Can't Marry You

"Am sorry Tina, please forgive me. I promise to make amends, please?. I can sponsor you thru whatever school you want. Your mother told me then when I came to asked of you, that you were writing your school scholarship exam that was why she asked you not to come to the market then, but I didn't knew it was precious to you and you were very brilliant with your academics then. I felt bad for what I did, please forgive me?," Patrick pleaded but Tina shook her head in disgust crying.

"it has already happened. I guess you enjoyed sleeping with me right?. Just move on with your life and I won't bother you at all, and let me also do same with mine."

"No!" Patrick stood up and he sighed.

"Fine, I will be leaving back to the city tomorrow. When I return back, I will come to make things right and marry you."

"Marry me?." Tina laughed out first surprising Patrick and he smiled, but Tina quickly said, "I will not marry you as I already have someone else am in love with, and I wish to marry, so please forget about me and move on."

Patrick frowned in shocked to what Tina said, but before he could responded to her, Tina already left him and walked away, going home.


Retuning back to City A the following day, Patrick had a lot of pending office works to do, and he even got a surprised visit from Mr Bright in his office, and he hoped Mr Bright didn't went home to informed Anita that he had returned, as he wasn't ready to seen Anita yet.

Mr Bright greeted him as he took a seat in Patrick's office and smiled at Patrick.

Patrick couldn't helped but wondered how his relationship with Mr Bright would turned out to be, when Mr Bright eventually found out he wouldn't marry Anita, and he already has a son in the village, a cute son for that matter.

"How was your trip to the village and how are your parents?" Mr Bright asked, and Patrick replied, "They are fine, Sir."

Patrick's office servant walked up to Mr Bright and greeted him, "Good afternoon sir, what drink will you like me to serve you?."

Mr Bright smiled and replied, "Not to worry, I won't be spending much time here, as I've some other business appointments to catch up with."

"Okay sir," Patrick's assistant left, and Mr Bright then teased Patrick,

"I see your relationship with my daughter is going smoothly, when will you be formal about it?."

Patrick smiled faintly and replied, "I don't know yet sir, there's just some things I need to fix first to determine my settling with your daughter."

"Okay, but you know my daughter cannot keep calm about you?. Well if you need anything or any assistance, feel free to call me" Mr Bright said as he stood up to leave, and he extended his right hand for a handshake with Patrick.

"Okay sir" Patrick replied as he shook hands with Mr Bright, and he watched Mr Bright exited his office.


Mr Bright got home and spoked to his wife and daughters, especially Anita while they were eating in the dinning room that, "I went to saw Patrick Scott today, The CEO of Pat international Designs and furniture makings."

"Dad?!" Anita nearly got choked on her meal and she asked her father, "But Dad, Patrick hadn't yet returned back?."

Mr Bright stared to Anita and he said, "Well I didn't called him on phone to let him knew of my visiting, I went around that axis to saw an estate agent around there, so I decided to stopped by his office to said hello to him, and to knew if he was around. And his managers told me he just came in today due to his pending appointments that were to be fulfilled by him."

"Hmm.." Anita frowned hearing what her father said. And she thought inwardly, [But I called Patrick yesterday and he never told me he will be coming, let alone returning today, why's he like this?.]

Noticing Anita's sad look on her face, Mrs Bright asked, "Hope there's no problem Anita?."

"No mother" Anita replied, as she forced a fake smiled on her face and quickly composed herself .

Anita wanted to left the dinning room immediately, and went out to saw Patrick, but she thought against it and wondered, [Maybe he doesn't want to see me yet, that why he hid his coming back date from me..]

Anita sighed and managed finishing her meal, before she walked back upstairs to her room to rest.

Mrs Bright was already aware that Patrick didn't truly loved her daughter, but she couldn't do anything about it. She hope and prayed that things ended well between them as she knew how heartbroken Anita had suffered in her previous relationship.

Mrs Bright thought silently eating her meal, [Anita loves Patrick more than Patrick claimed to loved my daughter, and his behavior towards Anita, says it all.]

Mrs Bright shook her head and wondered, [Anita has been heartbroken before and it wasn't easy for us to took her out of the depression, now it seemed Anita would be heartbroken again. I prayed for Anita to be able to overcome this depression and to find love again, as if Patrick failed her and disappointed her, Anita already made her relationship with Patrick public, and the catastrophe of heartbreak it would caused her, would be much depressing than the previous broken relationship Anita had, which were mostly secretive relationship and not all over medias and magazines front covers like Patrick's.]

Mrs Bright shook her head and thought, [What could i possibly do to help Anita moved out of this stupid relationship with Patrick before it becomes to late?.]


In Patrick's mansion, Matthew Days sat with Patrick in his living room and he questioned Patrick,

"How could you Patrick, How can you think of dumping Anita over a mere village girl, this is so unlike you?."

Matthew couldn't possibly believed that Patrick wanted to dumped Anita Bright, The almighty billionaire's daughter over a mere village girl that wasn't his owned speck.

"What's so special about village girls if I may ask?.. Their localities and local accents irritates me to the core and I love hot, sexy, rich and classic city girls, not some local village champion," Matthew stated, shaking his head in disgust while he sat staring at Patrick in Patrick's living room, as he couldn't blamed Patrick, knowing it was matters of the heart.

Matthew spoked "Probably because your parent had returned back to the village, is the actual reason of you Patrick, stooping so low as to admire a village lady, a big No! for me."

Patrick sighed sitting in his living room and he stared at Matthew, whom was also rich and from a wealthy family, As Matthew Days parents were among the top notch billionaires in City A, that had ancestral family wealths and several business connections with the government influence, and Patrick knew on no account would someone like Matthew, stoop so low as to admired a village lady. As whenever Matthew spotted anyone from the village, Matthew avoided the person like a pest, let alone to now want to have a relationship with a local person, Patrick smiled.

"Guy you haven't meet this lady that's why you are saying all these bullshit. Obviously if you meet Tina you will understand what I mean.and change your view and perspective about village ladies," Patrick replied as he poured out some of his red wine into his glass cup.

"Leave that talk Patrick. A village girl is a local girl, And you can take her wherever you want too, but you cannot take her locality away from her. She will still be local!," Matthew fired back and Patrick laughed.

"But honestly Patrick if I were you, I will think properly about these and not because you just discovered about your child with her you now want to rush and marry her. What if she doesn't love you, what if she already has someone else she loves, you know most of these village girls are loose" Matthew advised but Patrick shook his head.

"No guy, you will know a loose girl when you spot one, and Tina is not loose. I feel she likes me, just that she's still angry with me, you know" Patrick stated but Matthew still disagree,

"But still, you shouldn't just dump Anita like that. Or what are you planning to do?", Matthew stared at Patrick with concerned for Anita, as he loved Anita from afar, but Anita didn't liked him because he was a club addict and runs many 5-star hotels in City A, and beyond. He was also jealous of Patrick at first, when he discovered Patrick was in a relationship with Anita, and it also pained him seeing them together in online trending photos. Now Patrick was trying to ditched the same lady he admired and loved from afar for a mere village lady, Matthew frowned while he stared at Patrick irritably, feeling his rage boiling.

If not for business deals and his past friendship with Patrick, Mathew could've just grabbed Patrick and punched Patrick rightly on his face, to showed to Patrick how pained he was seeing patrick about to dump Anita over a mere village brought up..