At Tina's Mother Shade

"Why didn't you told me all these, that night when I was with you?. Why didn't you?. But Instead what did you do?. You slept with me against my wish, and took away my pride and now you're telling me all these?" Tina stared at Patrick in between sobbed.

"I don't want to have anything to do with you or your people, nor your parents either. Just tell them it was a mistake okay!" Tina yelled but Patrick quickly replied her, "No. Am not going to tell them that. Today's is Friday, by Sunday I will come visiting your family house. I will come visit your parents, at least to seek their forgiveness because I know they will be angry with me too. Have not been able to go see your mom at her shade ever since she knew I was the one responsible, due to our son resembling me, but it okay. I will come visiting this Sunday." Patrick said calmly but Tina fired back.

"No!. Don't come to my family house, just leave me and my son alone."

Patrick stared at Tina speechlessly as Tina was very beautiful but yet very stubborn as well, even though she looked calmed.

Patrick didn't said anything in response and he moved closer to Tina, whom was still carrying Godsent up to her chest, and he meet her gazed on him, but Tina couldn't kept up with his gazed, so she turned her face away, not wanting to meet Patrick's gazed, because her heart was beating erratically and she didn't knew why.

Patrick approached Tina and touched Godsent's hands playfully, standing very closer to Tina, and Tina couldn't moved away from him as she inhaled his cologne and sweet masculine scent, and she gulped, feeling her knees weakened and tempting to shifted away from Patrick, And like Patrick noticed, he pulled Tina into a hugged together with their son, And kissed Tina's cheeks, not minding they were by the roadside and passerby were staring to them.

Patrick deepened his kissed from Tina's cheek to her lips, As Tina struggled to got away from his embraced, but Patrick was taller and also bigger than her, and as well stronger, So Tina bited on his tongue that was invading her mouth as Patrick slowly kissed her.

Although Patrick's tongue tasted sweet in Tina's mouth and Tina unknowingly kissed him back in response to his soft kisses, but when it dawn on her what she just did with Patrick, Tina became embarrassed and bited Patrick, to stopped Patrick from kissing her, But Patrick licked his lips to her embarrassment as their lips finally separated and he smiled with their son instead in Tina's arm, as he spoked to her, "Carry Godsent well so he wont slip off from your hands."

Tina couldn't believed Patrick just kissed her now. She gritted her teethes angrily and didn't wanted to stared at Patrick again. But Patrick smiled at Tina understanding her embarrassment, as he felt Tina kissed him back in returned as that instantly aroused him, but he had to withdrew from the kissed even though he wanted more, Then he spoke.

"I almost forgot to ask you. Do you have a phone so I can be calling you, and to know how you doing?," Patrick stared at Tina, but she responded, "No. Am not giving you my contact. Just go away from me."

Tina stared away from Patrick as she wanted to walked away from him but Patrick asked her, "Why?. Is okay anyways. How about your home address?. I don't really know your house address too, can you help me with it?."

Tina stared at Patrick in silence, but she didn't said anything next as she bited on her lower lips angrily, and started walking away. Walking back to her madam's shop as she had already spent so much time out with Patrick and she hasn't finished what she was sewing before Patrick arrived.

"Ain't you going to give to me your home address?!" Patrick called out to Tina, but Tina didn't stopped nor stared back to him, as she smiled and walked back to her Madam's shop leaving Patrick all alone.

When Tina got back her madam's shop, her madam didn't asked her anything, as she just let Tina in without questioning Tina what was ongoing between Tina and Patrick.

Tina went on sewing what she was sewing before and Patrick returned and greeted Tina's madam, "Goodbye madam," before entering into his G-class Jeep and leaving for home, back to his village.

When Tina got home she didn't told her mother that Patrick visited her at her seamstress madam's workshop, as she kept mute about it and was happy she didn't gave Patrick her home address or phone number either.

Tina thought she had nothing to worry about, as she knew Patrick didn't knew his way to her father's house either.

But the following day, Patrick decided to visited Mama-Tina at her shade. Although Patrick's knew he hadn't seen Mama-Tina since the day, one of her customer actually embarrassed him and called him Godsent father, but he still had to saw Mama-Tina as he knew Tina was stubborn and has also refused given him her contact nor house address either.

Patrick arrived the market square and parked his car on the opposite side, where he normally parked it whenever he visited Mama-Tina shade, and Mama-Tina was busy attending to some of her customers, so she didn't noticed when Patrick arrived.

After Mama-Tina was thru attending to her customers, She finally noticed Patrick's presence. Even as Patrick had added some weight and muscles, as Patrick looked more masculine than the last time Mama-Tina had seen him, Patrick still resembled Godsent so much, so Mama-Tina didn't doubted Patrick was the one, Only that Patrick seemed tired like one that hadn't slept for some days..

Patrick approached and greeted her nervously, "Good afternoon ma."

"Yes, Good afternoon my son, welcome. Ah!, it been long we saw you lastly. How's family, how's your work?," Mama-Tina asked smiling sweetly at Patrick whom seemed surprised, as he had thought Mama-Tina would embarrassed him.

"Fine ma. Everything is fine. How's your business ma?," Patrick asked in relieved, seeing Mama-Tina was happy to saw him and she replied,

"Fine my son. Have you seen my daughter?. You know Tina is no longer coming with me here to my shade, as she's now a tailor."

"Yes ma, I have seen her. I saw her yesterday, together with Godsent" Patrick spoked calmly, wondering if Tina already told her mother of his visit yesterday, but she didn't as Mama-Tina looked surprised.

"Oo!, You mean you've already seen my daughter yesterday?. Wow, That silly girl didn't told me anything.. Anyways don't mind her, you can have a seat," Mama-Tina finally offered Patrick a stool and Patrick sat calmly and sighed.

After attending to some of her important customers and the few that lastly arrived, Mama-Tina sat down with Patrick as Jude finally arrived from home, and was helping her to attend to some of her customer arriving, that were coming one by one.

Richmond also arrived, just as Mama-Tina was discussing with Patrick, as Richmond had been disturbing Mama-Tina to come see Alex father.

Richmond hasn't meet with Patrick before except for Jude, but he knew Patrick, as he had seen Patrick on front Magazine posters, and Alex father do talked to him about Patrick, whenever he was discussing with his other apprentices on the new design they wanted to created.

Richmond was stunned and blinked his eyes, hoping he wasn't seeing double, and he quickly greeted Patrick to be sure of whom he was seeing.

"Good afternoon sir."

"Yeah, good afternoon." Patrick replied as he stared at Richmond and saw the resemblance of the boy greeting him to seemed to looked like Tina, just that Richmond was a black boy, so Patrick assumed he was Tina's brother.

"How are you doing?," Patrick asked Richmond calmly, whom excitedly replied,. "Am fine sir."

Richmond finally turned to disturbed his mother as to why he was at her shade.

"What is it, don't you see am having a visitor?," Mama-Tina asked, smiling at Richmond, as she already knew why Richmond was there.

"Mom.." Richmond wanted to spoked but Mama-Tina quickly responded to him, "Don't worry I will come see Alex father but that will be next weekend. Go and help your brother now, later we will discuss."

"Are you sure mom?" Richmond still asked and Mama-Tina replied, "You heard me. Go look for customers, so we can see money to pay for your registration."

"Okay mom" Richmond smiled and left his mother's side, and he went to sat next to Jude on the bench in front of his mother's shade to attended to Mama-Tina's customers arriving, while Mama-Tina sighed and Patrick stared at them not interfering as he finally asked, "Mama, why didn't you took a shop in the back instead of this shade?."