Swollen eyes

Patrick sat down back shaking his head in regrets as he wondered, "Had I made the right choice by opening up to Anita that am still in love with Tina?. But i like Anita too." Patrick sighed.

"How I wished I had meet Anita long before I meet Tina," Patrick murmured, wondering what his fate would be when Mr Bright finally found out that he had broken up with Anita and he cried.


Anita got home and rushed into their mansion and she quickly went upstairs to her room and cried her eyes out as she couldn't believed what Patrick told her. That he actually has a babymama already.

"Why did he lied to me that he loves me from the start?." Anita sobbed as she questioned herself and went upstairs to her room.

Luckily Anita's parents weren't home as they had gone on a presidential invitation, to the Royal wedding of a politician daughter to an elite as Anita had previously escorted her mother for shopping of the preparation of the top-notch royal wedding, but Anita didn't shopped for herself even as her mother had told her then to shop for herself, that she would be following them to the ball, but Anita didn't, as her mind was preoccupied then, with thoughts of Patrick so she didn't shopped for herself.

Anita cried her eyes out as she had wanted to cried it all out when Patrick told her, he has a child elsewhere, but she didn't wanted to cried in front of Patrick.

Patrick didn't worth her tears and Anita wondered how she fell for him.

Anita remembered how they first meet, the first day he came visiting her Family mansion, courtesy of her father's invitation, and she had fallen in love with him on first sight as she admired him and loved him truly..

After crying for some minutes, Anita finally slept off and didn't knew when her parents and siblings returned home as her immediately younger sister (Hailey) came up to checked up on her to knew if she was back, and she found Anita sleeping on the bed and left to informed their parents that "Anita was home and sleeping in her room."

Later Mrs Bright sent for Anita and told her second daughter, "Hailey, go and informed Anita to come downstairs and join us for dinner."

"Okay mom." Hailey left and went to called Anita again, and Anita had no other option than to stood up from her bed and went to her bathroom to washed up her teary face as obviously she didn't liked starving, but still her eyes looked red swollen from too much sobbing.

"What had happened to you?," Mrs Bright questioned, as she saw Anita looking sad, whom stepped downstairs and took her seat on opposite seat, across to her on the dinning table. And Mr Bright shifted his gaze from his wife to Anita, as he was also just taking his seat, and he gasped and questioned, "Anita what happened to your eyes?. Did you fought with anyone at work?."

Mr Bright voice was deep, as he had a worried looked on his face and he wondered who had dared to hurt his precious first daughter, but Anita replied, "Nothing dad.. Am fine mom."

Mr Bright shifted his gazed to his wife as they both exchanged glances in silence and just then, Anita's youngest sister, Justina spoked to them, to broke the awkward silent that surrounded the dinning table.

"Dad, mom let's eat first, Later we can discuss about Anita."

"Okay Justina," Mrs Bright replied and shortly after their meals, Mrs Bright and Hailey went upstairs to Anita's room to found out what's wrong.

But before Mrs Bright went to Anita's room, Hailey was already inside, asking Anita, "What happened to you sis?. Why are your eyes so red?. Did you want to get dad or mom worried sick with your change in attitudes, What's wrong?."

Anita was quite at first as she was no longer teary but her eyes still looking sad, as she wished she was the one whom has a child for Patrick not some other lady.

[How do i face the media with their series of questions when the news finally get out to the public that we have break up?.]

Anita shook her head as she thanked the gods that she was already thru with her last shooting project, so she could stayed at home and healed properly first, before resuming her works.

"Anita!" Hailey called her back to reality and Anita stared e Hailey and sighed. Just then Mrs Bright came in.

"What's with the look on your face Anita?. Is that how you're supposed to welcomed us from the Royal wedding we went too?. Didn't I asked you earlier to come with us but you refused?" Mrs Bright questioned, and just then Anita's last born brother stepped in.

"Mummy mummy!."

Mrs Bright sighed as she stared to her second son Josh, whom came in to probe her again as Josh was the last born of the house.

"What's it, Come-on go to your room, i will come to see you later. Let me see your big sister first okay," Mrs Bright replied to Josh and he frowned and chapped, "But mom.."

"No but.. go to your room now Josh, I will come and see you before going to bed" Mrs Bright dismissed.

"Okay mom," Josh shrugged and he left Anita's room while Mrs Bright sighed and turned back to face Anita.

Anita's eyes were already looking a bit brighter than the previous time when they had arrived and Mrs Bright questioned, "So tell me Anita.. i hope you're not looking like these, all because of Patrick?."

Anita remained quite and didn't responded while Hailey spoked, "But mom, why will Patrick want to hurt sis?, probably is not him."

"Hmph." Mrs Bright was patient and she drew closer to Anita and took her seat opposite of Anita's bed, then she asked, "What happened between you and Patrick?, Or is there any other person that could bring tears to your eyes other than Patrick?."

"Mom!" Hailey exclaimed.

"You won't understand Hailey. Patrick has not really been nicer to your sister and that's why you see Anita moody at times. She's lucky they aren't yet married as I never liked that Local money miss road guy. I told your sister earlier, but Anita said she loves him, now look at her.."

Mrs Bright already knew it, that it was Patrick doings that made Anita looked sad, but she wanted to found out what truly happened.

"Did Patrick finally broke up with you?," Mrs Bright asked and Hailey stared at Anita, whom still didn't said anything, but only shook her head and Mrs Bright yelled at Anita, "Answer me!."

"Mom.. Patrick didn't broke up with me" Anita said, as she pouted her lips and Mrs Bright turned her gazed away to Hailey, and stared back to Anita, as they both asked, "Then what happened?. Why're you this sad?."

Anita sighed and started crying again and Mrs Bright calmed and calmly asked Anita,

"Talk to me Anita, What's wrong?."

Mrs Bright became more concerned, as she wondered what could be the problem and she drew more closer to Anita on her bed and asked, "Anita dear, tell me what's it?, Don't let your Dad see you.like this."

"Mom, Patrick got someone else pregnant. Patrick.. already has a child" Anita announced in between sobs as she sobbed heavily and both Mrs Bright and Hailey gasped, "What?!."

Mrs Bright sighed "Hmm, I have never like that young man before, as your Dad is the one whom likes him and recommended him to you. I told your father then that I don't like Patrick, but he said he likes to have him as a son-in-law, That Patrick is good with business and his company, Pat International Furnitures, that's expanding, now look at you?."

Mrs Bright shook her head in pity and pet Anita,

"It okay dear, you don't have to cry or look these sad because of Patrick. There are still many other eligible suitors out there wanting your hand in marriage. Next week we will be hosting the Days family, as Mr Days has been sending in marriage proposal for an arrange marriage between his second son and you. I think you know Matthew Days?," Mrs Bright asked as she wiped off Anita's tears away from Anita's cheeks and lifted Anita's chin upwards to gave Anita hope, and Anita replied, "I know him mom."

"Yes, his father has been sending in some marriage proposal to your father, saying his son likes you, but your father hasn't responded yet. So I will talk to you dad to forget about Patrick and respond to their proposal. You just cheer up okay."

"No mom, I still love Patrick and want him.." Anita refused.

"Hmm..." Mrs Bright frowned.

"Forget about Patrick!" Mrs Bright stated as she stood up from the bed and left Anita's room, to go attended to her last born son whom was the baby of the house, since she had already promised him to spent some time with him.

But when Mrs Bright got to Josh's room, Josh has already slept, so Mrs Bright woke him up gently to go and ease himself, then she put him back to bed properly, before leaving his room as she promised to told him bedtime stories some other time.