Arriving at Tina's village also called, Ochanda village as the market square was named after the village. Patrick called Mama-Tina on phone and followed the direction Mama-Tina previously told him that led to their house.
When Patrick arrived in front of Tina's father's house, Patrick whined down his Jeep window to asked a neighbor he saw staring to him, if the house he was seeing, was Mama-Tina's compound.
Although the jealous looking neighbors was already wondering "Who's this one that parked Jeep here?."
So when Patrick whined down his glass and asked he, "Is this compound in front of me Mama-Tina's house?."
The neighbor gasped as she stared at Patrick seated in Jeep with admiration written all over her face, that she forgot to answered Patrick's questioned until Amanda waved her right hands to the young lady.
"Hello..?" Amanda waved her hands up, startling the young lady standing out in front of their owned yard, and the neighbor smiled sweetly at them.
"Yes, Sure that's Mama-Tina's compound. You're welcome" The female teen neighbor replied pointing to Mama-Tina house and Patrick replied her, "Thank you," As his window automatically whined up back.
As Patrick drove into Mama-Tina compound and parked, The female teen neighbor started gossiping with her older sister whom already came out and saw her junior sister talking to the person in the Jeep and she asked, "Whom are those people?."
"Sister, I don't know oo. But you needed to have handsome that guy was" The female teen neighbor replied her big sister as she couldn't stopped gushing over Patrick.
"Whom are they looking for?."
"Who else?, Mama-Tina off course. Am beginning to wonder all these guys in cars that are coming to her compound might be coming for Tina, What else could be attracting those handsome guys here?" The female teen neighbor rants and her elder sister replied, "Well that one concerns them. Was that not how her mother hid her pregnancy, until Tina gave birth and come back home. Who knew then that Tina could got pregnant, or they're noe using Tina to do prostitution, who knows?. At first I had thought Tina was holy holy girl, Who would've thought Tina had slept with a man?. Anyways that's their business. Am coming let me go out and buy something from that shop over there" The female teen neighbor big sister dismissed their discussion about Tina and left to bought why she came out.
Patrick drove into Tina's father yard and parked. And as soon as he stepped down, he was welcomed by Mama-Tina whom was already outside and happily greeting him welcome.
"Good afternoon Mama" Patrick greeted Mama-Tina alongside his sister, Amanda whom also stepped down too.
"You are welcome my son. Who's she?. Is she your sister?" Mama-Tina asked, smiling sweetly at Amanda too.
"Yes Mama, She's my mom last born and insisted on following me here" Patrick responded.
"Oo! My beautiful daughter-in-law you're welcome. Come inside, let go in" Mama-Tina ushered Patrick and Amanda into their parlour.
Tina was still at the backyard, as she was helping Godsent clean up from the dust he had rolled into.
Tina put on a new cloth for Godsent after pooing on himself, so she bathed him at the backyard and helped him wore on a new cloth, as her mind wasn't even there or aware that the special visitor her mother spoked about, had arrived.
Richmond and Jude came out and greeted Patrick and his sister, As Richmond was as fair as Tina, together with their father but Jude wasn't, as Jude was a dark skin handsome boy like his mother, but Jude still resembles Tina too but he wasn't fair.
Patrick sat down and he asked Mama-Tina, "Mama what of Tina?. I haven't seen her yet, did she went out with her friends?."
"No, She's at the backyard with Godsent" Mama-Tina smiled at Patrick.
"Okay mama" Patrick got relief knowing Tina was around, but he still feared how Tina might reacted when she stepped in and meet him in her family house, as he stared around their poor looking parlour with tattered couch.
Mama-Tina asked him, "What will you like to eat?. Will you like to eat rice and the chicken stew, I made it specially for you?."
Mama-Tina smiled and Patrick couldn't rejected Mama-Tina's food, so he replied "Yes," Still anticipating Tina's reaction as Mama-Tina went in to served him his food, together with his sister's own.
Tina friend from her seamstress workshop came visiting her, as the young lady was also fond of carrying Godsent about. She liked and admired Godsent so much, so she used because of Godsent to be visiting Tina's father house every Sunday, when they were off work, so she could played with Godsent.
