Begging Tina

Patrick had already planned on returning back the following day to City A, as his assistant had called him on phone to informed him about an important contract worth millions of dollars that needed him to fixed, and he didn't wanted to informed Anita about it, that he would be around the following day, as obviously Anita wouldn't allowed him to rest nor concentrated on his works either.

"I had to lied to her, so I can think of a more better way to explain Tina's situation to her, so she can at least allow me be or better still move on with her life," Patrick spoked to himself and he sighed thinking on what to do.

Later in the same day, Patrick decided to went visiting Tina in her village, and he knew her mother might be wondering what had happened since he had no longer visited her shade since the last time he saw her and also saw Tina too, and Patrick couldn't face Mama-Tina again.

Patrick knew, "The guilt of what I did is troubling me, and am so sure Tina's mom might embarrass me for what I had done to her daughter.. Tina's mom was quiet before, only because she didn't knew I was the one whom had slept with her daughter, and was only suspicious of me. But now that she already knows am the one responsible and also Godsent father too, Am sure she won't waste time to pounce on me in public and embarrass me for getting Tina pregnant.."

Patrick decided to went to visit Tina instead, before he travelling back to City A as he knew Tina wouldn't wanted to saw him, but he really wanted to saw her beautiful chubby face, before he travelled back to the city.

Patrick parked his latest Benz car few distance away from Tina madam's shop, as it was already getting late with the evening sky approaching, and he knew Tina would soon closed and be going home, So he came down from his Benz car and decided to waited for Tina to passed, as obviously Tina would took that route going home.

Patrick didn't liked public embarrassment, so he decided to waited for Tina at a few distance away from Tina's madam's shop, knowing Tina would soon passed, as his assistant, whom he had sent to monitored Tina told him, she would took that route.

Tina finally closed alongside others of her colleagues, but normally she could had walked home with them, but she decided to went home alone as she backed Godsent behind her back, and also went to bought some snacks for Godsent, that she would gave to him as they trekked home.

Tina knew most of the ladies working with her madam were jealous of her, especially because she was very fair in complexion, beautiful and spotless yellow, and none of them could match up with her beauty, so she avoided them too like plague.

Since the day Patrick had lastly visited her mother's shade and her mother also confronted her about Godsent father, Tina has been the one now carrying Godsent about to wherever she went too, including her work place as her mother refused carrying Godsent for her.

Initial her madam has already heard from gossips that she has a child as to why Tina looked so matured than her age mates, but her madam hadn't seen her baby then..

So when her mother insisted that she must be the one carrying Godsent to wherever she went too, including her work place, as her mother was really angry with her for her father supporting her on not wanting Patrick, Tina had no other option than to carried Godsent along with her to her workplace, as she was already happy learning how to sew and could as well sew some clothes.

When her madam first saw Godsent on her back with the big handbag, Her madam was shocked a little because it all happened, after Patrick had visited her madam's work place.

Her madam was surprised to saw how cute and charming Godsent was, and more likely Godsent resembled Patrick so much, that her madam didn't questioned her about Godsent staying in her shop, until they closed, but instead allowed them stayed, while she continued with her learning of how to cut and sew neatly.

Tina was mostly backing Godsent to avoid him scattering any of her madam's things nor disturbed her madam and other colleagues, unless Godsent was asleep, but her madam noticed and asked her to put Godsent down to laid properly, and seeing Godsent always struggling to come down from her back whenever he was awake to play on his own, her madam finally told her to stopped backing him, as anyone whom arrived at her madam's shop and saw little Godsent, admired him due to his white complexion skin and cute face.

Tina went to bought some snacks for Godsent before she started trekking home as she was carrying him at her back, and she gave him from his snacks, and put him behind on back on her back as she tied her wrapper tightly, so they could walked home faster home, since it was already getting dark a little.

While Tina was walking she hadn't noticed the fine Benz car that was parked a little distance ahead and in front of her, untill she got closer to where the car was parked, and she stopped admiring the car, and smiling beautifully at her beautiful reflection displaying on the car's side screen and that of Godsent showing on the car, not until an arm gripped her.

Tina hadn't noticed Patrick was already in front of her, but she was shocked when she turned to walked away from gushing at the car, and saw Patrick stood in front of her and facing her and she frowned wanting to walked passed him but Patrick held her hand instead to waited

Patrick was already walking closer to Tina before, when he saw her coming down his way, but then Tina stopped near his car, and started staring at her reflection and talking to her baby behind her back, and Patrick smiled as he drew closer to meet her and held her hand.

Tina was shocked as she didn't knew Patrick was the owner of the car too, neither had she seen him around, before she closed from her madam's work place, and Patrick smiled to her, and spoked first, "How are you doing my love?."

Tina ignored him not wanting to answered to Patrick's questioned, but Patrick went towards her back still holding her hands and he touched little Godsent chubby cheeks to play with him.

"Don't touch my baby!" Tina warned him, but Patrick rather smiled back to her, and drew more closer to her front leaving Tina breathless.

Patrick leaned forward still holding Tina and he kissed her softly on her cheeks, surprising Tina whom almost slapped him out of shocked, but Patrick was quick to caught her rebellious right hand and he kissed her right knuckles too, while Tina quickly pulled her right hand away from touching his lips, and wanted to walked away from him, but Patrick still blocked her way and spoked to her,

"Haven't i apologised to you enough?, Don't you have a forgiven hear,t or how else do you want me to seek your forgiveness?."

Tina bited on her lower lips ignoring responding to Patrick, And Patrick drew closer to her again leaving a thin gap in between them, and he spoked to her again, "Am truly sorry.. please?."

Patrick turned Tina's head to face him and he lifted her chin upwards and sealed his lips on her, kissing her in public softly, and startling Tina again, as she wasn't expecting to be kissed and Tina didn't knew how her mouth betrayed her and rather responded to Patrick's kisses, returning back his soft kisses on her, as Patrick was almost going passionately with his gentle kisses, wanting to intensify his kisses on her as he gripped her closer, but Tina finally recollected herself and bited on his lower lips that had invaded her mouth and dared to kissed her.

Making Patrick to stopped and withdrew his lips away from kissing her, while Tina cleaned her lips with the back of her palms and frowned at Patrick.

Patrick sucked his bottom lips smiling at her, even as Tina had bited him so hard as she felt his lip bleed on hers.

Patrick licked his lips instead to suppressed the pained and he didn't scolded her, but instead smiled to her.

"What do you want from me again?. Why can't you just stay way from me and leave me alone?!. I hate you" Tina cussed and Patrick frowned staring at her face.

With the moon light shining dim light to the street road, and street light were still on.. coupled with the fact that Tina was very fair in complexion, Patrick sighed and replied her, "You cannot hate me as I truly love you, please?."

"No!. Of course I can hate you Mr Patrick. Just leave me alone, haven't you succeeded enough in ruining my life?. While I was preparing to gain admission into the university to win the school scholarship exam, what did you do?. If not ruined it all, and yet I won it but I couldn't further and my chances of becoming a graduate and a nurse was all ruined by you!. Thank you very much, now will you get away from my side," Tina wanted to pushed Patrick away, but Patrick grabbed her closer to himself and knelt down in front of her.