Shocking Resemblance

Patrick greeted her politely, "Good afternoon ma." And Mama-Tina lifted up her head to his face, as she was previously facing downwards and arranging her fruits, As off course she carried Godsent on her back, and backed him with her wrapper, the norm African way of mothers carrying their behind their back, using her wrapper to tie Godsent hold, so as to support him onto her back and not to fall out.

When Mama-Tina lifted her head up and faced Patrick, she was struck by his resemblance to her grandson, although it seemed to her that she had seen his face before, but she couldn't really remembered where she had seen him.

Patrick seemed to had changed as though, he became more manly and looked more maturely and bigger than the last time she had seen him and Mama-Tina felt strange like a cold breeze swept thru her and blew her.

Making her to wondered if she was okay.

She recollected her mind and snapped out from her daze and she asked him, "What do you want to buy sir?."

Patrick smiled and Mama-Tina gasped and wondered, [wow he smiled just like how Godsent use to smile, curving his lips upwards.]

Mama-Tina blinked her eyes and hoped, she wasn't day dreaming, until another customer whom was in a hurry, came in and brought something quickly and left, then she noticed it was not a dream and she asked him, "Have we meet before?. Your face seem a bit familiar to me."

"Yes, I do come around sometimes to buy fruits and somethings to take home, but I haven't been around since and I do not base here, I live in City A, I just came .." before Patrick could completed his statement, Godsent started crying seriously cutting off his words, As Godsent had been struggling at Mama-Tina's back, for her to put him down, so he could play as obviously he wanted to come down and play, not minding he was in the market place.

Godsent preferred to be seated instead of his Grandma carrying him on her back, as since he started walking, he didn't liked for anyone to carry him nor back him either, as he likes to played on his own with his little toys, But Mama-Tina didn't wanted to put him down, As she didn't like putting him down alone because she was in the market place and sometimes, some of her customers didn't highlighted from their cars to come buy something from her, As they asked her to bring it over to their car, So she couldn't leave only Godsent all alone at her shade, to be playing while she go on attending to her customers, the more reason she backs him, except for when Jude was around that she handed him over to Jude to watched him while she sold her fruits.

Patrick was stunned by the little boy's, cuteness, as the boy was as Fair as white, and he smiled at the little baby whom meet his gazed too.

He wondered when Mama-Tina actually gave birth to the cute little boy behind her back and to clear his curiosity, he asked her "Why not buy him something, like biscuits or sweet",

Mama-Tina stared to him, and said,

"No he wants to come down and play, and I can't put him down here, you know here is a market"

"Oh!, That's true" Replied Patrick, but still staring at the cute baby.

Patrick tried to calm the baby down and Godsent calm and collected the stick sweet Patrick bought for him and was giving to him.

Patrick actually went to bought the sweets since the baby refused to stop crying, when Godsent calmed, Patrick asked Mama-Tina, "Is he your baby?," As Patrick was still curious to know when Mama-Tina got pregnant and had the cute little baby he was just seeing.

Before Mama-Tina could replied to Patrick, another female customer came into her shade. Although the lady started coming to Mama-Tina's shade all because she was attracted to the Godsent, as she mostly saw Mama-Tina carrying him, so since then she became Mama-Tina's customer.

The lady spoked to Patrick, "Excuse me sir, let me pass,," And she went closer to Mama-Tina and touched Godsent cheeks and smiled to Godsent sweetly.

But as the lady turned to stared to Patrick's face, she gasped "Wow, so you are his dad?. Am so sorry I didn't even knew my little crush father is standing beside me."

Patrick was stunned by her outburst and silly questioned as he looked surprised and didn't noticed the baby's resemblance to him, not until the female customer said so, that he became speechless and stared to Godsent.

The lady was a talkative, and anytime she came to Mama-Tina's shade, she couldn't helped but touched and admired little Godsent.

She said "I pray to have a cute baby like him, he's so cute and charming that i cannot help but buy him many goodies and sweet whenever I visit this market.*

"I give to him, or Mama-Tina to give to my little husband."

The lady customer smiled and was surprised to meet with Patrick for the first time and she spoked, "Am so happy to really meet you Sir. I really admire your son and I like him. How I wish he's my son, awn his so cute."

Patrick in his confused state looked perplexed and he replied, "Am sorry, but I don't know what you are talking about."

The lady got shocked and she stared from Godsent to Patrick and asked, "Is he not your son?."

Then she stared back at Mama-Tina whom also tried to hid her face in embarrassment pretending to be arranging some of her fruit, When the lady customer saw none was admitting to her fact, she apologized to Patrick.

"Oh! Am very sorry sir. Just that I thought you are my little crush's father. He somehow resembles you, that's why I instantly mistook you to be his dad, Am sorry" The lady apologise and Patrick sighed.

"Is alright."

The lady stared from Godsent to Patrick again and she smiled and said to Patrick again, "Am so sorry though."

"It's Okay." Patrick managed to answered her as his heart was already in panicked mode.


Patrick became a little uncomfortable as he hadn't thought there was a possibility Tina was pregnant for him, let alone had a child from that awful night out with him.

The worst was that the child resembled him and he didn't even noticed the resemblance at first not until some few other customers admiring little Godsent started calling him the little boy's dad, especially with the lady customer that publicly embarrassed him before Mama-Tina.

Patrick was quiet, his legs became heavy for him to walked away, or to went back into his car, after the lady customer had left.

There was a minute silent between him and Mama-Tina, and Patrick wondered probably Mamatina could had noticed his resemblance with the baby too..

He was still quiet with his face downward, before Mamatina broke the silence and said,

"Don't mind that my lady customer. She talks too much and don't take her words seriously, you know."

"Hmph.." Patrick breathed out, and asked, "Is he your baby?."

Mamatina smiled and told him, "No his my daughter's baby, My grandchild." And Patrick swallowed.

Patrick shoulder slouched and he couldn't believed his ears as he felt like a bucket of ice water was just poured on him. He became a little uncomfortable then he asked,

"Where's your daughter, I haven't seen her around, where's his mom?."

"She's not around, she doesn't come with me to the market," Answered Mama-Tina.

"Oh! Okay, I remember that last time I did asked about her from you, You told me she travelled to your elder sister's place" Said Patrick.

"Oo!, I remember now, was it you, that came that day, with a red car like that?" Asked Mama-Tina.

"Yes, am the one" Answered Patrick.

Mama-Tina smiled to him and said, "Yes my daughter travelled then as she wasn't around, but she had returned since though, but she's doesn't come to the market again."

"Please ma, where's she, I really want to see her?" Patrick asked and Mama-Tina raised an eyebrow and stared to him in surprised. Then she told him, "She's not here, she's learning tailoring."

"Oh okay, I just want to see her, when will she come to the market?" Patrick asked and Mama-Tina replied, "I don't know yet."

Mama-Tina still stared to Patrick suspiciously, As the young man in front of her resembled her grandson so much.

She watched as Patrick selected out some fruits, payed and bide her Good bye and she wasn't comfortable with the feeling she was having.


When Mama-Tina got home that day from the market she was just reflecting if it was possible or possibly the truth that the young man she saw at the market was actually the one whom impregnated her daughter, "How possible, is he the one?" Mama-Tina wondered.

"From the look of that young man, he doesn't seem like a poor man at all. Was he not the one that dash my son Jude, money the other time like that.. How possible is he the one that got Tina pregnant?. Where did Tina meet such a man?. hmmm.." Mama-Tina sank into deep thinking.

Thinking about all these Mama-Tina didn't even know when her Tina returned home and walked into the house.