As soon as she knocked she stepped in, not waiting for Tina or anyone's response, since she was already familiar with Tina's family, She stared to Patrick and Amanda in shocked, As she just badged in and was startled to seeing how elegant the visitor looked.
Stella immediately recognized Patrick as the same man that had previously came to her madam's shop the other day, so she smiled and quickly greeted Patrick, "Good afternoon sir," Just as Mama-Tina came out and served Patrick his food together with his sister's own.
"Good afternoon Mama, What of Tina?" Stella greeted Mama-Tina and asked of Tina while Mama-Tina responded with a smile curved on her pretty old face.
"Oo, welcome Stella, Tina's at the backyard" Mama-Tina replied.
"What of my small husband?" Stella asked not minding if the visitors heard her or not.
"He's with her there too" Mama-Tina responded while Stella followed the parlour door and went thru it passage to stepped out at the backyard and meet Tina there.
Tina had already finished putting on Godsent pampers and his short, as she was about wearing him his top, Stella approached her.
"Oo, see my cute small hubby chest"
Stella praised little Godsent while Tina smiled to her friend.
"When did you come?" Tina asked Stella smiling as Stella played with Godsent.
"Just now. Seems you people have visitors, I saw some.."
"Really they're here already?" Tina asked excitedly as she didn't even allowed Stella to finished her words, And Tina quickly replied to her and hurriedly wore Godsent his little top.
"Stella seems you will be going home, Later we will see, or I will come to your place later in the evening. I have to go inside now and greet out visitors" Tina said apologetically to Stella whom frowned, but before Stella could refused Mama-Tina came out and called "Tina" by herself, making Stella to had no other choice than to went back home, and Stella waved to Godsent goodbye, giving him the biscuits she had bought for him on her way coming.
Mama-Tina waited for Tina to came inside, as Tina actually escorted Stella off to their street, but when Tina stepped in, Tina was shocked to saw Patrick seated in her father's parlour and also eating like he was in his home together with a lady that looked like she came with Patrick too.
Tina was so shocked beyond words as at first Tina saw the Jeep parked outside, after she had escorted Stella off, whom insisted that Tina must escorted her before she leaves, but Tina didn't recognized the Jeep to be the same as the one Patrick had used the previous day he came visiting her at her Madam's shop.
Tina admired the Jeep parked in her father's house, as she stared a little at the Jeep before coming inside.
Now seeing Patrick seated in her parlour and eating like he was in his home, Tina blood rise as their eyes meet and Tina yelled on top of her voice, "What's the meaning of this?!, Mama what's he doing here?."
Tina turned to face her mother and she stared back to Patrick and asked, "Why're you here?. And how did you know this place?."
Papa-Tina was already coming out to the parlour as he heard his daughter screamed, he rushed out immediately, and saw the young man and the lady seated that he assumed them to be the visitors his wife had previously told him about, That were coming so he scolded Tina immediately.
"Tina comport yourself, show some respect" Papa-Tina scolded as came out and scolded Tina, while Patrick stood up immediately and greeted Papa-Tina as he hadn't seen Tina's father before.
"Good afternoon sir" Patrick greeted respectably.
"Welcome" Papa-Tina replied calmly and he added, "Don't mind my daughter, you are who by the way?."
Papa-Tina meet Patrick's gazed and Patrick Introduced himself while Tina was silent and almost sobbing.
"Patrick sir, My name is Patrick Scott and she's my younger sister, Amanda," Patrick replied, pointing at Amanda as he introduced themselves to Papa-Tina, but Tina quickly interfered, "Papa, I don't want to see him here!."
"Why Tina?" Papa-Tina paused and asked Tina sadly, staring from Patrick to Tina confusedly and Mama-Tina quickly chipped in.
"Don't mind Tina. She's just creating an unnecessary scene here."
"Mother!" Tina exclaimed and stared at her mother in shocked and she angrily went in with Godsent in her arms, while Patrick frowned, knowing Tina still didn't wanted to saw him nor forgave him.