Stunned Parent

Tina normally returned back late in the evening from her seamstress working place. Though before Tina returned, her dad and brothers were already at home with Mama-Tina before she returned.

When she stepped in, her mother couldn't helped but spoke to them all what she saw earlier in the market.

"Papa-Tina do you know that a customer of mine actually came to buy something and this young man resembled Godsent very much. Just that he's dark skin in complexion?."

Tina stiffened as she clearly heard what her mother just said and her heart skipped a beat as her father replied, "it can be possible Godsent just seemed to resemble the person or don't people look alike to people they don't know before?."

Mama-Tina shook her head, "I don't think so. He resembles Godsent so much and even one of my talkative customer mistook him as Godsent dad, while talking to him."

Papa-Tina just frowned and said, "You women like assuming things a lot, so because the young man resembles Godsent that automatically made him Godsent father. Does Tina not know who impregnated her again?."

Papa-Tina turned to face Tina while Tina was quiet all thru as she couldn't as well believed what her mother just said. And her father asked her.

"Tina, don't you know who got you pregnant again?. Who's the person?.. Since your mother and you have kept it away from me as a secret and you still don't want to tell me till today, or where you gang r*ped?."

Tina gulped and still didn't spoked and Papa-Tina hadn't wanted to asked since he wasn't around and just returned home. So he couldn't asked them about it either, since non of them wanted to spoked to him about it, but now they were begining to assumed Godsent father.

[It could only mean one thing, that my daughter was either gang r*ped or doesn't really know whom the father of her child was] He thought.

Tina was quiet still.

"Answer me?!" Papa-Tina raised his voice at Tina for the first time and she shuddered.

"No father. I wasn't gang r*ped, God forbid such evil" Tina replied and Papa-Tina spoked, "Then that means you know who got you pregnant, right?"

"Eh!. Hm. ! I will know him, If I see him" Answered Tina, surprising her both parent.

"What do you mean by that?. So you don't really know who got you pregnant?. No wonder your mother is assuming things. Silly girl, Go get me my food to eat, I don't have time for you and your mother silly assumptions, when you both are ready to talk, you let me know, for now, Mama-Tina bring my food let's eat first" Papa-Tina ended the discussion and requested for them to eat first as he didn't wanted to get his heart troubled.

It was better to leave the matter as it already was, besides Godsent was still his own grandson, and Tina's son, whether they knew Godsent father or not. So he didn't had anything much to worry about, so long Godsent was still his blood.


When Patrick got home, he was feeling heat, confused, and worried sick. He remembered the cute little baby boy he had seen at the market place and he shook his head.

"The baby boy is Fair as white with shining bright eyes and I also admired the little boy cuteness, not knowing he's my son" Patrick spoked.

"If Mama-Tina was right about the little son being her grandson then it could only mean that the cute boy was my son, and the result of my affair with Tina, as of that night I had taken advantage of her" Patrick frowned.

"Why didn't her mother told me all these while that her daughter was pregnant, Why?" Patrick questioned himself.

"How would she even tell me, that her daughter is pregnant, When she obviously doesn't really know me or know that am the one whom got her innocent daughter pregnant?" Patrick sighed thinking about all these.

He couldn't ate his dinner that night as he was restless thinking of how he would requested to saw Tina?.

He really wanted to saw her, he missed her and still felt for her, he sighed and went to slept on empty stomach.


That same night, Tina was restless as well all through the night, As after her meal, she had called her mother to confirmed again if what her mother said previously was actually true, and her mother replied her "Of course it true."

Mama-Tina spoked, "I vividly remembered that I had seen that young man severally times before, but then Godsent hadn't yet been born. There was even a certain time like that, that he dashed Jude money. One time and I had used part of the money to paid for Jude school fees."

Tina was speechless, as she couldn't believed that Patrick has been coming to looked for her since when she wasn't around.

Inside of her heart, she felt happy, but on the outside she was sad.

She couldn't owned up to her mother that he was truly the one that got her pregnant. She couldn't still believed it and she wondered how she will face him when they eventually meet?, because obviously her mother said he was still asking after her, and seeking to see her.

Her mom was even beginning to suggest to her, "Don't go to your tailoring workplace tomorrow, so you will rather follow me to the market, so that you can as well meet with this young man to know if he was truly the one whom got you pregnant."

Her mother spoked, "He seemed like a big man and I had seen him with his security escort."

Tina frowned and her mother asked again, "Where did you knew him from., in case he's the one that I had been seeing in the market?."

"Mom, I don't really know him" Replied Tina as she wasn't truly happy with the way her mom was sugarcoating Patrick.

Still her mother insisted.

"Fine, You must take a leave off from your tailoring training tomorrow. So that you can meet with this young man, As he's also requesting to see you. He had been asking of you since though, but I didn't knew why?."

Tina became angrier as she didn't wanted to meet with the man her mother is requesting of her to meet.

[What if he was really Patrick'?] Tina thought as her heart was still beating loudly in her chest, before she retired to bed, wondering how things will unravel itself when they eventually meet.


The following morning, Tina woke up early, preparing to go to her tailoring workplace as she prepared Godsent since he would be following his grandma.

Normally Tina has always been the one preparing little Godsent, by helping him took his bath and prepared his pap meals, even though he would be following his grandma, she had to set his things ready so her mother wouldn't be stressed.

Tina obviously didn't wanted to went to her mother's shade as she didn't wanted to meet Patrick yet. She had made up her mind not to see him as her mother was still sleeping and her father had already gone to his new work place.

Mama-Tina obviously didn't usually left to her market shade early, as she rested a lot first, before going to her shade around 10am to 11am in the morning.

When Tina was thru preparing Godsent, she took her bath and left the house, leaving Godsent all alone to be playing.

Mama-Tina woke up and called "Tina," And she discovered her daughter has already left the house.

She wondered, "When did Tina become this naughty, did I not warned her not to leave to her tailoring place today?."

Mama-Tina sighed and prepared going to her shade. When she came out she saw little Godsent playing and had scattered some of her things in the parlour and she shook her head and went back inside preparing for her market shade.

The same morning, Patrick arrived at Mama-Tina's shade and he was a bit anxious and shaken, as he was hoping to seeing Tina.

He greeted Mama-Tina, "Good morning ma," And Mama-Tina smiled to him and replied, "Morning. Welcome."

Patrick breathed out in relieved her mother welcome him and she spoked, "I asked my daughter to come with me today but she refused as she already left to work early, before I woke up self."

"Hmm.." Patrick frowned and he asked, "Where does she work, probably I might know the place if you explain it to me?."

Mama-Tina sighed too and she stared to him.

"I cannot explain the place very well probably you wait for my son Jude to closed from school and arrive here. He will come here first before going home, so he will take you to her place."

"Okay" Patrick replied and he stared to his wristwatch time as it was already passed 11am. He obviously didn't had any much work to doing in his village so he agreed to wait. Even if it meant him waiting the whole day, he would, so long he was going to see Tina.