother as his mom and calling me Tina, because am not always around him, but am still his mother and I love him."

"Hmm" Chris hummed, When he heard her last statement. He felt choked and he became angry, and didn't knew when he loose guard of himself and questioned her.

"Why would you said that you love him?. How did you have him, did you also loved his father?."

Tina got stunned by Chris's outburst and she became sad as Chris sounded a little bit annoyed.

Tina became quiet, not knowing how to answered him as she hadn't fully told Chris about her past yet, and she didn't knew if her mother already told him with the way Chris just reacted and Chris continued.

"You are not supposed to love him for what his father did to you. Where's his father?."

"I don't know" Tina replied as her face turned red in sadness facing downwards.

Chris drew nearer to her and pulled her closer to himself and he apologized to her.

"Am sorry if I had sounded mean, but obviously I don't think you are in love with his father or are you still in love with his father?."

Tina became quiet as she couldn't answered Chris.

"Tell me dear, Do you love his father?" Chris asked her again, kissing her neck.

"I don't love his father. it was all a mistake that led to me having Godsent" Tina replied and Chris questioned with a smirked, "All a mistake? Are you sure, or you enjoyed making out with his father?."

Tina frowned and she immediately stammered and asked Chris, "How.. How could you said that?," Tina stiffened and added, "it was a mistake and I don't really know his father, I cannot remember him."

"Hmph. Tell me did you enjoyed it with his father or not?" Chris questioned as he bursted out laughing but Tina became embarrassed and as she wanted to ran away from Chris, Chris was quick to caught her hand and he pulled her back to himself, catching his breathing and he asked, "Why're you trying to run away from me?. Why don't you want to tell me the truth?."

"What truth?" Tina asked in between sobs.

"I don't love his father but that doesn't mean I do not love my son. He's my son, and still my blood and I can't deny him of that" Tina stated and Chris spoked,

"Then does that mean, you still want his father back?. How did the mistake happened?. Did you agreed to slept with his father or he forced himself on you and took advantage of you?," Chris stared intently at her face as he already hated Patrick, And couldn't believed he fell in love with same lady Patrick had spoken to him about, how was these fate..

"Answer me, did you agreed to open you legs for his father or he r*ped you?" Chris questioned out, like he knew and Tina shivered.

"No!." Tina said, as she couldn't answered him the truth and she became quiet.

"Tina, I understand your tormoil and you are not supposed to say you love your son except you love what his father did to you. Except you agreed to also do it with him, then you can say that" Chris said and he let go off her hands.

Tina couldn't stared to Chris in the face again, as she became ashamed of herself.

She was pretty yet she has a heavy scar in her heart that was visible to others. A beautiful scar, from an ugly wound and she ended up apologizing to Chris.

"Am sorry" Tina spoked and turned to leave but Chris held her back and gave her a hug instead as he apologized to her.

"It's okay. Am sorry too, if I made you cry, I honestly do not wish to make you cry nor hurt you, but am hurt myself. Am so sorry okay" Chris said, while cleaning her sobs, and he kissed her cheeks and continued,

"I really love you and wished I had met you before your son's father. I wished I was the first man in your life, but it not to late. I want to marry you and take you over with me to the city. I want to make you my wife, at least from there you can further your education and grow with me, what do you say about that?" Chris asked, but Tina still couldn't said anything.

Tina later spoked to him, "Give me some time to think about your proposal, as I don't know if to say yes or no," And Chris sighed and replied her "Okay. I will wait."

"I will be going back to the city, as I've some business to do there, when I return, am sure by then you will have already prepared a suitable answer to my proposal, bye and I love you" Chris kissed her goodbye, although a little passionate kiss, as Tina also responded a little to his soft kisses on her. And they finally went back to their different homes.


Patrick arrived at his village and went to his family house to see his parent and youngest sister whom has been disturbing him to come over to his mansion in the city and visited him.

Patrick came back with his executive Jeep and some guards escort though because his status and rank had already increased, coupled with the fact that Anita has succeeded in painting him all over the social media news as her "husband to be."

For his safety, Patrick had to visit his village with some security escort.

When Patrick arrived at his hometown because he arrived late, he was welcomed by his mother and sister whom were very happy to see him, as they were proud of him and happily collected all he had bought for them from the city.

Patrick's father wasn't around as he heard from his mother, that his father went to his elder brother's place for some family meeting.

After Patrick had settled in the village over the weekend, Anita called him on phone as he didn't told her beforehand that he would be traveling home to his village.

As when Anita had visited his mansion in City A, his security there had informed her that their boss wasn't around, and when she inquired about his whereabouts from them, they told her they didn't also knew either, as their boss didn't gave them account of wherever he was going too, nor would be visiting.

So Anita had to called Patrick on phone, because she felt a hunch that his security might be lying to her and not wanting to let her into his mansion to see him.

Patrick spoked to her on phone, "I travelled home to the village."

"Why?. Why didn't you told me you will be traveling, so that I can come along with you and to also meet with your family?. You know I will love to meet your mom too?" Anita asked him and Patrick sighed heavily as Anita indirectly reminded him that he had met her mother and it was now also her turned to meet with his mother.

And Anita asked him, "When will you be returning back to the city?."

"I don't know yet. I will let you know as soon as I return. Take good care of yourself" Patrick replied, as he quickly ended the call.

Patrick had missed his hometown as it had been quite some month since he last visited. He was invited by their village King since he was a Noble man and also an important person now in the society, and also doing well for himself in the city.

Their King invited him and thanked him for representing his people well in City A and outside of their village as Patrick had previously proposed some new development and project plans, that would to helped build the youth in his village, Their King confirmed to him that he has granted his approval to commence with his project in helping his village youth.

After discussing with his village King and leaving the palace, Patrick went to Ochanda market in the next neighboring village to see Tina.

Part of his reason for visiting home was because he wanted to visit Tina's mother again, as it has been long he lastly visited, and he blamed himself for getting carried away by Anita's love as Anita prevented his brain from thinking about Tina too.

Patrick sighed thinking how fast the time flew. When he got closer to Tina's mother shade, he stopped his car and parked at the opposite direction of the road and he stared to Tina's mother shade.

Obviously the market has improved and seemed to be more busy than the last time he visited.

Patrick crossed and walked over to Tina's mother shade, and Mama-Tina was busy arranging her fruits and other foodstuffs that she was selling in the market, when she felt someone's presence around her, and was standing closer to her shade, she turned and asked him.

"Yes sir, what do you want to buy?."