Special Visitor

Mama-Tina smiled at Patrick and Patrick quickly shook his head in understanding.

"Is okay ma'am. I understand, but if you still see any shop available, you can let me know. I don't mind buying it for you, or paying the rent for you. So you won't be under the sun" Patrick offered.

"Thank you my son. if I see a shop, I will let you know" Mama-Tina replied as she smiled to Patrick whom finally spoked.

"Okay mama. But I will like to visit your place this Sunday. And that's tomorrow. Although I've been asking Tina for your house address, but Tina didn't wanted to gave it to me?."

"Really don't mind Tina. Here's my phone contact. So you can call me whenever you are coming to see us" Mama-Tina called out her phone number to Patrick, and Patrick dialed on her contact and save her line on his phone, While Mama-Tina explained her house address to Patrick and asked Jude to searched for a paper and wrote out their address for Patrick.

After spending some few more time with Mama-Tina at her shade, Patrick finally thanked her and stood up to took his leave, as he promised to visited them the following Sunday.

The following Sunday morning, Tina woke up early and prepared to took Godsent to church, as they both went to church, leaving her family at home, As her brothers together with her mother had to prepared for the second church services.

While Tina and Godsent attended the first church service that finally ended. To Tina's surprised, her mother didn't even prepared to went to church at all, As Tina returned back from church, and saw her mother busy in the kitchen cooking special delicacy.

As if it was before, Tina would've meet her mother in church as soon as the first church service ended, as her mother would be waiting to went inside for the second church service, But instead her mother was rather at home in her house wear, cooking in the kitchen and Tina wondered why her mother didn't prepared to left to church.

"Mom are you not going to church today?, This one you've not even dressed up yet or ready leave to church?," Tina asked as she stepped into their local kitchen at the back of their house.

"Yes my daughter. Am not going to church today, as we will be having a very important visitor coming. So I want to make some special delicacies. In case, you know, so we don't look poor," Mama-Tina replied happily still preparing the food ingredients she was about to cook.

"Mom, What special visitor are you talking about?. Who's coming to visit us?, You didn't told me anything about this why?," Tina asked with a raised brow, staring at her mother in disbelief,

"Well yes. I didn't told you as I forgot too and I just remembered this morning but then you've already left to church"  Mama-Tina replied.

"So whose coming mom?. Who's the special visitor?," Tina asked curiously again and Mama-Tina replied,

"Don't worry. You will see them when they eventually arrive."

"Mom, how many people are coming?," Tina asked but Mama-Tina dismissed her,

"Tina. Just go in and change your church clothes then you come to help me here in the kitchen first, to prepare the food. You've already asked me enough question and have answered you. Now go in and change to come help me out, I will be waiting."

Mama-Tina stayed busy arranging the chicken sauce she wanted to cooked while Tina didn't questioned her mother again as she went into the house to change her church-wear to a much comfortable home-wear. And as Tina was about stepping out, She saw a missed call from Chris, as she decided to checked on her phone and she immediately called Chris back, whom requested to saw her on live video chat.

"Hi,I had called you earlier, but seemed you went to church today?," Chris asked as he stared to Tina's pretty face on his phone screen.

"Yeah, I did. How about you?. I just came back now as you can see am still dressed but will soon change my cloth, so how about you, did you went to church today?," Tina asked Chris smiling to him and Chris replied,

"Well I didn't Have been stressed of lately, so I decided to rest at home, thinking about you, what are you about to do now?."

"Nothing, Just want to change my cloth again and go help my mom out in the kitchen, as she said we will be having a special visitor today," Tina informed Chris.

"Did she tell you whom the special visitor is?" Chris asked suspiciously.

"Nope, I don't know, but I haven't eaten, so I have to go help mom out now. We can chat later okay. Bye love you," Tina bid Chris goodbye on her phone as she hurriedly hung up, to changed her church cloth to her home wear, and also that of Godsent too.

Tina's brothers, Jude and Richmond had both gone to church for the second church service, as Tina also meet them in church before returning home. Then Tina went out to helped her mother in the kitchen, while she put Godsent down and gave him a biscuit that she had bought for Godsent, when they were returning back from church.

Mama-Tina was happy preparing the white rice and chicken stew, as she didn't dared to told Tina that Patrick was the one coming to visit them.

Mama-Tina knew, since Patrick had told her that Tina didn't wanted him to visited them that Tina had also refused giving Patrick their address. So Mama-Tina understood that Tina was still hurting and didn't liked Patrick, as that was probably the reason why Tina had refused him from coming to visited them.

But not in Mama-Tina own case as she liked Patrick honestly and wanted him to marry Tina other than Chris.

Mama-Tina didn't truly liked Chris, as she felt Chris was not transparent enough, and she feared Chris might someday changed just like how her husband did to her, but Mama-Tina couldn't confused Tina on her fears about Chris.

Tina seemed to be head over heels in love with Chris and Mama-Tina despised that.

Mama-Tina finished cooking the rice with chicken stew and just then, Richmond and Jude arrived home from church, As Papa-Tina was already around, as he had earlier went to one of his friend compound to discussed about their village town meeting, as his friend wouldn't be around in the afternoon.

Mama-Tina served the delicious food round to her whole family, whom sat quietly eating, then she after their lunch in their parlour. Mama-Tina spoked to her husband of Patrick coming to visited them, As Tina had already gone to the backyard, to resuming washing of Godsent used clothes, As Godsent rather peeped on himself and played to the ground.

Papa-Tina didn't said anything in response but spoked, "You all should call me when the visitor arrive. Am going back inside to rest."


Patrick had prepared earlier to leave for Tina's village, Although his village wasn't that far to Tina's village but he had some visitors and he decided to saw them off first, before leaving to Tina's village.

Patrick was seen as a noble man because he had money and was a young billionaire in his Village.

Patrick's village people respected him like Patrick was a prince, As some even offered their beautiful daughters to him, to come helped served him as a maid, but Patrick refused, knowing their plans.

Patrick had explained to them that he didn't needed any maid in the village except if his mother wanted one, as he had reenforced the security in his hometown, so his village people wouldn't be coming to disturbed him with their problems whenever they felt like or knowing of his whereabouts or when he was around.

After seeing his guest off, Patrick told his mother, "Mom, I'll be leaving to the next neighboring village."

"Okay Patrick," Mama-Patrick replied, but Patrick's youngest sister, Amanda whom had packed her bags feared that probably Patrick wanted to used styled to ran away back to the city, leaving her behind, so she frowned and insisted on following Patrick to wherever he was going too, startling Patrick whom stared at Amanda in disbelief and Patrick asked her, "Where do you think am going too that you are insisting on following me?."

"Big bro I don't know oo!, but wherever you're going too, I will follow you, before you use style and leave me behind in this village," Amanda deadpanned and Patrick bursted out laughing first before he calmed down from his laughter and said, "Amanda, Am not leaving you behind, Am not yet going back self today, I want to go and see my baby and wife to be.'

Patrick announced and Amanda gasped.

"Really brother?," Amanda's face lit up in joy and she still insisted, "Then I will follow you, As I also want to see them too. Please, can I follow you?."

Amanda happily begged Patrick not to said no, as she was also eager to saw Patrick's baby and Patrick finally agreed for Amanda to followed him, as he bid his mother, "Goodbye mom, We will be back home soon."

Mama-Patrick only smiled as she watched Patrick left with Amanda sitting in his G-class Jeep front.