Back To Ochanda

Tina couldn't resisted Patrick as she knew he already knew her weak point.

Patrick was too handsome and cute for her to resisted and she wanted him to be touching her all over, as she had pretended to hate him so as to suppress the urge she has for him, but then Patrick broke all the boundaries touching her .

Tina melted to Patrick's touched and she grabbed him closer this time kissing him too hungrily, As she has been feeling hot and horny since when she was outside thinking about him and her stay in his village.

Tina felt pity for Chris knowing that she has betrayed his trust and she knew at these very moment she might not be able to go back to Chris nor looked him in the eye again after making love with Patrick not more than once.

Tina moaned as she didn't rejected Patrick, as she has came to the term that she truly has feelings for Patrick too, maybe it was with the way he touched and played with her.

Tina rubbed her hands all over Patrick, as they were both kissing, And Patrick carried her up and brought her to his bed.

Patrick dropped her gently as he gently unzip her clothes still kissing her too.

Tina didn't stopped him instead she encourage the act as she touched him in between his thigh to feel his hardness, as she loved him and she knew it was either lust or love that was worrying her towards Patrick.

Patrick made love to Tina that night and it became a norm for both of them thru out Tina's stay in Ujunwa village, As she never resisted making love with Patrick nor getting angry at him again, Instead sometimes she hugged him from behind touching him inappropriately too and turning him on, while Patrick takes her to his room and made series of love to her.

Tina never bothered switching on her phone again as obviously she wasn't yet ready to face Chris. She thought of a lie she will told Chris when Chris eventually called her.

Anyways it was time for Tina and her son to go back to their Village.

Tina didn't came with anything before other than her handbag where she kept her phone and some of Godsent things, so there was nothing for her to pack, but Patrick's immediate younger sister Cindy told Tina to carry the dresses she had given to Tina before, to used during her stay in their place and to took it along with her, saying out that,

"The dress suits you more than me self!, You needed to have seen how you were looking so beautiful in it. I could've taken you pictures, but I don't want to disturb your honeymoon with my brother" Cindy told her and Tina blushed embarrassedly at what Cindy just said to her, And Tina wondered if Cindy hadn't came to peep on her with Patrick but like Cindy noticed her imagination and she told Tina,

"Don't go thinking too much, The security guards wouldn't even allowed us go upstairs to Patrick's room. Not to talk going to spy on you both, unless to bring him food or send him message. Am sure you are also seeing how they secure."

Cindy explained to ease Tina's embarrassed looked on her face and prevented any sort or worrying that wanted to form on Tina's mind, then Cindy helped Tina package her handbag while they both went out of Patrick's room to the garage, where Patrick's car was waiting.

Patrick was also leaving for City A, as he had some important things to do, so he would be going with Tina and their son to Ochabda, once he dropped Tina at her father's house and greeted her parents, he will then leave to city A.

Mama-Patrick stepped out to bide them farewell, as she was going to missed Tina and her grandson, so she told Tina,

"Don't worry my daughter, Once my son comes home next week or so, we will come pay your dowry and do all the necessary things for the marital rite at once, Okay."

"Okay ma" Tina replied Mama-Patrick smiling and she finally entered into Patrick's car with Godsent, while Patrick drove off with them to Ochanda village.


Patrick and Tina left early so they arrived Ochanda village at noon.

Mamatina was very happy to see them, as she couldn't believed that her daughter would spent up to a week in Patrick's village.

At first she had feared maybe Tina would cause trouble out of rage there or behaved stubbornly so that Patrick's family would sent her away or not wanting their son to marry her, but to her surprise, whenever she called Patrick to check-up on them, as Tina's phone wasn't going thru, Patrick didn't complained to her about anything but told her Tina was fine and doing well.

"Good afternoon Mama" Tina happily stepped down and greeted her mother, whom replied, "You are back. You're all welcome."

"My son" Mama-Tina said, turning to Patrick as he also stepped out of his car to greet them.

"My in-law, You are welcome my son", Mama-Tina praised Patrick as she welcomed him inside and Patrick greeted her respectfully smiling.

"Good afternoon ma."

Papa-Tina was inside their parlour so when they all got in, Patrick and Tina greeted her father, "Good afternoon Papa."

"You are welcome my daughter, How has been your journey, how are you people?" Papa-Tina asked both Tina and Patrick simultaneously, whom greeted him respectively.

"Am fine Papa" Tina spoked first.abd Patrick replied, "They are all fine Sir."

"Good" Papa-Tina spoked.

"My son, will you like to eat? I prepared your favorite" Mama-Tina asked Patrick as she stood up wanting to go serve him something to eat, but Patrick thanked her instead as he normally didn't used to rejected Mama-Tina's food, so he couldn't reject it now either.

"Mama, you are always preparing his favorite, don't worry I will help him to eat it, As he will be living for the city today, so I don't think he will have enough time to eat your special meal" Tina replied sharply to her mother, but Patrick stopped her saying,

"Don't mind her Mama, even though is little I will eat it, bring it."

Mama-Tina smiled to Patrick and said, "Really, you will be going back to the city today, so when are we going to see you again?" Mama-Tina asked, and Patrick replied,

"Don't worry Mama, I will be back soon" Patrick smiled.

"So my son how are your people, I hope you all treated my daughter and grandson well, as am sure she didn't give you any issue?" Papa-Tina asked, just as his wife went in to served Patrick a small food, so he could ate something, before leaving.

"They are all fine Sir" Patrick replied him again.

"So when are you coming with your people to pay my daughter bride price, and marry her accordingly as demand by your traditions and customs, or would you like me to give her out to someone else?" Papa-Tina asked again, looking intently at Patrick whom quickly replied,

"No Papa, we have already made all the necessary arrangements. When I come back next weekend, I will come with my people to marry her accordingly" Patrick said smiling as he looked at Tina.

Just then Mama-Tina came out with small food served in a tray with plate and spoon and she brought it closer to Patrick but Tina asked her, "Mama, where is my own food too now?."

"Taah!, Get away, go in and put your food by yourself, or you can eat later, this one is specially for your husband" Mama-Tina said and Tina smiled ignoring her mother as she joined Patrick to ate his food.

Tina took a spoon full from his plate and ran inside before her mother could spank her, laughing..

"Don't mind her my son, I really don't know where she got her naughtiness from" Mama-Tina told Patrick looking suspiciously at her husband.

Papa-Tina noticed his wife suspicious gazed at him and he quickly replied her,

"Woman what do you mean by that?, Isn't she your daughter, like mother like daughter they say."

Patrick just smiled hearing the old couple, and he told Mama-Tina,, "Mama don't worry I can manage this, am okay."

Patrick ate his food silently, while Papa-Tina stood up and want to leave as he had a village meeting to attended too and he turned and wished Patrick a safe journey.

"Safe journey to the city my son, Am going out now, I just had to waited for you both to returned first, before i leave for our village meeting, go well" spoked Papa-Tina.

"Okay Papa, thank you sir" Patrick replied as he quickly ate his food.