Tell Me Something

Patrick brought the wine together with a glass cup and handed it over to Chris, while he also went back and got a drink for himself and he sat down back on his executive office seat opposite Chris, to discussed with Chris while opening up his drink too.

"So how have you been, Did you travelled home?" Patrick asked as Chris conk opened his bottled and poured out some of his drink from the bottle into his glass cup, while Chris watched Patrick opening his wine too, as he drank from his owned cup.

"Am fine, doing great as you can see" Chris answered, while he poured out another wine from his bottle to refill his cup and Patrick did same too, taking some sip from his owned glass cup.

"I hadn't heard from you in a while, Did you you travel home?," Patrick asked Chris again finishing his owned glass cup drink and he meet Chris gazed on him whom relaxed and smiled to him.

"Yeah, I did. I traveled home though, for my sister's wedding" Chris replied and Patrick frowned.

"Your sister's wedding? .. And you didn't invited me over to her wedding?," Patrick's frowned deepened, as he stared at Chris disappointedly.

"Am sorry man .. I came to invited you then but I forgot too and thought you would be busy with works to now attend."

"Busy with work?," Patrick asked raising a brow at Chris, as he had also been friends with Chris only sister too, since their childhood days and it pained him that he missed her wedding which was once in a lifetime except she was now divorced.

Staring disappointedly at Chris, Patrick shook his head and sighed while Chris spoked, "Honestly man, the last time I came here visiting you, I came with intention of inviting you to my sister's wedding but I didn't knew how I forgot to invited you over, because that's was the major reason why I came here then."

Chris tried explaining to Patrick as he truly forgot then, but he was happy inwardly, he didn't invited Patrick, because of Tina, And to avoided complicating matters for himself.

"It okay then, since when did the wedding occured?," Patrick finally asked and Chris replied,

"Like the past one month ago now."

"Hmph. It's okay, just give me your sister's phone number as the one I have, Am not sure if it's still connecting. I will call her later when am less busy and apologize to her, and send my own gift to her personally.. You know she's also like a sister and friend to me" Patrick said and Chris replied as he nodded,

"Sure that won't be a problem." Chris took up a pen from Patrick's desk and wrote down his sister's phone contact on a paper and passed it over to Patrick, whom collected it and kept it safely in his drawer and Patrick stared up to Chris again.

"So what's up with you man?," Chris asked meeting Patrick's direct gazed on him.

"Am fine, what else?," Patrick asked faintly, still not feeling happy that he missed Chris only sister's wedding.

"Are you still upset with me?, I told you I honestly forgot," Chris said.

"It okay, Am not. It already passed now and I will call her later when am free. Am not angry with you, just a little tired from today's stress" Patrick replied..

"So how's Anita, hope you both are still good, I mean together?," Chris asked staring intently at Patrick as Chris was curious to knew if Patrick has decided to focused on only Anita, as he was aware before that Patrick didn't knew about his child with Tina, As a result of that night they had, so Chris used style to asked Patrick about his affairs with Anita, since Patrick had already gist him about his relationship before, and Chris still wanted to knew if Patrick still wanted Tina again.

Patrick was quiet at first as he didn't wanted to discussed about Anita but he knew he has already told Chris about Anita situation-ship with him before, and Chris asked him again, "Guy, hope all is well with you?."

"Yes, Am fine. All is well and Anita is fine" Patrick replied calmly.

"But you told me you wanted to break up with Anita before, so did you still broke up with her?," Chris asked as he meet Patrick's eyes.

"Hmm.. Yes, but I didn't really broke up with Anita, I only just told her about the new development," Patrick said and Chris felt his heart skipped a beat and panicked as his eyes darkened while he watched Patrick took a sip from his glass cup to calmed his nerve.

"What new development are you talking about?," Chris asked looking seriously at Patrick, but Patrick wasn't aware of Chris inner feelings.

Patrick just smiled faintly at Chris and he stared away, while swirling his office chair sideways, and he said, "I told Anita about Tina and our baby, as I did travelled home this last time to see my family of recently, and I saw Tina too in the village. Tina has really grown bigger and more beautiful than before."

Patrick smiled to himself as a handsome smile curved on his previous sad face, but Chris was boiling in anger on the inside hearing that Patrick had meet with Tina and Tina never mentioned that to him.

Chris kept a calmed expression on his face, staring at Patrick explaining Tina to him. As Patrick continued smiling sweetly.

"I never knew Tina has a child for me as a result of that fateful night. I was so stunned to see the cute little boy. Most people around her mom's shade said he looked like me, honestly I was embarrassed and couldn't face her mother again after that day," Patrick said as he was telling Chris, whom was trying to controlled his owned rage.

Chris couldn't believed Tina truly meet with Patrick of recently and she never told him about it that she meet Patrick too, not to mentioned, Patrick already now knew about his Child, And Chris was gradually visibly becoming angry thinking about the fact that Tina had secretly seen Patrick behind his back, even though he was still around at that same period of time Patrick claimed he had also travelled home.

Noticing Chris mood changed Patrick gradually stopped talking and asked Chris, "Are you alright bro?."

"Hmph.." Chris sighed. Looking at Patrick, Chris managed to smiled back as he recollected himself and said, "Yeah, am fine. Am just trying to processed what you just said now .. So what happened between you and Anita, did you told her all these?," Chris asked still staring intently at Patrick.

"Yes, I told Anita, but she became angry at me, and walked out on me, claiming I never for once agreed to make love to her without protection, yet I did it with another lady without protection and even went as far as getting the lady pregnant," Patrick replied faintly, as he recap how Anita broke down in tears before him, before she left his mansion.

"So what did you planned on doing now, do you still want to continue with Anita or go back to Tina?" Chris asked Patrick, looking sadly at Patrick.

"I don't know yet, I still love Anita too and I feel sorry for her, and hope we can talk things out amicably" Patrick answered but Chris asked,

"Talk what out amicably?!. What're you trying to talked out with Anita, when you said Tina doesn't love you?."

Patrick was quiet as he stared up at Chris in shocked, for some minute and he thought silently, while Chris asked him again.

"So what do you plan to do now, why not settle with Anita beside, you both have come a long way to now breakup or don't you think she will be emotionally devastated at this moment?."

"Hmph.. But what about my child with Tina, I know Tina doesn't really love me, but I still love her and want her back .." Patrick said sadly,

"But Tina doesn't want you, you said it yourself before and I will advise you to settle back with Anita, while you can adopt back your son to come live with you both, if you still want your child with Tina," Chris advised and Patrick was shocked at what Chris just said to him as he didn't suspected Chris interior motive behind the advised.

Patrick felt sad with the advised Chris gave to him, which sounded like it was the only best option left for him to consider.

Patrick shook his head sadly and stared blankly at Chris and he said, "Thanks for the advice, I'll see to it later."

"Better," Chris stood up to gave Patrick a hand shake before taking his leave and Chris spoked,."Please do Patrick, it's not nice breaking a lady's heart over someone whom doesn't really love you.. Just think about it, and don't dump Anita."

Chris smiled at Patrick and bid to took his leave, and he left Patrick's office, leaving Patrick in deep thinking.