The New Phrase

Patrick has been busy with lot of works and business proposals in City A, as he runs a manufacturing company and most retailing companies and distributors wanted new demands of new golden carved and silver carved furnitures.

Patrick got international visitors as his brand trademark got higher in value and request. He got multiple Noble Awards and tag recognition in city A, as his designs were unique and on high demands.

Patrick hadn't had the time to called Anita, as he had been busy, even on the last Noble Awards ceremony as he meet Anita's older brother, Whom schooled abroad in the States before, but they didn't spoked to each other at first.

Max Bright, had seen Patrick with his sister on photos and he has also searched for Patrick out online to discovered that Patrick runs an international company in their city.

Max was jealous since Patrick was his age-mate and he hated Patrick even before they meet at the Noble prize Awarding ceremony for Elite and top notch personalities in city A.

Max attended the awarding ceremony on behalf of his father Mr Bright whom was busy with other schedules, and his sister, Anita claimed she wasn't attending the awarding ceremony nor telling him her reason either..

Although Max recently returned from the state some couple of months ago and he had been busy processing somethings he did personally aside his father's company and he didn't went home, as he got an apartment of his own, far away from his father's residential villa.

Max wanted to have a private life even though Mr Bright was against him, been Mr Bright first son and heir, his father wanted him closed, at home and with their family always.

Max didn't greeted Patrick when they cross part and meet at the event center as Max felt Anita didn't officially introduced them, even though Max was called by his full name, Max Bright, he felt less concerned if Patrick also truly knew him or not.

Patrick sat at his VIP seat and didn't portrayed any emotion as he watched others stepping out and receiving their honourable Awards, before he was finally called, and he went on stage to collected his own Awards too.

Patrick won two awards, for Best Young male entrepreneur, and Best International Brand Award and Max Bright was jealous as he just had to waited for the event to ended before leaving, as he didn't won any special recognition.

While they were taking pictures at the Red carpet hall, Max crossed path with Patrick again and Patrick finally greeted him as Patrick saw him stepped out in honour to his father Mr Bright.

"Hi, Good evening. You're from Mr Bright family right?. You must be Max Bright, Anita once told me so much about you," Patrick smiled friendly at Max whom managed to answered him, "Yes, Nice to meet you too, Master Patrick Scott."

"Oh you can jus call me Patrick," Patrick replied as they finally shook hands together.

"How's your sister, I mean Anita. I didn't saw her here?," Patrick questioned with a raised brow and Max replied,

"Yeah, Anita's fine and at home. She didn't wanted to come." Max smiled pretentiously at the cameras taking pictures of him and Patrick, And Patrick sighed and replied,

"Hmph. Is well, send my warm regards to her, and tell her that I asked of her."

"Okay," Max replied as he stared at Patrick, wondering - [Why will he be asking me to send his regards to Anita. What happened to your phone bro?], - But Max didn't spoked out his mind as said, "I will."

Patrick and Max took more photos with other top winners presented some awards at the awarding ceremony for Elites before they finally went home.


After Patrick got home, Patrick didn't called Anita since after she left his mansion, when he told her about his son with Tina, as he knew Anita must be really mad at him, but what would he do?.

"I love Anita, but still I cannot compare what I feel for Tina to what I feel for Anita," Patrick murmured.

"The feelings are different.." Patrick said to himself, as he stepped into his living and head upstairs to his bedroom.

"The last time I saw Tina in the Village, when I went visiting her again, my heart skipped a beat like it stopped, and I felt magnetized to Tina, everything about her.. I felt like grabbing her into my arms and kissing her hungrily, hard on her wet lips.. Everything about Tina amaze me, her sexy curves, her brown shinning eyes, her yellow complexion, her height, not too tall nor short, Even as Anita is even taller than Tina, Hmm.."

Patrick smiled thinking about Tina as he really loved her but he thought - [ I think is high time I go visiting Tina's family house in her village, and to see her parents too, As mother won't allow me to rest. Everytime mom is calling me to ask me when will I bring her grandson home for her to see him.. The last call, mom was telling me that was it until she had died before I will finally bring her grandchild home, hmph..]

Patrick had promised his mother that he would brought his son home and she wouldn't be dying anytime soon and he sighed and went into his bedroom to freshen up.


Chris had returned back to City A, Although City A was very big with different local government areas in it, yet the Elites was in the heart of City A, Which was more developed and industrious than other parts of City A that were still under develop.

Chris decided to paid Patrick a visit even though Chris hated Patrick, As ever since Chris discovered that the same lady he fell in love with, and wanted to marry, Was the same girl, Patrick had spoken to him about that he slept with and got pregnant in the past.

Chris decided to visited Patrick to found out if Patrick still wanted Tina or if Patrick had forgotten about Tina and decided to move on with Anita.

When Chris got to Patrick Office at PAT GROUP, Chris was amazed at the new development in Patrick's company, as the security men were much and security became tight compared to the last time he had visited.

Even to saw Patrick, Chris had to queued and took protocol and searched before entering into Patrick's office.

Chris murmured underneath cussed breath as he could've just gone to Patrick's new mansion instead, but he just remembered he didn't even knew where Patrick now lived, As Patrick had told him, he had moved out from his old house because of too much thoughts of Tina too.

Patrick was in a meeting with some of his top managing directors and his personal assistant Dave, while he brief them on the new design he had made.

Patrick had other apprentices working under him and learning from him, so he was a busy teaching them his new crafted design.

Chris had to wait, since he wasn't sure if he would be abled to saw Patrick when next he visited Patrick's office, unless he visited Patrick's home and he still had to collected Patrick's new home address so he waited.

After some few hours of waiting for Patrick. Patrick was thru with his meeting and had returned back to his executive office, where he attended to some other business visitors, And after seeing most of them, Chris finally came in.

"Long time Patrick!" Chris exclaimed, as he walked into Patrick's office and shook hands with Patrick.

"Wow, nice to see you Chris. It had been long though we lastly saw. Since when did you came?," Patrick asked, as he sat down back on his executive black office chair across to Chris, whom also sat on the guest seat facing Patrick.

"Hmph, quite some hours ago, but I decided to wait and to see you. I must confess is every month your company is changing, wow!," Chris whined as he congratulated Patrick, as he stared around inside Patrick's office smiling pretentiously at Patrick.

"Thanks man, Is been God all thru," Patrick replied as he smiled back to Chris, And Patrick asked,

"So how have you been, What may I offer you?."

"Any cold wine, you know my favorite already. Non-alcoholic wine pls," Chris said calmly and Patrick replied, "Sure I know."

Patrick stood up and went to his bar in his office to served Chris his favorite Non-alcoholic wine and he returned back to his office desk and dropped it.