Why Mom?

Tina didn't went back into their house straight after Chris left her father's compound as she knew her mother would reprimanded her for disobeying her.

She couldn't understood why her mother would told her not to marry Chris or date Chris either as to her past knowledge, her mother was the one whom used to be in good terms with Chris firstly before her, As her mother liked Chris and she wondered [What changed?.]

While Tina stood out wondering what changed, with her mother's change in attitudes towards Chris, and her father called her from within," Tina!."

"Yes Dad, you are calling me" Tina went back to the house frontage and sat beside her father whom just came out  and saw her still standing there, sitting on the bench and her father talked to her.

Mr Johnson Praise, Whom was Tina father called Tina to gave her some advice concerning her decision in marrying Chris.

Mr Johnson whom would soon be going out for his village people meeting decided to spend a few minutes talking to Tina as he knew he hadn't played a good fatherly role model as a father to his daughter nor sons, because he had abandoned his children before and left with his girlfriend then, when he was cheating on his wife.

Mr Johnson felt he had lost his respect in his family, but still he had to returned back home and did the things right.

Sitting down on the bench, Papa-Tina spoked, "Tina, I don't as well understand why your mother, is against that young man that came earlier today, But am also certain it has something to do with Godsent father. You should try and talk to your mother about it, to make her understand your choice of marriage, but whomever your choice maybe, you are still my daughter and you will have my full support."

"Okay Papa, I will try and talk to Mama about it. I know she must be angry with me as she told me before not to accept to marry Chris" Tina answered, but just then Mama-Tina heard Tina, as she was just coming out from the house too see if her husband has left for the village meeting, as he forgot his phone inside their room.

"Yes am angry with you Tina," Mama-Tina fumed and Papa-Tina turned to face her.

"What is it again woman, haven't I told you to let your daughter make her choice of husband?," Papa-Tina questioned as he cautioned his wife and was becoming more irritated with her words.

"But she cannot marry that young man, not when Godsent father is still alive and still concerned about her and their child."

"Who told you that Godsent father is concerned about Tina and her child?. Have you ever seen Godsent father here even for once?," Papa-Tina questioned while Mama-Tina gulped.

"Hmph, yes. He used to come to my shade, but then I didn't knew he was Godsent father. Godsent looks so much like him, just that he's dark skin, while Godsent is fair white in complexion" Mama-Tina defended.

"Hmm..." Papa-Tina frowned hearing what his wife just said and then he calmly spoked, "But Tina still has the right to make her decision on whom she want to marry. Not because she got pregnant for Godsent father you should now force her into marrying him. She might not like him, lets still give her the chance to think it thru properly, and stop attacking her, she's still our only daughter."

Papa-Tina stood up from the bench to leave to the village meeting and Mama-Tina called him back and gave to him his phone which he had left behind before..


After Papa-Tina left, Mama-Tina sat down beside Tina on the bench in front of their house and she thought probably she had been to hard on her daughter and she decided to talked to Tina gently to understood her and also saw reasons why she didn't wanted Tina to marry Chris..

"Tina.." Mama-Tina slowly called.

"Yes mom.." Tina replied with a subtly frowned.

"I, Mrs Tonia Williams whom got married to you father, Mr Johnson Praise, could remembered clearly then, during my prime age, that my mother never wanted me to marry your father, Mr Johnson because he was too handsome and overly attractive for a man, As he's very fair in complexion."

Tina sighed and stared back to her mother in surprise and Mama-Tina continued..

"Then my mother, Mrs Williams had told me then that other women would be lusting after your father, because he was too handsome to belong to only one woman, whom was me, but I refused to heed to my mother's advise then as I was so in love with your father and stubbornly insisted on marrying Johnson."

"Hmph.." Tina frowned.

"During the first five years of my marriage with your father, it hadn't been easy, as different women came looking for your father even in our house here. At first, while me and your father was dating in the village, Johnson did loved me because am sexy and curvy shaped, but after I gave birth to you and Richmond, your father changed a little and stared befriending other women, cheating on me.. The more reason why you senior Richmond and Jude with a lot of age-gap not like I couldn't conceive then, but I was always having issues with your father, Johnson with his promiscuous lifestyle," Mama-Tina spoked and Tina frowned deepened.

"I became devoted to church, as I couldn't face my mother and the rest of my family, as my mother had warned me personally before.. What would I said to her about as she clearly warned me before our marriage. So I avoided home and prayed for your father. Hoping that one day Johnson would changed and stop cheating on me and stayed faithful.. But after a while your father changed and I saw he was no longer nagging me nor quarreling with me, and he came back loving me and stopped cheating. but later after I gave birth to Jude your baby brother, A lady named Bami, whom was rumored to be be-friending your father came. She was fair, curvy and also has money. Not just that, the lady took your father away with her to the City, and he abandoned us all, me with my new born baby, Jude."

Tina frowned as her mother remembered her marriage story to her and she saw her mother sobbing and shaking her head sadly making her to sobbed as well.

Mama-Tina sniffed and shook her head again and she spoked to Tina, "Not like I don't want you to marry Chris, but I just want you to have a nuclear family.."

Mama-Tina paused and she continued, "Chris might be claiming he loves you now, but do you think, he will accept Godsent, or even your past knowing you have given birth for another man?."

"Mom!.." Tina sobbed and sniffed too..

"Chris knows about my past and he loves me and I love him too" Tina affirmed calmly and Mama-Tina sighed.

"Hmph.. How about Godsent father, what's that's his name again?," Mama-Tina asked, as she mostly forgot Patrick's name not seeing him often.

"Patrick.." Tina said frowning

"Yes what about him?, Have you tried to talked to him after that time he came to the village to asked of you?."

"No Mom, I don't want him" Tina frowned again and Mama-Tina asked her "Why?. But he's rich and handsome too than Chris and he looks like a kind man."

"Lies mom!. I don't want a handsome man," Tina said defending her love for Chris and Mama-Tina sighed.

"But you should still consider Patrick because of Godsent, I don't know why you don't like him, apart from the fact that you said he took advantage of you, but I see him as a nice man, and a caring person too" Mamatina said.

"Mom, I don't like him, and I won't consider him, when Godsent grows he will understand with me," Tina pouted.

"Really, do you think Chris will accept Godsent or do you intend leaving your son with us to raise for you, while you go to the city with Chris?,"  Mama-Tina questioned as she probe further and Tina frowned hearing what her mother just asked her, and she stammered not knowing if Chris will truly accepted her son to live with them when they eventually get married, or would he asked her to leave Godsent behind in the village while she followed him to the city alone? and she managed to spoked, "Mom, Chris will accept my son, besides Chris do carry and play with Godsent too, whenever his around."

"Hmph.. Is okay then, if you say so" Mama-Tina said as she stood up to went to prepared for her women's town meeting in the village square, which will commence by 4pm as it was Sunday.