Heart Broken

Tina smiled in relieved and continued giving Godsent his food, while Chris wondered in jealousy what was making Tina to smiled when she heard about Patrick.

"Why are you smiling?" Chris asked trying so hard to controlled his jealousy.

"Shouldn't I smile?, Am just happy to see you today. How's your mom and dad and siblings at home?.. Brothers I mean, since your only sister is already married" Tina smiled and Chris replied her, "They're all fine dear."

After finishing their foods, Tina stood up and went in, and she told her mother, "Mom, I will soon be leaving to my seamstress workplace, with Godsent and Chris."

"Okay" Mama-Tina replied even though she wasn't happy with Chris visit.

Chris stepped into their parlour and greeted Mama-Tina, "Good bye ma, We're leaving."

"Okay. Bye" Mama-Tina replied to Chris, before he left and drove off with Tina and little Godsent in his car to Tina's seamstress place..


Patrick hasn't called Anita for a while since his returned back to City A. And he wondered why Anita didn't also called him too, as he knew her father could had probably told her of his returned.

Patrick remembered he had lied to Anita about his returned date and probably that was why Anita was still angry with him as he remembered her mom visiting him to warned him about Anita.

Patrick sighed and picked up his phone and dialed on Anita's phone number and it connected,

"Hello babe" Patrick spoked.

"Hi, How're you doing today, and why're you calling me?. Are you missing me already?," Anita asked laughing over on the phone, as she has refused calling Patrick first, even though she felt the strong urge to called his line, and to confronted him as to why he lied to her about his returned date from the village.

She wanted him to called her first, to knew if Patrick truly has any feelings for her, and their relationship wasn't one sided.

"Am missing you already. Why didn't you come visiting me?," Patrick asked and Anita replied,

"You didn't told me about your returned date babe."

"Oh!.. Am sorry I didn't really told you then, as an emergency came up and I had to return back to City A urgently" Patrick said.

"Is okay. I will come over to your place today to see you, I really miss you too babe" Anita replied.

"Where are.you now?," Patrick asked her and Anita said, "Am at Eko event centre. We went there for a shoot, you know how my job is, but I will soon round up with my role as the leading Actress. As the movie premiere will soon be over, quite interesting."

"Okay babe, I will be expecting you. There's something I will like to discuss with you, so when you arrive we will discuss. Do take care," Patrick said as he bid her "goodbye" before hanging up the phone .

Patrick thought how he would properly explained Tina and his son situation to Anita when she finally arrived.


After Anita closed from work, she went straight to Patrick's Mansion to saw him, as she had missed him so much.

She had wanted to called Patrick immediately she heard of his returned back to City A from her father, but she felt sad knowing Patrick didn't even told her, he would be coming back to the city the following day, even after calling him on phone to checked up on him.

Anita was thrilled and all smiles as she drove herself to Patrick's Mansion.

When she got into his living room, Anita saw Patrick seated having a drink of wine from a glass cup, as he was watching his favorite reality TV show on the television, and Anita greeted him sweetly, as she rushed up to him and gave him a warmed hugged, kissing his cheeks, just as Patrick also stood up to properly welcomed her too.

"Good afternoon babe" Anita said, as she pulled away from the hugged and Patrick replied her "Welcome."

"How have you been, didn't you missed me?. What took you so long to even called me on phone?. Anyways am happy you still called me today. How's everyone at home in your village doing?" Anita asked, and Patrick smiled to her and replied,  "They're all fine. You're looking so sweet today, how's your work?."

"Fine fine, So what did you prepared as in food, soup? Am famished. I didn't even got to ate anything after finishing my last shoot for today. I had to rushed down here straight to see you. So what did you prepared for me?," Anita asked as she smiled sweetly to Patrick, standing with him.

Although Anita knew Patrick has domestic staff to do the cooking and cleaning of his home, but still whenever Patrick has the chance to cook and didn't had much designing works to do, Patrick cooked for her and Anita enjoys the cooked meals Patrick made as his meals are quite delicious and sweet like locally home-made foods, other than the continental and well garnished food the cook servant normally prepared.

Patrick smiled at her and replied, "I didn't prepared anything, nor cooked anything either. Have been a little worried of lately, But I think the cook already made something nice and I can call her to prepare you something to eat. What will you like to eat?" Patrick asked and Anita answered, "Anything edible."

"So what did you want to discuss with me about?. As you told me over on the phone that you will like to discuss something important with me. What's it about?," Anita asked, as she stared intently at Patrick's face.

Patrick sighed first, but he knew definitely he has to told Anita the whole truth, and the new development about him having a son with Tina, and still in love with his son's mother too.

At first Patrick was thinking of given up his love and desired for Tina, since Tina didn't even liked him nor wanted to conversated with him, but after seeing he has a cute son with Tina, and seeing Tina the last time that he had visited the village, and seen how cute Tina looked, Patrick couldn't helped but longed to have Tina again, as thought of his past escapades with her kept on flashing on his mind.

Anita stared at Patrick worriedly waiting for him to spoked as Patrick hadn't said anything yet.

The domestic servant arrived and served Anita her food on the dining table, and Anita left Patrick and went to sat over at the dinning table to ate her food, as she was very hungry and didn't joke with her meals, no matter how sad nor unhappy she might felt.

Anita didn't dared to starved her stomach nor skipped her meals, being an Actress and a top young model in City A, she has to looked fitted at all times.

Anita ate her food docilely as she had already asked Patrick if he cared to joined her eating on the dining table, as she didn't liked to ate alone, but Patrick told her he wasn't hungry yet, and Anita had no other choice than to ate her food alone as she womdered what was eating Patrick up on the inside.

After finishing her meal, Anita stood up and walked over to meet Patrick where he sat in the living room and she sat down beside him on the sofa and asked him, "So tell me babe, What's the matter?."

"Hmph.." Patrick sighed first, and he cleared his throat and spoked, "Well I just got to find out that I have a son with the lady I told you am in love with before."

"What?!" Anita exclaimed, as she screamed out, "How could you Patrick?. Why did you got her pregnant?. Why?. Why didn't you used protection on her, as you have never agreed with me for once, to do it with me without protection, yet you did it with someone else and even went as far as getting her pregnant, Patrick!," Anita burse down crying.

Anita couldn't believed her ears and she wondered if Patrick really told her the truth or he was just lying to her.

"Tell me is not true Patrick?," Anita asked, staring intently at Patrick.

"Am sorry babe, Am truly sorry. I never knew she was pregnant not until this moment when I last travelled to the village and saw her and the baby."

"Enough Patrick!," Anita flared up as she curt Patrick off from finishing what he wanted to explained.

"I have always knew you never truly loved me. You're just pretending too. You love her right and she already has a child for you, fine go on and marry her, I already promised myself that I will not waste a single tears crying for you again, if you eventually break up with me.. You know why?," Anita asked, staring bitterly at Patrick while she stood up and turned to picked up her handbag to leave.

Patrick stared at Anita and he apologized, "Am sorry, please forgive me, and try to understand me.."

"Understand with you?," Anita laughed out hysterically staring at him madly.

"Patrick am done with you!. This relationship has been one-sided from the start, It has always been me!. Just me, working and doing the moves to build our relationship. You never wanted me, you never loved me and you're only pretending too . Just go on with whomsoever you claim you love and I will be fine okay!," Anita exclaimed bitterly, and she didn't waited for Patrick's respond as she turned and left Patrick's mansion.